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Fw: [ANSWER]: Denounce government ban on Feb. 15 Peace March in NYC!

From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:04 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: Denounce government ban on Feb. 15 Peace March in NYC!

> A.N.S.W.E.R. denounces Federal Judge Barbara Jones's 
> refusal to grant a march permit for the huge February 15 
> peace march in New York City as a dangerous and 
> politically-motivated assault on the movement's most basic 
> right to freedom of speech and assembly.
> The New York City Police claim that they won't allow the 
> march on Feb. 15 in New York because of security concerns. 
> For months the police have been routinely invoking 
> "security concerns" as a reason to deny march permits for 
> political demonstrations, large and small, but not for 
> other assemblies and huge parades that don't have a 
> political point of view in opposition to government 
> policies. The right to join together with thousands of 
> other individuals in common cause and march on our streets 
> is a unique and powerful form of political expression no 
> less important than speech, and it is fully protected by 
> the Constitution. We demand that the courts reject the 
> "security" pretext used to deny the march permit for Feb. 
> 15, and to deny other marches.
> The real reason that New York City Mayor Bloomberg, the 
> police and the courts are trying to ban the anti-war march 
> is because Feb. 15 is going to be a powerful international 
> day of protest against the war on Iraq and the United 
> States government. The security concerns they really have 
> are not a threat of "terrorism" but the threat posed to 
> Bush's political agenda. Fearful of the political impact 
> of the march the government is trying to suppress the 
> event.
> The peace movement, along with everyone who is threatened 
> by this outrageous violation of the rights of protestors, 
> must fight the march ban. A.N.S.W.E.R. joins with all 
> other groups in fighting for and exercising our right to 
> march in New York on Feb. 15, and in any other city where 
> the antiwar movement chooses to take to the streets in 
> order to stop the war.
> For all of those who are planning to join the many feeder 
> marches to the rally, we encourage everyone to stay strong 
> and defy the city and federal government's attempts to 
> discourage participation. The most important thing is that 
> people come out in large numbers to show the country and 
> the world that the people of the United States are 
> mobilizing in opposition to a war of aggression.
> The court system, working in cahoots with the police and 
> the Bush administration, is attempting to discourage 
> people's efforts to exercise their First Amendment Right 
> on February 15. The best way, again, to oppose this is to 
> come to the demonstration.
> The New York City demonstration on Saturday, February 15 
> will assemble on 1st Ave. starting at 49th St. and going 
> north. The permitted rally will begin at 12 noon.
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