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May 29, 2003 International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium


May 29, 2003
Second International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium

Last year saw the First International Day of Action Against Depleted
Uranium, with
actions taking place in six different countries. This year the day is
expected to be even bigger after the
outrageous recent use of depleted uranium by Britain and the US in Iraq.

The use of depleted uranium in the first Gulf War was a disaster which
has led to massive increases in
childhood cancers and birth deformities in Iraq and the suffering of
soldiers from both sides through Gulf
war syndrome. To use depleted uranium again in Iraq is completely
irresponsible of the British and US
Governments and gives the lie to assertions of looking after Ôour
troops'. It will ensure that the environment
in Iraq will be polluted for decades to come and that the effects of
this war will linger long after the fighting

Please think of organizing an action on those responsible for using
depleted uranium,
visiting an army recruitment office or giving out leaflets in your
local area on the 29th May. CADU can provide
information on targets and leaflets for you. By working together we can
ensure that the British and US
governments are held responsible for the suffering they have inflicted.

For more details please contact:

Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street,
Ancoats, Manchester, M4 7HR
Tel./Fax.: +44 (0)161 273 8293
E-Mail info@cadu.org.uk

Website: http://www.cadu.org.uk

October 4-11, 2003
Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop
Militarization of Space

For the fourth year in a row the Global Network is calling for
coordinated local actions around the world to
increase consciousness about how space is now being used to coordinate
and promote all U.S.
sponsored warfare on Earth. In addition to local protests at key
military and aerospace industry facilities,
groups are urged to organize events throughout the week that would
include visits to political leaders,
community teach-ins, meetings of religious leaders, visits to local
schools, media work, and public
displays. We must stop spending global tax dollars on Star Wars
research and development and instead
fund human needs and environmental programs. Join with us for Keep
Space for Peace Week in 2003.

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