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Defend Your Right to Rally at 8/20 RNC Demonstration

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545
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Last week we told you about the denial of our application for a permit to
rally on the Great Lawn in Central Park on August 29th. The rally is
planned to be part of the massive demonstration United for Peace and
Justice is organizing on the day before the Republican National Convention
begins. UFPJ appealed that denial. Earlier this week we heard that once
again we've been denied the permit. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his
Parks Department have decided that protecting the lawn is more important
than defending the Bill of Rights.

But this struggle is far from over. United for Peace and Justice is
gathering support for our right to rally and march: four of the NYC daily
newspapers have taken editorial positions supporting our request for the
Great Lawn permit; members of the City Council and other elected officials
are speaking out; leaders of community organizations, labor unions,
religious institutions and others are calling on the city to reverse their

There is still a lot to do to secure the permits. Our right to protest the
Bush agenda is on the line, and we need you help to protect everyone's
right to dissent.

Right now, today, please call the mayor of NYC to protest the city's
outrageous denial of our right to rally in the single best location for the
August 29th rally. We hope people from every corner of the country, will
flood the offices of the Mayor of NYC and the Parks Commissioner with phone
calls and faxes.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg
phone   212-788-3000
fax   212-788-9711

Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe
phone   212-360-1305
fax   212-360-1345

If the lines are busy, please keep trying!

It is important to note that our request for the Great Lawn is part of our
overall plan for the demonstration. We have also applied to the NYC Police
Department for a permit to march. We will assemble south of Madison Square
Garden and take a route going directly past the Garden, where the
Republican Convention convenes the next day. Our march route is a straight
line up 8th Avenue and its continuation, Central Park West, before going
into Central Park. The process of securing the permit for the march is also
far from complete and we anticipate a struggle on this issue as well.

Be sure to check our web site for updates on this struggle to secure our
right to protest in NYC, as well as information about the full range of
protest, cultural and educational activities while the Republican Party
meets in New York: http://www.unitedforpeace.org

*** Last, but not least, we need your financial support to help ensure the
success of our efforts and for the organizing of the August 29th march and
rally. Click here to make your on-line donation:
http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate Thank you in advance for your generous

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