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Fwd: [wsf-war-assembly] invitation-english-español-italiano

>Delivered-To: riseup+wsf-war-assembly@grebe.riseup.net
>Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 13:16:07 +0800
>From: Mary Lou Malig <marylou@focusweb.org>
>To: WSF-war assembly <wsf-war-assembly@lists.riseup.net>
>Cc: Kamal Chenoy <kamalchenoy@yahoo.com>
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>Subject: [wsf-war-assembly] invitation-english-español-italiano
>Dear WSF Assembly Working Group,
>Here's the invitation finally, with all endorsements we were waiting for and
>all the corrections in. Its in English, Spanish and Italian (thank you very
>much Gonzalo and Paola for translating) other languages will be ready soon
>(Hindi, Arabic) also, still waiting for volunteers for other languages.
>Please remember we are trying to get the LARGEST possible gathering of
>anti-war groups so lets spread this far and wide.
>Kamal, can you please send this out in the WSF mailing list and put it up in
>the WSF website?
>To all: can you all please put this invitation up on your own websites?
>talk to you all later!
>World Social Forum Globalization and War Assembly
>16 - 21 January 2004
>Mumbai, India
>Despite the opposition of the world's majority, the United States and its
>allies went on to invade Iraq in an illegal war that has so far killed up to
>10,000 civilians and soldiers. But while the weapons of mass destruction
>have not been found, the Iraqis' resources have been put on sale as part of
>a wholesale imposition of neo-liberal economic policies. State-owned
>corporations will be privatized and trade will be liberalized through
>massive reductions in tariffs. With all the official reasons now proven to
>be lies, it is clear that this was a war for oil, for market, and for
>Meanwhile, the endless global "war on terror" rages on in various countries,
>giving the US a pretext for its military interventions across the globe and
>providing repressive governments an excuse for clamping down on legitimate
>In the face of these distressing developments, we call on the anti-war
>movement to come together and act.
>We invite everyone to a general assembly of the global anti-war movement
>during the World Social Forum (WSF) 2004 this coming January 16 to 21 in
>Mumbai, India.
>Recognizing that confronting a global warmonger requires an internationally
>coordinated strategy, the assembly is envisioned to be the biggest and most
>representative meeting of the anti-war movement yet since the invasion of
>Iraq. It is intended to be an occasion for discussing and debating the
>global situation as well as for planning and strategizing on the movement's
>plans and priorities.
>It will have five component events:
>-       the Strategy Sessions: open discussions and debates on the
>movements' strategies, plans, and priorities
>-       Self-Organized Events: organizations are encouraged to independently
>organize conferences, workshops, seminars, testimonials, debates, and panels
>on more specific anti-war issues such as US bases, nuclear weapons,
>anti-terrorist bills, regional conflicts, Palestine, etc.
>-       Activists' Meetings: open meetings among anti-war activists, social
>movements, NGOs, etc. in attempt to deepen the links among them and
>coordinate their actions
>-       Closing Conference: for announcing and affirming the movements'
>decisions on its plans and priorities
>-       Solidarity March: general march to close the WSF with a specifically
>anti-war section
>This anti-war general assembly is among the many events during the WSF, the
>biggest annual gathering of a growing global peace and justice movement
>that's united against corporate-led globalization and militarization and
>united behind the belief that "Another World is Possible!"
>The historic February 15 mobilizations that drew millions of people around
>the world, which was first conceived during the European Social Forum 2002
>and adopted as a common plan of action during the WSF last January, showed
>the potential of the global anti-war movement. This general assembly hopes
>to further translate that potential to action, to sustain the movement's
>momentum, and to chart its future direction.
>We hope to see you there.
>In solidarity,
>(Endorsers as of October 2003)
>All Together - Korea
>Anti-War Coalition - South Africa
>Asian Peace Alliance
>Asian Peace Alliance - Japan
>ATTAC - Japan
>Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
>Campaña por la Desmilitarización de las Américas (CADA)
>Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (India)
>Condi - Iraqi National Democratic Coalition
>Continental Campaign Against FTAA
>Central Unica de los Trabajadores (CUT) (Brazil)
>Focus on the Global South
>GENSUIKIN (Japan Congress Against A- & H-Bombs)
>Globalize from Below - Korea
>Hemispheric Social Alliance
>International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
>International Civilian Campaign for the Protection of the Palestinian People
>Italian Movements of the European Social Forum
>Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights (KFHR)
>People's Plan Study Group (Japan)
>Peace Boat (Japan)
>Red Mexicana de Accion frente al Libre Comercio
>Social Movements Network
>Stop the War Coalition - UK
>Stop the War Coalition - Greece
>The All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO)
>The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
>United for Peace and Justice - US
>World Peace Council
>Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) (India)
>- For more information on the World Social Forum, including background,
>program, logistics, accommodation and other details, go to www.wsfindia.org
><http://www.wsfindia.org/>  and www.forumsocialmundial.org.br
><http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/> .
>- For more information on the WSF Globalization and War Assembly, visit
>www.jakartapeacecon.org <http://www.jakartapeacecon.org/> . The program, the
>list of speakers, and the list of self-organized events will be posted once
>they are finalized.
>- For those planning to organize anti-war related workshops and seminars, go
>to www.wsfindia <http://www.wsfindia/>  to register your event before
>October 30 and write to marylou@focusweb.org if you wish your event to be
>considered and publicized as part of the Globalization and War Assembly.
>- Organizations wishing to endorse this invitation and the event are
>encouraged to write to marylou@focusweb.org.
>- For any other questions, please write to marylou@focusweb.org.
>Foro Social Mundial
>Asamblea sobre Globalización y Guerra
>Invitación a la Asamblea general sobre del movimiento global anti guerra
>16 - 21 de enero de  2004
>Mumbai, India
>A pesar de la oposición de las mayorías del mundo, los Estados Unidos y sus
>aliados invadieron Irak a través de una guerra ilegal que ha matado a mucho
>más de diez mil civiles y soldados. Pero mientras las armas de destrucción
>masiva aún no han sido encontradas, los recursos irakies han sido puestos a
>la venta como parte de las imposiciones de las políticas económicas
>neoliberales. Corporaciones estatales serán privatizadas y el comercio será
>liberalizado a través de una reducción masiva de tarifas. Mientras, se ha
>probado que todas las razones oficiales era mentiras, está claro que esta
>fue una guerra por el petróleo, el mercado y para el imperio.
>Mientras tanto, la infinita y global "guerra al terror" devasta a varios
>países, dando a los Estados Unidos pretextos para su intervención militar
>alrededor del planeta y proveyendo a los gobiernos represivos una excusa
>para acallar el legítimo disenso.
>Frente a estos angustiante hechos, llamamos al movimiento anti guerra a
>reunirse y actuar.
>Invitamos a todas y todos a una asamblea general sobre el movimiento global
>antiguerra durante el Foro Social Mundial 2004, del 16 hasta el 20 de enero
>próximo en la ciudad de Mumbai, India.
>Reconociendo que para confrontar al belicismo global se necesita una
>estrategia internacional coordinada, la asamblea prevee ser la reunión más
>grande y más representativa del movimiento anti guerra desde la invasión de
>Irak. La intención es proporcionar una ocasión para discutir y debatir la
>situación global así como para planificar y pensar la estrategia respecto a
>los planes y prioridades del movimiento.
>Habrá cinco eventos:
>- La reunión de estrategia: discusiones y debates abiertos sobre
>estrategias, planes y prioridades
>- Eventos auto organizados: las organizaciones están siendo alentadas para
>organizar de forma independiente conferencias, talleres, seminarios,
>testimonios, debates y paneles sobre temas más específicos dentro del marco
>antiguerra, por ejemplo: bases norteamericanas, armas nucleares, leyes
>antiterror, conflictos regionales, Palestina, etc.
>- Reuniones de activistas: reuniones abiertas entre activistas antiguerra,
>movimientos sociales, ONGs, etc. Con el objetivo de profundizar los lazos
>entre ellos y coordinar sus acciones
>- Conferencia de Cierre: para anuncia y afirmar las decisiones del
>movimiento sobre sus planes y prioridades
>- Marcha de la Solidaridad: marcha de cierre del FSM con una sección
>especial antiguerra.
>Esta asamblea general antiguerra es uno entre los muchos eventos que
>ocurrirán en el FSM, el más grande momento de reunión del creciente
>movimiento de paz y justicia global unido contra la globalización
>corporativa y la militarización, unido detrás de la idea de que "Otro mundo
>es posible".
>Las históricas movilizaciones del 15 de febrero que involucraron a millones
>de personas alrededor del mundo, fueron originariamente concebidas durante
>el Foro Social Europeo de 2002 y adoptadas como un plan de acción común
>durante el FSM de enero último, muestran el potencial del movimiento global
>antiguerra. Esta asamblea general espera traducir este potencial en acción,
>para sostener el estado actual del movimiento, y para proyectar su dirección
>Esperamos verlos en Mumbai.
>Saludos solidarios,
>(convocantes hasta octubre de 2003)
>All Together - Korea
>Anti-War Coalition - South Africa
>Asian Peace Alliance
>Asian Peace Alliance - Japan
>ATTAC - Japan
>Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
>Campaña por la Desmilitarización de las Américas (CADA)
>Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (India)
>Condi - Iraqi National Democratic Coalition
>Continental Campaign Against FTAA
>Central Unica de los Trabajadores (CUT) (Brazil)
>Focus on the Global South
>GENSUIKIN (Japan Congress Against A- & H-Bombs)
>Globalize from Below - Korea
>Hemispheric Social Alliance
>International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
>International Civilian Campaign for the Protection of the Palestinian People
>Italian Movements of the European Social Forum
>Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights (KFHR)
>People's Plan Study Group (Japan)
>Peace Boat (Japan)
>Red Mexicana de Accion frente al Libre Comercio
>Social Movements Network
>Stop the War Coalition - UK
>Stop the War Coalition - Greece
>The All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO)
>The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
>United for Peace and Justice - US
>World Peace Council
>Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) (India)
>- Para más información sobre el FSM: antecedentes, programa, logística,
>alojamiento y otros detalles acceda a  www.wsfindia.org
><http://www.wsfindia.org/>  y www.forumsocialmundial.org.br
><http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/> .
>- Para más información sobre el FSM, Globalización y la Asamblea antiguerra
>visite www.jakartapeacecon.org <http://www.jakartapeacecon.org/> . El
>programa, la lista de oradores y la lista de actividades auto organizadas
>serán difundidas una vez que estén confirmadas.
>- Para aquellos que estén planeando seminarios o talleres sobre temas
>referentes a cuestiones antiguerra por favor visite www.wsfindia
><http://www.wsfindia/>  para registrar su evento antes del 30 de octubre, y
>escriba a marylou@focusweb.org si desea que su evento sea considerado y
>difundido como parte de la Asamblea sobre Globalización y Guerra.
>- Invitamos a las organizaciones que deseen firmar la invitación y el evento
>a que escriban a marylou@focusweb.org para hacerlo.
>- Para otras consultas por favor escribir a marylou@focusweb.org.
>Forum Sociale Mondiale-Assemblea sulla globalizzazione e la guerra
>Invito aperto ad una assemblea generale del movimento globale contro la
>16-21 Gennaio 2004, Mumbai, India
>Nonostante la opposizione della maggioranza dei cittadini del mondo gli
>Stati Uniti ed i suoi alleati hanno invaso l'Iraq con una guerra illegale
>che ha già ucciso 10.000 civili e soldati. Ma mentre in Iraq non sono state
>trovate le armi di distruzione di massa,, le risorse Irachene sono state
>messe in vendita come parte della imposizione in blocco delle politiche
>economiche neoliberiste. Le imprese statali saranno privatizzate e il
>mercato liberalizzato atraverso riduzioni delle teriffe. Ora che tutte le
>ragioni ufficiali della guerra si sono dimostrate menzogne è chiaro che la
>guerra è stata una guerra per il petrolio, per i mercati e per l'impero.
>Nel frattempo la guerra senza fine al terrorismo continua in molti paesi,
>dando agli USA un pretesto per intervenire militarmente in ogni luogo del
>pianeta e dando gli strumenti ai governi alleati per la repressione del
>legittimo dissenso.
>Di fronte a questi sviluppi desolanti, chiamiamo il movimento contro la
>guerra a riunirsi ed agire nuovamnete in corcerto.
>Invitiamo tutti coloro che vogliono a partecipare ad una assemblea generale
>del movimento globale contro la guerra durante il Forum Sociale Mondiale
>2004 a Mumbay in India, dal 16 al 21 Gennaio
>Consapevoli che confrontare un portatore di guerra globale richiede una
>strategia internazionale coordinata, la assemblea è pensata per essere la
>riunione più ampia e più rappresentativa del movimento contro la guerra
>dalla invasione dell'Iraq. E' inteso come una occasione per discutere e
>confrontare la situazione globale e per pianificare e individuare strategie
>sui proegetti e le priorità del  movimento
>L'assemblea comprende 5 eventi:
>1-Sezione di strategia: discussione e dibattito sulle strategie, progetti e
>priorità del movimento.
>2-Eventi autoorganizzati: ogni organizzazione è incoraggiata ad organizzare
>indipendentemente conferenze, seminarii, testimonianze, dibattiti e pannelli
>su temi specifici come basi USA, armi nucleari, leggi antiterrorismo,
>conflitti regionali, Palestina e altro.
>3-Riunione aperta degli attivisti: riunione aperta degli attivisti contro la
>guerra, movimenti sociali,ONG e altri, con lo scopo di approfondire i legami
>tra loro e coordinare le loro attività.
>4-Conferenza di chiusura: per annunciare ed affermare le decisioni dei
>movimenti sulle scelte e priorità.
>5-Marcia di solidarietà: marcia di chiusura del FSM con una settore
>specifico della coalizione contro la guerra.
>La mobilitazione storica del 15 Febbraio di milioni di persone nel mondo,
>concepita durante il Forum Sociale Europeo 2002 ed adottata come piano di
>azione durante il FSM nel Gennaio 2003, ha mostrato il potenziale del
>movimento globale contro la guerra.
>Questa assemblea generale spera di trasformare ulteriormente il potenziale
>della coalizione globale contro la guerra in azione, di sostenere l'impulso
>del movimento, e favorire il suo sviluppo futuro.
>Speriamo di incontrarvi all'assemblea
>(firmatari all' Ottobre 2003)
>All Together - Korea
>Anti-War Coalition - South Africa
>Asian Peace Alliance
>Asian Peace Alliance - Japan
>ATTAC - Japan
>Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
>Campaña por la Desmilitarización de las Américas (CADA)
>Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (India)
>Condi - Iraqi National Democratic Coalition
>Continental Campaign Against FTAA
>Central Unica de los Trabajadores (CUT) (Brazil)
>Focus on the Global South
>GENSUIKIN (Japan Congress Against A- & H-Bombs)
>Globalize from Below - Korea
>Hemispheric Social Alliance
>International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
>International Civilian Campaign for the Protection of the Palestinian People
>Italian Movements of the European Social Forum
>Korean Federation of Medical Groups for Health Rights (KFHR)
>People's Plan Study Group (Japan)
>Peace Boat (Japan)
>Red Mexicana de Accion frente al Libre Comercio
>Social Movements Network
>Stop the War Coalition - UK
>Stop the War Coalition - Greece
>The All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO)
>The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
>United for Peace and Justice - US
>World Peace Council
>Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) (India)
>Per informazioni sul WSF , programma,logistica,ospitalità e altro:
>www.wsfindia.org e www.forumsocialmundial.org.br
>Per in formazioni sull' Assemblea sulla globalizzazione e la guerra:
>La lista degli interventi e quella degli eventi autoorganizzati verrà messa
>nel sito appena definita
>Per coloro che pianificano di organizzare workshop e seminari su argomenti
>in relazione alla attività contro la guerra : www.wsfindia per registrare
>l'evento prima del 30 ottobre,  e scrivete a marylou@focusweb.org  se volete
>che sia considerato e pubblicizzato come parte della assemblea
>Le organizzazioni che sottoscrivono questo appello possono farlo scrivendo a
>Per ogni domanda: marylou@focusweb.org

Paola Manduca