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> May 30, 2003
> Dear Friends,
> On Friday, July 4th George W. Bush has been invited to
> Philadelphia to attend the opening ceremony of the
> National Constitution Center. A number of Philadelphia
> area organizations and individuals, along with
> representatives from national anti-war and peace and
> justice organizations have come together to call for a
> National Protest in Philadelphia on July 4th to Stop U.S.
> Wars at Home and Abroad.
> We ask you or your organization to endorse this call and
> to help build for this event. Please take time to read the
> call below. Please endorse this call at:
> July4Mobilization@hotmail.com or call: 215-701-7341.
> Include the name of your organization as you would like it
> listed, a contact person, phone number, address and email.
> We are also asking endorsing organizations to consider
> making a pledge of financial or other material support
> (photocopying, food for the event, etc.) to help with this
> effort.
> Your prompt response to this email is appreciated so that
> materials we put out can show the broadest support
> possible. Thank you.
> Pending formal endorsements, groups that have participated
> in building the July 4th Mobilization:
> Act-Up Philadelphia, Anarcho-Communist Union of
> Philadelphia, Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER),
> ATAC (Avenging the Ancestors Coalition), Brandywine Peace
> Community, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Communist Party,
> E.PA & DE, Defenestrator, Delaware County Wage Peace and
> Justice, Democratic Socialists of America (Philadelphia),
> Earth Charter Citizens, East Timor Action Network, Friends
> of MOVE, Global Women's Strike, Green Party of
> Philadelphia, International Action Center, International
> Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Minority
> Experience Network, National Organization of Women
> (Philadelphia), NION, Partnership for Civil Justice, Peace
> Action Delaware Valley, Philadelphia Anti-War Forum,
> Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network (PRAWN), Queers for
> Peace and Justice, Refuse & Resist, Solidarity, Uhuru
> Solidarity Committee, United for Peace and Justice, Unite
> for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Wages for Housework
> Campaign, Women's International League for Peace &
> Freedom, Youth PAWR
> Endorse the Call for a July 4th National Protest in
> Philadelphia to Stop U.S. Wars At Home and Abroad On
> Friday July 4th, join thousands in Philadelphia to protest
> George W. Bush 8am protest, 10am rally, 12 noon march, 2pm
> closing event (the culmination of a July 4th Week of
> Actions in Philadelphia**)
> Unite to Demand a total change in priorities: **An End to
> U.S. Occupation of Iraq -- Bring the Troops Home ** No
> Endless Wars, Occupation, Colonialism or U.S. Empire **
> Repeal the USA Patriot Act, Restore Civil Liberties, End
> Election Fraud & Corruption ** No to Racism, Sexism, and
> Attacks on Immigrants ** No to Privatization, Cuts in
> Education, Welfare, Veterans & Other Benefits & Services
> ** Money for Human Needs -- Not the Pentagon War Machine
> On Friday, July 4th, George W. Bush, along with all living
> former U.S. presidents, has been invited to speak at the
> opening of the National Constitution Center in
> Philadelphia. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
> will also be present to receive the Liberty Medal. They
> will be celebrating in a building constructed on the
> graves of enslaved Africans. They will be culminating a
> week of "Welcome America" festivities sponsored by oil
> giant Sunoco. We are determined to stop the never-ending
> series of wars in the various forms it is taking against
> people here and abroad. We stand with people everywhere
> struggling for a world which values people over profits.
> We stand in solidarity with people living under oppression
> and occupation who have nothing to celebrate on this day.
> Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and
> continues to lie when he claims the war is over, as more
> troops are being sent to crush Iraqi resistance to U.S.
> occupation. The people of Iraq are without electricity,
> drinkable water, or medical care as unexploded cluster
> bombs, a cholera epidemic, and bullets fired by U.S.
> troops claim more lives every day. The U.S. continues to
> discuss plans for regime change, either through invasions,
> economic pressure or stepped up covert operations, against
> all those who attempt to retain nominal sovereignty over
> their own land and natural resources. Syria, southern
> Lebanon, Palestine, North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Iran,
> Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti and other countries are slated
> for aggression. Yet the Pentagon's $400 billion budget is
> over 30 times the combined military spending of all the
> countries targeted in Bush's endless war plans.
> We have an unelected president who stole the election by
> denying the Black vote in Florida. There has been a
> wholesale assault on the Bill of Rights through the
> passage of the USA Patriot Act and institutionalized
> racial profiling. Imprisonment is at an all time high with
> over 2.2 million incarcerated and over 3,000 are on death
> row. Single mothers of color are the fastest growing
> prison population. Thousands of immigrants, even U.S.
> citizens, have been detained without charges or trial. Due
> process continues to be denied for political prisoners
> Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, the Cuban 5 and others.
> Racism is on the rise; Affirmative Action is under attack;
> restitution for slavery, the slaughter of indigenous
> people, and colonial occupation has not happened; and the
> corporate media gives right-wing politicians carte blanche
> to attack the rights of workers, people of color, women
> and lesbian, gay, bi, and trans people.
> The Executive Branch under Bush has taken on near
> dictatorial powers - its decisions rubber-stamped by
> Congress and the Supreme Court. The Bush wars for US
> corporate interests require a massive transfer of wealth
> from social programs. The administration hands out
> lucrative contracts to Bechtel, Halliburton, and Exxon,
> and it has engineered over $2 trillion in tax giveaways
> that primarily benefit the very rich. But the majority in
> the U.S face record high unemployment; cuts in spending
> for public transportation, housing, welfare, education,
> childcare, veterans and HIV/AIDS benefits; and the closing
> of hospitals, libraries, drub rehab centers and more, as
> states are forced to balance their budgets because
> Washington won't. The income gap is widening. According to
> the Department of Labor, in the 1980's, income for the
> average CEO was 40 times that of the average worker. Today
> the difference is 531 times. Women earn 73% of what men
> earn, 63% for Black women and 53% for Latina women while
> women's caring work remains unvalued and unwaged.
> But we do not face these difficult times without hope.
> Millions of people from all walks of life came together in
> this country and around the world in an unprecedented
> outpouring against war and for social justice, and we
> can't give up now. Let's draw from our peoples' histories
> of resistance to injustice and stand up to be counted. We
> in Philadelphia have been solid in our unity. By making
> our voices heard in protests, by entering the political
> process directly, we the people become a decisive factor.
> The eyes of the world will be on Philadelphia on July 4th.
> We ask you to be here with us.
> To join the growing list of organizations endorsing this
> call email:
> July4Mobilization@hotmail.com or call: 215-701-7341
> **The week of local actions include: July 1 oppose the
> state budget cuts; July 3 - 10am Women's march vs ROTC,
> cuts & privatization; 12 noon demonstration vs the death
> penalty; 4pm Avenging the Ancestors Coalition
> demonstration at the National Constitution Center; July 6
> - Interfaith Prayer Vigil.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> To Endorse go to email:
> July4Mobilization@hotmail.com
> To list your transportation to the July 4th protest:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j4/index.html#transp
> To find transportation in your area:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j4/july4transp.html
> To download a flyer for the July 4th protest:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/resources/index.html
> Student Organizing Form:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j4/index.html#student
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ********************
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org
> info@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-544-3389
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> To make a tax-deductible donation, go to
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html
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> http://www.internationalanswer.org/subscribelist.html
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