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Fw: [IAC-SF] Anti-Occupation Offensive Sweeps Iraq/ Protest June 30

----- Original Message ----- 
From: International Action Center 
To: iac-sf at organizerweb.com 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:49 PM
Subject: [IAC-SF] Anti-Occupation Offensive Sweeps Iraq/ Protest June 30 


Bring The Troops Home Now! 
June 30 Protests on the Date of Fake "Turnover of Sovereignty" in Iraq 

Wednesday, June 30, 5pm - Union Square, San Francisco

The only solution to the deepening crisis in Iraq is to end the occupation now. 
Today's coordinated attacks in at least six Iraqi cities are the clearest sign 
that the resistance to the U.S. occupation is growing, and that all U.S. 
official claims of 'progress' are nothing but pure fiction. This is reminiscent 
of government claims of seeing "the light at the end of the tunnel" during the 
Vietnam War. 

The intensifying fighting across Iraq demonstrates that the Bush 
administration's latest maneuver -- installing a new "interim government" while 
140,000 U.S. troops continue to occupy Iraq -- has fooled no one, least of all 
the Iraqi people.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, together with other anti-war organizations around 
the world, has called for demonstrations on June 30, denouncing this fake 
"sovereignty" and calling for the Bush regime to bring the troops home now. The 
only real turnover of power on June 30 will be from U.S. outgoing U.S. dictator 
L. Paul Bremer to incoming U.S. dictator John Negroponte.

Every person in this country should ask this question: How many more Iraqi 
people and U.S. soldiers must die for a war based entirely on lies? 

Some may say, the U.S. can't just pull out, there would be chaos. But the U.S. 
invasion and occupation has created chaos and torn apart Iraqi society. The 
Iraqi people have the capacity and the right to run their own country - that is 
the elementary right to self-determination.

PROTEST Wed. June 30, 5 pm
Union Square, San Francisco
(Powell St. BART)
Say NO to Fake Sovereignty
Bring the Troops Home NOW

For more information call 415-821-6545
answer at actionsf.org  


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