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Fw: The PDF version of the published book : "Al-Aqsa Uprising inCartoons"

----- Original Message -----
From: "publications from palestine" <nash@hally.net>
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: The PDF version of the published book : "Al-Aqsa Uprising in

> --
> Dear Sir/Madam
> I would like to invite you to take  a look on the PDF version of the
> published book : "Al-Aqsa Uprising in Cartoons"
> It summerizes the Palestinian Perspective toward the current situation
> in Palestine.
> All cartoons were painted by the Palestinian cartonist, Baha Al-Bukhari,
> You can get your copy by visiting this site:   www.najah.edu
> Then look for : PUBLICATIONS, and when you go to the publications page,
> you have to go down to the last book.because there is list of 10 books,
> where you will find the one we talk about.
> Then click on the sentence: (Download PDF version). and you will get
> your copy,
> you can pass it to your friends.
> Thanks for your time
> Alaa Yousef
> Zajel Youth Exchange Program
> Public Relations Department
> An-Najah National University
> Nablus/Palestine
> Phone: + 972 9 2381113-7
> Fax:   + 972 9 2387982
> E-mail:  youthexchange@najah.edu
> Web page:   http://www.najah.edu/english/Youth%20Prog/Youth.asp