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come i gornali arabi si spiegato la caduta di Bagdad

Baghdad fall linked to 'underhand deal'
13.04.2003 [01:10]

  As Arabs struggle to come to terms with the stunning fall of Baghdad,
conspiracy theories are rife about why Saddam Hussein disappeared and his
security forces put up so little fight.
The Al Hayat daily spoke in a front-page banner headline yesterday of a
purported "deal" that brought about the collapse of Iraqi resistance.
"Informed Iraqi sources said the absence of an effective role of the
Republican Guard over the past three weeks of the war can be attributed to
contacts between the 'allies' and some leaders of these units, during which
they gave assurances not to harm them," Al Hayat said.
"What reinforces this news is the disappearance of large numbers of Iraqi
forces as well as their heavy equipment as the attacking forces advanced,"
it said.
The newspaper said senior Iraqi officers allegedly involved in such a deal
might have been promised a role in postwar Iraqi security forces needed to
end anarchy and restore order.
Many in the so-called "Arab street" are convinced there was some underhand
plot behind the fall of Baghdad.
"Saddam gave them Iraq in return for a deal to save his life," said Sahar
Imam, a communications expert in Amman. "We feel he handed over Baghdad with
his own hands," he said.

fonte: : The Gulf Daily News

da http://www.iraqwar.ru