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Invitation to participate in the 4th International Conference ofChief Justices of the World, 12-14 December 2003 in Lucknow, India asSpecial Guest

Dear Friend,


As a well known legal luminary and supporter of peace, we seek your
presence at the 4th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World
on Article 51(c) of the Constitution of India as Special Guest. The
Conference is being organized on behalf of over 27,000 students of City
Montessori School (CMS) - representing world's two billion children and
generations yet unborn - and is scheduled to be held from 12th to 14th
December 2003 at Lucknow (India). There is no participation / registration
fee and we will also provide complimentary boarding and lodging at our
International Guest House, along with local transport at Lucknow for the
duration of the Conference.

Theme of the Conference

Today's world scenario presents a grim picture with international
terrorism, lawlessness, danger of another world war and other global
problems.  We believe that only Enforceable International Law can regulate
international behaviour and put a check on acts against humanity, enabling
creation of an atmosphere of unity, peace and a safe future for the
children of the world, born and yet-to-be-born.  In this regard Article 51*
of the Constitution of India acts as a beacon which provides, inter alia,
for fostering "respect for international law".

The most powerful common denominator for all nations is its children; and
it is imperative that their future be safeguarded.  No nation can ignore
it.  Therefore, this Conference will be a PEACE-TABLE laid on behalf of
world's two billion children and generations yet unborn, to deliberate on
the need for enforceable International Law in order to ensure a safe and
healthy ecology for the coming generations.  For full details of the
Conference please visit our website www.cmseducation.org/article51

About the Organization

It may be mentioned here that CMS is recognized by the Guinness Book of
World Records as the world's largest city school with over 27,000 students
on roll presently; and our peace education efforts have been recognized by
UNESCO with the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2002. CMS upholds that
"School must act as a Lighthouse of Society" and provide meaningful
education, spiritual direction and leadership not only to students but also
to the parents and the society at large, and must concern itself with the
affairs of the age. Hence this initiative on children's behalf.

If you require an invitation on your name for visa purpose, kindly let us
know on below mentioned fax numbers or email to us.

We eagerly await your acceptance of our invitation and look forward to
receiving your consent at the earliest.

With highest regards,

(on behalf of world's two billion children)

Yours sincerely,

Jagdish Gandhi
Convener, 4th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World &
Founder Manager, City Montessori School*
Head Office: 12, Station Road, Lucknow INDIA
Phone: 0091-522-2637691, 2637655, 2637658, 2638738
Phone: 0091-522-2638606, 2638606, 2638738 & 2638606
FAX : 0091-522-2638008 & 0091-522-2635497
E-mail: jgandhi@cmseducation.org
Website: www.cmseducation.org/article51


* CMS is Striving for world unity and world peace since 1959; recipient of
the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2002; recognized by the Guinness Book
of World Records as world's largest city school by pupils with over 27,000
students on roll


"Science of war leads one to dictatorship pure and simple. Science of
non-violence can alone lead one to pure democracy." Mahatma Gandhi,
HARIJAN, Oct. 15, 1938