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[FWD] Galleria foto online per bandiere di pace

From: "Friedensfahnen Webmaster" <webmaster@friedensfahnen.ch>
To: <webmaster@bandieredipace.ch>
Subject: Galleria foto online per bandiere di pace
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 13:20:05 +0200

(my italian is not that good, so I have to write this in english)


In about 30 hours of work in my spare time i have created a web site for
fotos of peace flags: www.bandieredipace.ch. The aim of the site is to
document the movement of peace flags and related banners all over the world.
Everyone can upload his own photos and I have absolutely no commercial
interests with this site. The site is online for three weeks now and there
are already over 1100 fotos in the gallery - from Switzerland, Germany,
France, Italy, Austria and Bushland. It is curently available in five
languages: german, french, italian, english and spanish.

I need your help to get more PACE fotos from all over the world! I would
be very pleased if you could link to the fotos from a prominent place on
your site(s). This way, the visitors of your web site will hopefully upload
their own images. If possible, use the banner I have created (see "Links" on
www.bandieredipace.ch). Let me know when you have linked, so that I can link
back to your site.

Thank you very much for your support,
Olivier Oswald - Webmaster www.bandieredipace.ch

- if you have photos of peace flags, please upload them right now. I can
provide you with an FTP account if you want to upload a lot of images - its
easier :)
- please tell me if you know interesting links for my "Links" page