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Invitation to International Conference on An End to Occupation, Brussels, July 3-5,2004

Dear Friend,

You are invited to attend the Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace 3 rd
International Conference on  An   End to Occupation, A Just Peace in
Israel-Palestine: An   International Network in Action at the  Universit
Libre de Bruxelles , Brussels,   Belgium  on July 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th ,
2004 .

For information on registration, hotels and directions, please go to our web
site, <http://www.ffipp.org/>

Please share the invitation with your colleagues, members and affiliated
organizations. Thank you.

We are looking forward to see you in Brussels.

For peace and justice,

Yoav Elinevsky

Faculty For Israeli - Palestinian Peace, FFIPP, Executive Committee


Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace :
The 3 rd International Conference on
An   End to Occupation, A Just Peace in Israel-Palestine:
An   International Network in Action

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Brussels,   Belgium
July 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th , 2004

I.              Background

An   urgent international conference entitled An End to Occupation, A Just
Peace   in Israel-Palestine: The Role of Academia , was held in Tel Aviv
University in June 2003, with a strong participation of Palestinian, Israeli
and International academics. It was seen as a landmark in mobilizing the
Academia worldwide to promote an end of the Israeli occupation of 1967, as
well as the establishment of a just peace in Israel-Palestine. A second
conference, with a much larger participation, from many countries, was held
in E.   Jerusalem in January, 2004. It proposed to continue and build upon
the momentum   created by the first conference in order to promote similar
objectives, but   with an explicit recognition of the regional context.

The first conference called on academics worldwide to join in an effort to
make a difference. Since then, the territorial domains of daily violence
have   even expanded. An international mobilization of public opinion and
action seem   more urgent now. We, therefore, urge groups, networks and
institutions sharing   our objectives- an end to all occupations, a just
peace, democracy, political   sovereignty and regional security- to endorse
our call for an International   Network for Peace, Justice and Democracy in
the Middle East (FFIPP-International).

Along   with educating academics and others, the creation of the
International Network   and the urgent mobilization of academia worldwide
are among the immediate   objectives of the Brussels conference.

II.                               Sponsors

FFIPP -   Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. FFIPP is a US-based network
of faculty-   with affiliates in Israel and Palestine- endeavoring to
achieve an end of   Israeli occupation of lands seized in the 1967 war, as
well as a just peace in   Israel/Palestine and the region as a whole (
http://www.ffipp.org ).


MIFTAH --   a non-governmental non-partisan Jerusalem-based institution
dedicated to   fostering democracy and good governance within the
Palestinian Society in a   manner that promotes public accountability and
transparency while maintaining   the free flow of information and ideas.(
http://www.miftah.org/ ).

The   Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) is a Palestinian,
non-governmental, non-profit organization   established in 1990 to provide
comprehensive community mental health services   to the population of the
Gaza Strip including therapy, training and research.   It is one of the
leading mental health organizations in Palestine. http://www.gcmhp.net

Hacampus   Lo Shotek - The Campus will   not Stay Silent, an organization of
students and faculty in Israeli   universities and colleges, dedicated to
campus activities against the   occupation and for a just peace in Israel
Palestine (Website of the Jerusalem   group- http://www.hacampus.org ).

MERIP -   The Middle East Research and Information Project-- a non-profit,
non-governmental and completely independent organization based in
Washington,   DC. It aims to provide information and analysis on the Middle
East that would be picked up by the existing media ( http://www.merip.org).

Preliminary   Program

Saturday, July   3, 2004

8:30-9:15              Registration and Coffee :

9:15-9:30           Welcome

            Conference Moderators:

9.30-11:00       Opening Plenary

            Guests of Honor:

Prof.   Ahmed Okasha, Egypt.
President,   World   Psychiatric Association
Director, WHO   Collaborating Center for Training and Research, Institute of
Psychiatry,   Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

 Keynote   Speaker:

Eric   Rouleau, France.

Ambassador to Tunisia 1985-1986
Ambassador to Turkey 1988-1992
Middle East correspondent of Le Monde , France

11:00-12:30              Higher Education in Palestine and the Defense of
Academic   Freedom:


Prof. Waleed Deeb,

            President, Arab American University-Jenin


[University   Officials, names at a   later draft ]

Prof   Judith Butler, USA
University of California,   Berkeley

Pierre   Galand, Belgium
Advisor to the Rector, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Senate member, Belgium

Prof. Anat   Biletzki, Israel
Chair,   Dept of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University

Prof.   Stephen Bronner, USA
Rutgers University.

Prof.   Annick Suzor-Weiner, France
VP, Director, International Relations, Universite Paris-Sud

 12:30-13:30              Lunch break:

13.30-16.00              The Wall, the Settlements and   the Occupation:
Which Way Forward?

Chair :
Prof. Everett Mendelsohn, USA
Harvard University

Part   I:


Prof.   Isaac Jad, Palestine
Director,   Applied Research Institute Jerusalem

Prof.   Oren Yiftachel, Israel
Ben-Gurion University,

 Part   II.


Prof. Salim Tamari, Palestine
Institute   for Palestinian Studies; Birzeit University

Dr. Yossi Alpher, Israel
Former   director, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv
University;   Co-editor, Bitterlemons.org

Prof.   Naomi Chazan, Israel
Hebrew   University, former member of the Knesset

 16.00-16.30 Coffee break :

16.30 -18.00 Report from Peace Groups in   Israel-Palestine:

 Chair :


Prof. Reuven Kaminer, Israel
Hebrew University, Parents Forum (of Refusniks, including his grandson)

T'ayush,   Israel-Palestine

B'Tselem, Israel

PALISAD,   Israel-Palestine

Prof. Frederic   Lapeyre ,Belgium
Universite   Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve

 19:30-21:30 Conference Reception: Brussels Town hall

Sunday, July 4,   2004

 8:45 -10:45 Reconciliation Today, Peace Tomorrow:

Chair :


Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, Palestine
Chairman. The Gaza Community   Mental Health Programm (GCMHP)

Dr. Shulamit Aloni, Israel
Former   Cabinet and Knesset member

Prof. Ali El Saman, Egypt
VP   and Director, Al Azhar Committee for Interrelegious Affairs

Prof.   Johan Galtung, Norway
Founder,   International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
The European Peace University, University of Tromsoe

Prof.   Valérie Rosoux, Belgium
Université   catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve

Prof. Jacqueline Rose, UK
Queen Mary and   Westfield College, London University,
Advisory Board, FFIPP-International

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

11:15 -13:15  The   Role of the European Union:

 Chair :


Prof. Etienne Balibar, France
Université   de Paris-Nanterre; UC Irvine

Prof. Adi Ophir, Israel
Tel   Aviv University

Mr. Michael Leigh, EU (to be confirmed)
Deputy   Director General, South Mediterranean, European Commission

Mr. Marc   Otte, EU (to be confirmed)
Special   Representative for the Middle East Peace Process

Ms.   Luisa Morgantini, EU (tbc)
Member, European Parliament

13:15-14:15 Lunch Break :

 14:30-16:00 Group Discussions: Proposals for   Action:

 16:00-16:30  Coffee break :

 16:30-18:00  Closing Plenary

 Keynote Speaker:
Professor Jacques Derrida, France
Director d'Etudes, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Monday, July 5,   2004

8:45-10:15  Group Reports

Organizing   Committee

Prof.   Salim Tamari, Palestine

Dr.   Eyad El Sarraj, Palestine

Simone   Susskind, Belgium

Prof.   Victor Ginsburgh, Belgium

Dr.   Daphna Golan, Israel

Prof.   Lynne Segal, UK

Dr.   Richard Kuper, UK

Prof.   Everett Mendelsohn, USA

Prof.   Arnon Hadar, USA (International Coordinator)

Local   Organizing Group

Victor   Ginsburgh, Coordinator (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Jacques   Aghion (Université de Liège),

Mateo   Alaluf (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Willy   Bauwens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel),

Géraldine   Brausch (Université de Liège),

Eric   David (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Pierre   Dehez (Université catholique de Louvain),

Jacques   Drèze (Université catholique de Louvain),

Henri   Hurwitz (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Paul   Jacobs (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Claude   Joiris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel),

Léon   Ingber (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Paul   Sintzoff (Université catholique de Louvain),

Stefaan   Smis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel),

Christophe   Soil (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Annick   Stevens (Université de Liège),

Simone   Susskind (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Ilan   Tojerow (Université Libre de Bruxelles)