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Fw: [ANSWER]: Ramsey Clark's protests . . .

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:49 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: Ramsey Clark's protests . . .

> Please read this email to find:
> - Letter from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark to 
> President Bush regarding the new authorization for U.S. 
> military personnel in Iraq to shoot looters
> - Ramsey Clark will be one of the featured speakers at the 
> May 17-18 National Anti-War A.N.S.W.E.R. Conference in New 
> York City
> - May 24 in Washington DC: Muslim Solidarity Day march & 
> rally
> ------------------------------------------
> May 14, 2003
> President George W. Bush
> The White House
> By fax: 202-456-2461
> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
> Washington, D.C. 20500
> Dear President Bush,
> The authorization to U.S. military personnel in Iraq to 
> shoot looters reported in the press today must be 
> rescinded immediately. Neither the laws of war, nor peace, 
> or any legal definition of "American Justice", authorize 
> soldiers, or police to shoot looters. Any soldier who 
> shoots a looter has committed armed assault if injury 
> results and murder if death results. You must not put this 
> Iraqi blood on the hands and conscience of young American 
> soldiers.
> During the racial turbulence of the 1960's, there was 
> "Much loose talk of shooting looters." As Attorney General 
> I said "this talk must stop!" "If America has a conscience 
> we had best awake from this wild talk of shooting looters 
> and face reality." "Far from being effective, shooting 
> looters divides, angers, embitters, drives to violence... 
> Is this American justice?"
> Deadly force, including firearms, can be employed only as 
> a last resort when necessary to stop a direct and 
> immediate threat to life.
> This new authorization to shoot looters compounds the 
> excessive use of force employed against the people of Iraq 
> by the shock and awe aggression already committed. It 
> means the U.S. does not respect the lives of the people of 
> Iraq and will use its armed might to kill them as it 
> chooses.
> Only your immediate action can prevent more deaths and 
> greater hatred toward our country.
> Sincerely,
> Ramsey Clark
> *********
> Ramsey Clark will be one of the featured speakers at the 
> MAY 17-18 National Conference Against War, Colonial 
> Occupation & Imperialism. A full list of plenary and 
> workshop speakers will be send out in an email later 
> today. For a detailed schedule of workshops and plenaries, 
> transportation to the conference, online pre-registration 
> and more information, go to 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org
> ------------------------------------------
> Say NO to Bush & Ashcroft's attack on
> Muslim Solidarity Day
> MAY 24th, 2003
> The Ellipse (across from the White House)
> Washington DC
> Sponsored by MAS Freedom Foundation
> (202) 496-1288
> www.masnet.org
> *********
> May 13, 2003
> Contact: Mahdi Bray
> (202) 496-1288
> (Washington, DC) -- Thousands are expected to come to the 
> nation's capital on May 24th to protest the Bush-Ashcroft 
> policy of discrimination and persecution of Muslims and 
> immigrants, and its blatant attack on the civil rights and 
> civil liberties and domestic and international 
> tranquility. The march and rally, called Muslim Solidarity 
> Day for Justice and peace, sponsored by Muslim American 
> Society Freedom Foundation, America's largest Muslim 
> grassroots organization, will commence at 12 noon at The 
> Ellipse across from the White House.
> The group will be joined by many peace, justice, religious 
> and civil rights organizations and will include speakers 
> such as Brian Becker (International Action Center), 
> Congressman John Conyers, Rev. Al Sharpton, Imam Siraj 
> Wahaj, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Zaid Shaker, Mara 
> Verheyden-Hillard (A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition), and Mahdi 
> Bray, President of MAS Freedom.
> According to Bray, "The recent barbaric and illegal 
> invasion of Iraq has emboldened the Bush administration in 
> its actions to target the Muslim and immigrant community 
> and to violate the rights of Muslims, immigrants, and all 
> Americans with impunity. We must continue to forge a 
> coalition of conscience to resist the Bush 
> administration's belligerent and destructive policy which 
> is the greatest impediment to global peace today."
> ###
> (Arlington County, VA) -- Azzam Abu Huwil, an Office 
> Administrator for the Muslim American Society, recently 
> had his INS bond revoked and was placed in detention in 
> the Arlington County (Virginia) Jail. Abu Huwil, a 
> Jordanian Palestinian, believes his arrest is directly 
> related to a refusal to spy on the Muslim community for 
> the FBI. Abu Huwil had previously been released from 
> detention on bond pending an INS hearing to address his 
> residency status. According to Abu Huwil, he was visited 
> by the INS on May 7th and asked about his recent change of 
> address, then he was informed that because he would not 
> serve as an FBI informant, that his bond had been revoked 
> and was placed under arrest. He currently awaits a review 
> of his bond revocation.
> "This is clearly a case of harassment and intimidation by 
> the government," says MAS Freedom Executive Director Mahdi 
> Bray, "many of our members have been questioned and 
> harassed by the government, especially those of 
> Palestinian descent."
> MAS Freedom is calling upon members of the American Muslim 
> community to step out and speak out against the 
> government's harassment and targeting of Muslims and 
> immigrants. MAS has called for a major rally in 
> Washington, DC across from the White House on May 24th to 
> protest the government's actions and to protect the rights 
> of Muslims, immigrants, and all Americans. For more 
> information, go to www.masnet.org or call (202) 496-1288.
> MAS Freedom is the Public Affairs branch of the Muslim 
> American Society. Our mission is to build an integrated 
> empowerment process for the American Muslim community 
> through civic education, participation, community 
> outreach, and coalition building; to forge positive 
> relationships with other institutions outside of our 
> community, that will ensure and facilitate the protection 
> of civil rights and liberties for American Muslims and all 
> Americans and fair treatment of all immigrants.
> ###
> MAS Freedom Foundation
> 1050 17th St. NW Washington DC 20036
> 202-496-1288 - Fax: 202-463-0686
> ---------------------------------------
> Email circulated by:
> A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
> Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> info@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-544-3389
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> To make a tax-deductible donation, go to
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html
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> http://www.internationalanswer.org/subscribelist.html
> ------------------
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