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New issue of Peace News - International Arms Trade


Dear Friends

Produced in conjunction with the British-based Campaign Against Arms Trade
(CAAT), the new issue of Peace News offers comments and reflections from
activists and campaigners working on a broad range of arms trade related
issues - from small arms to the space race. Packed with useful information,
thought-provoking articles and first-hand news and views from activists
around the world, this is an issue you cannot afford to be without!

It will be available before the international arms fair DSEi takes place in
London, 9-12 September. Some of the content of this issue has been tailored
for activists attending this international event (particularly the TOOLS
section), though all arms trade activists and campaigners will find this a
useful issue for their work.

Articles include:
         * Richard Bingley & Martin Hogbin, Guest editorial
         * Paul Ingram, DSEi: the tip of the subsidy iceberg
         * Caroline Lauer, Bright future for non-lethal weapons
         * Frida Berrigan, A Growth Industry
         * Bruce Gagnon, Iraq war emboldens Bush space plans
         * Aguswandi & Paul Barber, British weapons in the Indonesian war
in Aceh
         * Josephine, Viva Rio
         * Terry Crawford-Browne, The South African arms deal
         * Saswati Roy, Daily living with terror
         * Robert Muggah, Holding up development
         * Tom Lansford, South Asia and the international arms trade

Plus all of the usual news, analysis, tools and reviews....

To order your copy visit http://www.peacenews.info/webshop/index.php today.
To order multiple copies to sell at meetings, actions, events etc contact

With best wishes

PN Promotions

Peace News: www.peacenews.info
CAAT: www.caat.org.uk

Peace News for nonviolent revolution
5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DY, Britain
Tel:+44 20 7278 3344 Fax:+44 20 7278 0444
Editor: Ippy <editorial@peacenews.info>
Admin: John Courtneidge <admin@peacenews.info>
Finance: Lesley Harrison <finance@peacenews.info>
Website manager: Daniel Sewe <webmaster@peacenews.info>
Assistant news editors: Lindsay Barnes <news@peacenews.info>; Caroline
Lauer <webnews@peacenews.info>
Reviews editor: Melanie Jarman <reviews@peacenews.info>
Promotions worker: Simon Dixon <promos@peacenews.info>
Peace News is produced in cooperation with War Resisters' International
***The revolution starts with you***