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Announcement of %100 PEACE Films Project of Cinema for PeaceInitiative


Announcement of %100 PEACE Films Project of Cinema for Peace Initiative

Cinema for Peace Initiative started its activities in Turkey and wants to
work with supporters of peace in other countries. This Initiative is a free
form of solidarity which is shaped by the views of people who are against
war, globalization and privatization. This Initiative consists of people
who claim that cinema can be produced by all parts of society and that
people can express themselves by the opportunities of cinema.

People, who directly participate in, adopt and support this solidarity,
believe that in today?s conjuncture making something for ?peace? is very
important and necessary, as a result, ?making films for peace? project

%100 PEACE Project

The first aim of ?Cinema for Peace? Project is to put together 100 ?one
minute? films of 100 directors into a 100 minutes film.

Films must be in digital format. Directors can make their movies in
whatever types they like such as feature, documentary, experimental,
animation etc. Film credits will be made by the Initiative in the same
format while the films are being united.

In 1 September 2003 (International Day of Peace), the united movie will be
shown. The deadline is 15 July 2003, but it would be better to send the
movies earlier.

Everyone who wants to shoot a movie about peace can participate in the
project with a movie.


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