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Convocation call from the Cuban Movement for Peace

12 December 2003

Dear Friend of Peace,

Warm greetings and heartfelt solidarity during the holiday season.

I am writing you on behalf of the Cuban Movement for Peace and
People's Sovereignty (MOVPAZ) and its collaborators in Canada, Mexico
and the United States.

I want to inform you about an important meeting of religious and
spiritual people being held in Havana in August 2004:

Peace, Disarmament and Development --
The Role of People of Good Faith in Creating a Better World
An International Meeting, Havana Cuba, 4-7 August 2004

Detailed information is available at http://www.cubapeace.com

I urge you to consider assisting us with your endorsement and
promotion of this historic event.

MOVPAZ is a United Nations and Cuban recognized NGO whose mandate is
advocacy of global peace, disarmament and sustainable development
with dignity. MOVPAZ is a proud member and founder of the World Peace
Council, and works with religious and humanitarian organizations in
many countries to promote peace.

MOVPAZ has issued this call, with the support of island institutions,
religious and mass organizations, for people of good faith from all
countries to participate in this four-day meeting.

At this convocation we will discuss, deliberate and make plans for
how we, as people of good faith, can be more effective in our
communities, countries and beyond in collectively advancing and
influencing a global agenda for peace.

This is a rare opportunity for us to share our different perspectives
on and common goal for non-aggression. The gathering will allow us to:

* Meet and get to know Cuba's diverse religious organizations and
peace activists.
* Exchange ideas with religious and spiritual people from many countries.
* Participate in commissions and workshops on peace, disarmament and
* Collaborate with conferees to plan and organize for peace.

We believe humanity is facing a critical juncture. We hold the
conviction that sincere religious people are poised to play a pivotal
role in ending military aggression and helping realize sustainable
economies based on peace, respect, equality and sovereignty.

We know people of good faith in all countries support enduring peace,
and at the beginning of this new century religious and spiritual
people are compelled to act in the interest of humanitarianism, the
environment and for an end to destructive conflicts.

Based on these shared beliefs and goals the Cuban Movement for Peace
and People's Sovereignty extends an invitation for you to join us at
this historic international meeting of people of good faith.

We genuinely appeal to you for your support and that of your friends
and colleagues to help build this special occasion and promote it in
the spirit of friendship, understanding and mutual collaboration so
necessary now among believers of all persuasions.

I look forward to hearing from you with a confirmation of this
request. Please feel free to contact me with any questions and
suggestions you may have regarding our project for peace. Do also
consider sharing this letter with your friends and peace contacts in
the spiritual community.

In closing, I reiterate, we need your help and we depend upon you to
spread the word about this important event in Cuba in 2004.

Yours in friendship,
Marcel Hatch
Canadian Coordinator
People of Good Faith Cuba Meeting, Aug 4-7, 2004
2278 East 24th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5N 2V2

604 874-9048 Tel
604 786-5008 Cell
604 874-9041 Fax

marcel@cubafriends.ca Email

http://www.cubapeace.com Web

For more information on MOVPAZ see: