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Iran: when youth wants power


Iran: when youth wants power

On July 9th 1999 Tehran's student protest movement was bloodily repressed
by the police. Four years later, these students have grown up and are ready
to overthrow the ayatollah regime, without any support from Europe.

Muhammad Khatami - past and future of the Reformer
What was and what could have been the role of Iranian President in the
transformation of the regime? Has he missed his chance? What is his
ideological background?
Václav Nekvapil (Prague)

The EU's policy (or lack thereof) on Iran
Is Europe mired in hypocrisy as it turns a blind eye to the human rights
violations in Iran?
Mujon Baghai (Roma)

"Silence within the Europe Union: when we are free we will remember that"
The European co-ordinator of the main opposition movement to the ayatollah
regime points the finger at the EU's policy on Iran: an exclusive interview.
Marco Valerio Lo Prete (Roma)

1979-2003: An extraneous and distant power
Today, as before, Iran's 'power base' is far from its people and especially
far from the younger generation. Are the ayatollahs destined to end up like
the Pahlavi?
Dario Armini (Roma)

Portrait of Iranian youth
Why the young will take power.
Sohrab (Paris)

Next dossier Monday 21st July: South America and Europe.

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