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Fw: The Illusion Of Iraq's Weapons Of Mass Destruction]

 Subject: The Illusion Of Iraq's Weapons Of Mass Destruction
 Date: 07 May 2003 03:43:38 -0700


 Al-Hayat (Saudi Arabia)
 May 7, 2003

 The Illusion Of Iraq's Weapons Of Mass Destruction
 Imad Khadduri  an Iraqi nuclear expert

 In late August, I listened with apprehension to the
 mounting accusations of President Bush about the
 dangers of the Iraqi nuclear program. It was easy to
 know that his arguments did not hold, and to
 understand his determination to use the issue as a
 pretext to occupy Iraq.

 Based on my contributions spanning over thirty years
 to the Iraqi peaceful and military nuclear program, I
 wrote a number of articles to demonstrate that this
 program had completely ended with the beginning of the
 1991 war. I tried to refute the feeble evidence,
 especially the one Colin Powell waved in his sarcastic
 performance to the UN Security Council last February,
 in which he tried to prove that Iraq was trying to
 revive its military nuclear program.

 With equal apprehension I listened to Vice-President
 Dick Cheney during a TV interview as he said that he
 didn’t believe the IAEA experts, who had concluded
 that Iraq was not trying to revive its nuclear weapons
 program. The experts were convinced that the document
 that was provided to them by the American and British
 intelligence, which maintained that Iraq was trying to
 purchase uranium from Niger, was fake. Still, Cheney
 insisted 24 hours before the American ultimatum to
 Iraq, that the American intelligence had secret
 evidence of Iraq’s possession of nuclear weapons. My
 reaction to these lies was an article I wrote, in
 which I voiced my fears that the army of occupation
 might implant fake evidence to support these claims,
 once it enters Iraq.*

 Moreover, after bombing the nuclear research center at
 Al Twaitheia and the entrance of American troops to
 that center, the teenager soldiers stupidly broke the
 seals of the IAEA that had been placed to exert
 control over the 30-year-old nuclear graveyard, which
 includes tons of poisonous high-radiation nuclear
 waste, thus allowing thieves to enter the facility and
 contaminate themselves and their families. One month
 after the occupation, Cheney maintains total silence.

 In addition to the lack of evidence pointing to the
 presence of nuclear weapons in Iraq, two main events
 happened over the past two months that supported the
 notion that there have been no chemical or biological
 weapons in that country since 1991.

 I read about the first event in Newsweek, on March 3,
 2003. The magazine published the text of the testimony
 of Hussein Kamel over weapons of mass destruction in
 Iraq, which he made to the CIA following his escape
 from Iraq in 1995. Kamel insisted that Iraq had
 destroyed all these weapons and their means of
 delivery following the end of the 1991 war. He said
 that all that remained were maps and reports that had
 been kept on computer discs or microfilm. The report
 also said that the CIA and MI6 had obtained similar
 information earlier. However, this information has
 been kept secret over the past eight years, in order
 to stall the Iraqis and to invite additional

 There was also the revelation by a researcher at
 Cambridge of the fake report that had been presented
 by the British intelligence to Tony Blair in order to
 highlight the accusation against Iraq. It appeared
 that the report was no more than a copy of a PhD
 dissertation that had been prepared by an Iraqi
 student living in California in 1991. The student had
 obtained a copy of a sensitive report by the
 inspectors which he published it on the Internet.*

 Still, in his testimony, Hussein Kamel expressed his
 opinion regarding the liar Hussein Hamza, who had
 spread his lies through the American TV networks and
 Congress about Iraq’s nuclear weapons program,
 claiming that Iraq was a year or two away from
 developing a nuclear bomb. But in April 2003, Hamza
 suddenly fell silent only to emerge in Kuwait on his
 way to Baghdad to assume the ministerial post he had
 been promised in the new 'Iraqi' government.

 Yet the above was not enough to convince me that Iraq
 had no weapons of mass destruction. The second event
 came in the middle of last April with the failure of
 the occupiers to find such weapons in Iraq.

 Amer Al Sa’adi, who served as the scientific advisor
 to the Iraqi government, was the first official to
 surrender to the Americans through the mediation of
 his German wife. Before his surrender, he arranged to
 be interviewed by the German TV. During that
 interview, Al Sa’adi, whom I knew personally and
 witnessed his candidness, insisted that all he had
 said to the inspectors was true, and that Iraq was
 totally free from WMDs.

 The coming days will demonstrate the truthfulness of
 his testimony to the disadvantage of Bush and Blair,
 and that seeking WMDs in Iraq will prove an illusion,
 unless evidence about the existence of such weapons is
 planted by the Americans and the British.

 *Mr. Khadduri is .

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