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Fw: [LLO] ETUC calls for work stoppages on 14th of March

 -----Forwarded Message-----
 From: Susan Stout <spstout@telus.net>
 To: Labor Left Opposition <llo@coollist.com>
 Subject: [LLO]  ETUC calls for work stoppages on 14th of March
 Date: 08 Mar 2003 21:36:46 -0500

Iraq: Opposition to the war

ETUC calls for work stoppages on 14th of March

Brussels, 7/03/2003

The ETUC Executive Committee (EC) met in Athens the 6th and 7th of March
2003 and confirmed the opposition of the trade unions to the war, and
requests that all possible effort should be made to disarm Iraq without
going to  war.  To support this request, the EC has launched an appeal for
work stoppages everywhere in Europe on the 14th of  March at midday
