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Fw: Scott Ritter: Invasion Of Iraq Like Hitler's Invasion Of Poland

 Subject: Scott Ritter: Invasion Of Iraq Like Hitler's Invasion Of Poland
 Date: 06 May 2003 22:15:52 -0700


 Daily Telegraph
 May 7, 2003

 Bush was like Hitler, says weapons man
 By Hannah Cleaver in Berlin

 -President George W Bush had used the September 11
 attacks as Hitler used the 1933 burning of the
 Reichstag to repress domestic dissidents.

 Scott Ritter, a former United Nations weapons
 inspector, has compared the invasion of Iraq to
 Hitler's invasion of Poland.

 He told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper that 130
 Americans had died "for a lie", adding: "I see no
 difference between the invasion of Iraq and the
 invasion of Poland in 1939."

 Both invasions were based on what he said was an
 artificial argument of self defence. President George
 W Bush had used the September 11 attacks as Hitler
 used the 1933 burning of the Reichstag to repress
 domestic dissidents.

 Mr Ritter, who resigned as an inspector in 1998 saying
 Saddam Hussein's regime was hindering his work, said
 he did not now believe there were weapons of mass
 destruction in the country.

 He called for inspectors to be sent back to obtain
 confirmation, so that UN sanctions could be lifted.

 "The inspectors have to finish their work," he said.
 "This time they must also have the courage to say that
 the US has not told the truth."