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Fw: [ANSWER]: World Rises Up Against War

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:03 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: World Rises Up Against War

> - February 15: Millions march around the world today to 
> say "No War Against Iraq"
> - Organizing begins for March 1 Emergency Convergence on 
> the White House
> It is one of the great ironies of recent history that the 
> ultra-militarist policies of the Bush administration, 
> threatening a catastrophic war of aggression against Iraq, 
> have been the catalyst to a global anti-war movement 
> unlike anything that has existed for three decades -- that 
> is, since the close of the Vietnam War.
> Large anti-war demonstrations took place in most of the 
> major cities of the world. All told, more than 600 cities 
> and towns were the scene of simultaneous protests. In the 
> United States, most of the major anti-war coalitions fully 
> mobilized for the February 15 actions.
> In New York City, the people defied police refusal to 
> grant a march permit by turning the upper east side broad 
> boulevards into a sea of humanity. Hundreds of thousands 
> filled First Avenue, Second Avenue and Third Avenue. On 
> First Avenue the rally stretched from 52nd St. past 80th 
> St. Second and Third Avenues, and even over to Lexington 
> Avenue, were clogged with demonstrators who were prevented 
> by police barricades and checkpoints from reaching the 
> main assembly site. The police also used horses, clubs and 
> pepper spray to carry out assaults against peaceful 
> protesters. The National Lawyers Guild reports that over 
> 320 people have been arrested, and that many are being 
> held in tight handcuffs without access to water, food or 
> bathroom facilities.
> The following links are some photos of the NYC 
> demonstration:
> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/030215/168/3a6x9.html
> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/030215/168/3a88t.html
> In Los Angeles, 100,000 demonstrated in the largest 
> anti-war protest in many years. Opening the Los Angeles 
> rally, Michel Shehadeh of the Free Palestine Alliance and 
> the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition welcomed the crowd with the 
> words that "the demonstrations today taking place all over 
> the world are revealing the fact that the Bush 
> administration's planned war of aggression is now in 
> direct confrontation with the will of the people 
> everywhere."
> Demonstrations took place in scores of cities throughout 
> the United States. 5,000 marched in Houston, 7,000 in 
> Chicago, more than 7,000 in Sacramento, thousands marched 
> in San Jose and Detroit. We are encouraging organizers in 
> different cities to send in reports about their actions.
> Internationally, the demonstrations included some of the 
> biggest ever. The original call for the February 15 
> demonstrations came from the European anti-war movement. 
> In London, the demonstration was nearly two million 
> according to march organizers. Millions more marched 
> throughout Europe -- in Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome and 
> throughout the continent. In Damascus, 200,000 marched. 
> Tens of thousands marched in Buenos Aires. In Toronto, 
> 80,000 took to the streets. We will try to compile a list 
> of the turnout at other demonstrations that took place on 
> all continents and have that list available tomorrow.
> On March 1, there will be an Emergency Convergence on the 
> White House in Washington DC. In the coming days, we will 
> see whether the Bush administration intends to defy the 
> will of the people and plunge ahead with his criminal war 
> plans. Everyone recognizes that it is critical that the 
> movement maintain momentum and visibility as a means to 
> further ignite grassroots opposition everywhere. At the 
> White House convergence on March 1, thousands of people 
> will demand No War on Iraq. They will also call for George 
> Bush to be impeached for crimes committed in planning and 
> executing war abroad and assaulting constitutionally 
> protected civil rights and civil liberties at home.
> -------------------------------------
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org
> dc@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-544-3389
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
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> http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html
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