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Fw: [ANSWER] Building anti-war unity for Jan 18, Feb 15 & beyond + dichiarazione de il Cairo (trad.)

----- Original Message -----
From: A.N.S.W.E.R.
To: answer.general@action-mail.org
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 5:24 AM
Subject: [aa-info] [ANSWER]: Building anti-war unity for Jan 18, Feb 15 &


There is growing momentum for solidarity in the anti-war
movement in the United States and around the world.  There
have been two important calls for coordinated global mass
action: one on January 18 that is anchored in the U.S.
anti-war movement and another on February 15 that is
anchored in the European movement.  Below is a statement
from Elias Rashmawi, a leading figure in the recently held
world anti-war conference in Cairo, Egypt and a member of
the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Steering Committee.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, at a press conference on
Wednesday, January 8 in Washington DC, announced an Action
Plan to follow up the January 18 National Mobilizations in
Washington DC and San Francisco. As resistance builds in
the United States, it is manifesting itself through a
combination of grassroots anti-war actions of all types
and of national mass mobilizations.

To that end, the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition calls for a Week
of Anti-War Resistance promoting a whole variety of
activities between February 13 and February 21.

FEBRUARY 13 - 21

FEBRUARY 13: Teach-ins, forums, and youth and student
action on the 12th anniversary of the deliberate
destruction of the Amariyah Bomb Shelter. On this day in
1991, the U.S. unleashed an unprecedented massive assault,
a pinpoint attack by two precision missiles launched from
a stealth bomber against an air raid shelter. Hundreds and
hundreds of young people, mainly children, and some of
their mothers, were incinerated in this calculated effort
to terrorize the Iraqi people in the Gulf War.

FEBRUARY 14: New York City Teach-in from 9 am to 4 pm on
Building an anti-war movement that connects the struggle
against war on Iraq with the fight for social and economic
justice and civil rights at home, followed by an Indoor
Rally from 7 to 10 pm on Linking the struggle against
corporate globalization, war, militarism and racism.

FEBRUARY 15: The European movement, which initiated the
call for this day of actions, has sent requests to U.S.
peace groups, including A.N.S.W.E.R., to call for actions
in the United States. United for Peace has initiated a
mass mobilization in New York City, which we support, and
we also encourage and support regional and local actions
in solidarity with actions that day in Europe and around
the world.

FEBRUARY 16- 20: Local picket lines, rallies, teach-ins,
collection of signatures in the People's Anti-War
Referendum (www.VoteNoWar.org)

FEBRUARY 21: Take to the streets to fight war and racism
on the anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X.
Coordinated Day of Resistance, including student anti-war
walk-outs from hundreds of high schools and colleges, and
other acts of non-compliance. Youth and students have
marked this important anniversary with militant protests
on a range of issues for the last thirty-five years.
Malcolm X embodies the spirit of struggle against
militarism and the racist establishment. Honor his life
and legacy the right way: Resist! Youth and Student
A.N.S.W.E.R. will be providing leaflets, posters, stickers
and other resources for the February 21 actions.


Join the International Campaign Against US Aggression on

By Elias A. Rashmawi
-Vice President, The International Campaign Against US
Aggression on Iraq
-Member, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Steering Committee
-Free Palestine Alliance - USA

The world has called for it.  The movement in the US is
ALL for it.  And thousands and thousands are on their way
... It is time to be part of history ... To take a stand!

This is an urgent call to ask for your active role in the
January 18 national/international mobilization in
Washington, DC and San Francisco.  On that day, the eyes
of the world will be on the United States!

At the eve of the pending obliteration of Iraq, this is
the time to show our collective resolve, unity of action,
and rejection of war ...

On that day, people across the globe will send a clear
message for peace, and hope that the people of the United
States are equal to the monumental task of halting war.
This is a position we in the US cannot abrogate, a moral
duty we must undertake, and an historic responsibility
that is primarily ours.

To that end, and to expand the essential efforts of peace,
a crucial international conference with more than 400
delegates from around the world was held in Cairo, Egypt,
on December 18-19, 2002, to launch an international
movement to stop war and support self-determination for
the Iraqi and the Palestinian people.  The conference
adopted the call of the ANSWER Coalition and called for
January 18, 2003, as the first international day of action
against the war to be anchored on that day in the United
States.  It also adopted February 15 as the subsequent
international day of mobilization to be anchored then in

A steering committee for the international campaign was
established, headed by former president of Algeria, the
legendary Ahmed Ben Bella, and two vice presidents, Elias
Rashmawi of the ANSWER Coalition and the Free Palestine
Alliance in the United States and John Rees of the Stop
the War Coalition in Britain.  Participants of the
conference included delegates from at least 20 countries,
many Egyptian parliamentarians and prominent political
leaders, activists, writers and artists from around the
world.  British Member of Parliament George Galloway along
with Dr. Hans von Sponeck and Denis Halliday, the two
former United Nations ranking officials who resigned their
UN posts in protest of the Iraq sanctions, and former US
attorney general Ramsey Clark, were among hundreds of the
distinguished conveners.

In the words of President Ben Bella, "the people of the
United States hold the primary responsibility of halting
their own government's rapid advance to war, and in
securing peace in place of destruction."  The 85-year old
historic leader of Algerian independence from France, and
one of the primary legends of the decolonization era,
emphasized that the world expects the people of the United
States to once more take a moral and courageous stand as
they have before against the devastation of Vietnam.

There is no doubt that January 18 will again enter
history.  On that day and as we in the US commemorate the
legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Egyptians will
remember the very same day in 1977 as they took to the
streets across the country reclaiming their nation from
the devastation of austerity measures imposed by the IMF.
This is also the time when the first destruction on Iraq
was unleashed some 12 years ago, killing so far at least
1.5 million Iraqis between the bullets of missiles and the
bullets of imposed disease and starvation.

From Egypt to the United States and to every nation
around the world, we are resolved to make this coming
January 18 a historic day of solidarity and peace.  As
thousands and thousands prepare to march on Washington and
San Francisco, we echo the call of the International
Campaign Against US Aggression on Iraq and urge all to
join hands so as to link with all those standing for
justice globally.

January 18 may well be our last national/international
unified stand before destruction is unleashed, since the
Bush Administration has indicated January 28 as the day of

Peace and justice are nonetheless viable, but only if we
take a stand!

This is a duty the rests squarely on the shoulders of the
people of the United States ... and history will certainly
record this stand for generations to come.

Even in the United States itself, war has significantly
escalated against the people of the Middle East.  In a
prelude to prison camps that evoke the memory of the
internment of Japanese-Americans, and as a test case to
widespread wholesale arrests, the US has begun a hateful
and racist policy of selective "registration" and mass
detention of men based on their ethnic background alone.
This manifestation of the self-serving "war on terror" is
indeed terrorizing entire communities throughout.  It is a
policy that is yanking away bothers, sons, fathers, and
husbands from their families for no other reason but their
national origin.  Holding criminal an entire people is
well under way in the United States.  It is being
normalized and set into law.

But there is more.  The campaign of destruction on
Palestine has also escalated with active US diplomatic,
political, financial, and military support and
participation.  With an attack on Iraq, Israel will
undoubtedly carry out its planned mass expulsion;
wholesale destruction of towns and refugee camps; and a
higher rate of individual and collective assassinations.
Unless challenged globally, Palestinian mass transfer is
imminent.  Palestine, a primary hurdle to global
domination is indeed in the crosshairs of imperial

An Empire has emerged!  It is waging a global war to
redefine the boundaries of nation-states, appropriate
wealth and resources, install governments, and re-shape
policies throughout.  It was Afghanistan some months ago.
It is Iraq today.  There are Korea, Columbia, the
Philippines, and Palestine.  The examples are too many --
Yet, who is next and where?

With every step of imposed destruction, our world is
brought closer to a global disaster and the people of the
US are pitted against the international community.

A collective answer to the drumbeat of war is a must -- we
no longer have a choice, or the luxury of time!

Busses, carpools, and delegations in the thousands are
being organized for Washington and San Francisco at
hundreds of organizing centers nationwide from coast to
coast.  The movement in its entirety is united.  Join, as
we collectively make history and take a step for justice
and peace!

Information on how to help and be part of this historic
march can be found on the ANSWER website:
http://www.internationalanswer.org.  Visit today and

Time is of the essence!

For your immediate reference, I have also attached below a
copy of the Cairo Declaration for your review and
consideration.  I urge your immediate support.  To
indicate your endorsement of the Declaration, please write
to: rashmawi@sbcglobal.net

In solidarity,
Elias A. Rashmawi

------------------- Appendix -------------------

Against U.S. Hegemony and War on Iraq
and In Solidarity with Palestine

The international meeting organized by the Egyptian
Popular Campaign to Confront U.S Aggression was convened
in Cairo on December 18 and 19 to launch the International

We, the participants reaffirm our resolve to stand in
solidarity with the people of Iraq and Palestine,
recognizing that war and aggression against them is but
part of a U.S. project of global domination and
subjugation. Solidarity with Iraq and Palestine is
integral to the internationalist struggle against
neo-liberal globalization. The Cairo meeting is not an
isolated event, but an extension of a protracted
international struggle against imperialism, from Seattle
and Genoa to Lisbon and Florence, to Cordoba and Cairo.

The U.S. provides unlimited support, and even
justification, to the Zionist perpetrators of genocidal
crimes against the Palestinian people. The suffering of
the Iraqi people under a regime of genocidal sanctions
lasting over a decade, and the aggressive militarism which
they face today is but a logical outcome of the structures
of power asymmetry of the existing world order:

* The U.S. monopolizes political, economic and military
power within the framework of capitalist globalization, to
the detriment of the lives of the majority of the world's

* The U.S. imposes control through naked aggression and
militarized globalization in pursuit of its rulers'
interests, all while reinstating the characteristic direct
occupation of classical colonialism

* The U.S. global strategy, which was formulated prior to
September 11 2001, aims to maintain the existing uni-polar
world order, and to prevent the emergence of forces that
would shift the balance of power towards multi-polarity.
The U.S. administration has exploited the tragic events of
September 11, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, to
implement the pre-existing strategy.

Attention to this global context helps explain current
world developments:

FIRST: Capitalist Globalization and U.S. Hegemony

* prioritize the interest of monopolistic capitalist
circles above those of the people, including Europeans and
U.S. citizens.

* integrate the economies of different countries into a
single global capitalist economic system under conditions
which undermine social development and adversely affect
the situation of women, child health, education, and
social services for the elderly. In addition, unemployment
and poverty increase.

* generalize the culture of consumerism and individualism,
to the detriment of a sense of collective responsibility,
whether towards the thousands of infant and child deaths
in Iraq resulting from polluted water, malnutrition and
deficiencies in medical supplies, or towards the victims
of AIDS, malnutrition and famines around the world. Among
millions of people standards of living have deteriorated
while unemployment and poverty have become widespread.
Globalization has resulted in the marginalization of
entire peoples who could no longer acquire the basic
necessities to sustain life.

SECOND: In the absence of democracy, and with widespread
corruption and oppression constituting significant
obstacles along the path of the Arab peoples' movement
towards economic, social, and intellectual progress,
adverse consequences are further aggravated within the
framework of the existing world order of neo-liberal

* Admission to restrictions on democratic development in
Iraq in no way constitutes acceptance of U.S.
justifications for continuation of sanctions, and now
preparations for war. Without disregarding long-standing
restrictions on democratic development in Iraqi society -
as is the case in all Arab societies - it is evident that
the U.S.-imposed sanctions have had a devastating effect
on Iraq's development. Whereas Iraq had once enjoyed a
relatively positive profile according to certain human
development indicators, its people now suffer severely as
a result of the sanctions regime. Iraq has witnessed a
significant rise in child mortality rates, the spread of
several diseases, reduction of opportunities in education,
and a marked deterioration of the standard of living. As
human suffering increases it generates a sense of

* The Palestinian people are suffering as a result of the
loss of their land and continued Zionist aggression, which
the U.S. supports militarily, economically, and
politically, making its administration a de facto
accomplice in the crimes committed against the Palestinian
people. The U.S. protects Israel from condemnation in
international forums under the pretext of combating
terrorism, and it asserts additional false claims, such as
when it equates the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian
people to resist occupation, liberate their land, and
return to their homes, on the one hand, with terrorism
that we all abhor, on the other.

* The policies of Structural Adjustment associated with
neo-liberal globalization have precipitated global crises
manifest in a widening wealth gap, increase in poverty and
unemployment, and general deterioration of standards of

* U.S. military presence in the Arab region, and its
dictates to governments of sovereign nations of the region
has compounded the suffering of the Arab people.
Interference in the internal affairs of these nations now
extends to demands of educational reform, and insistence
on "democratization". Ironically this is occurring at a
time when civil liberties in the U.S. are clearly under
siege, especially with regard to Arab and Muslim
Americans, along with other minorities. The U.S.
administration also violates international law by its
inhumane treatment of the POWs in Guantanamo. Also evident
is the wealth gap in the U.S., which is the widest among
the industrial nations of the world.

* Far from secretly, the US intends to partition Arab
countries into smaller entities on ethnic or religious
basis. This would enable Israel to become the dominant
regional power within the framework of the Middle East
Project, to the peril of an Arab project of equitable
development and regional unity.

The suffering of the Arab people and U.S. unwavering
support of the system of apartheid imposed on the
Palestinian people, will undoubtedly fuel conflict and
lead to the escalation of violence in one of the most
sensitive areas of the world. Such danger can easily
extend to neighboring Europe, Asia and Africa. Continued
preparation for war on Iraq in spite of its acceptance of
a UN resolution of aggressive inspection of its armament,
as well as civilian industries, signals a predetermined
intent to control the Arab region, its oil and indeed the
entire world supply of oil.

THIRD: For all these reasons we declare our total
opposition to war on Iraq and our resolve to continue the
struggle against U.S. policies of global domination. We
strongly believe in the urgency of mobilizing against
these policies. All democratic forces in the world that
are for genuine Peace and Justice must join together
within the framework of an international campaign against
neo-liberal, US-centric globalization and promote an
alternate globalism based on Equity and Justice. This
would mean better utilization of the world's resources and
protection of the environment. Together the people of the
world are quite able to combat aggression and all forms of
injustice, prejudice and racism, and make a better world

The Cairo conference against war on Iraq and in solidarity
with Palestine represents the launching of an
international popular movement that creates effective
mechanisms for confronting policies of aggression. The
participation of international activists who are prominent
for their struggles for Human Dignity, Rights and Justice,
as well as intellectuals, authors, unionists, human rights
workers, journalists and artists- from Egypt and the rest
of the Arab World, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe,
and the United States- will no doubt accelerate this noble
endeavor in spite of the numerous obstacles that we have
to confront.

FOURTH: It is important that this international popular
initiative of solidarity with Iraq and Palestine proceed
according to an Action Plan which includes clearly defined

1. Condemnation of U.S. military presence on Arab land
along with pressuring the Arab governments that allow U.S
military bases on their territory to close them down, and
not to provide air, naval, or land facilities

2. Develop cooperation among popular organizations of the
South to reinforce solidarity in confronting the policies
and practices of neo-liberal globalization and U.S.

3. Work towards cooperation with the international
anti-globalization movement of the North and South, and
participation in activities and meetings organized by this

4. Promote the unity of democratic forces and popular
organizations in different parts of the world, and form
solidarity committees which oppose war on Iraq, and the
genocidal crimes faced by Palestinians, supporting their
right to resistance and struggle for liberation

5. Under the banner "Together against globalization and
U.S Hegemony" add Iraq and Palestine to the agendas of
international progressive meetings, particularly the next
Social Forum at Porte Allegre

6. Invite Arab and international human rights
organizations to evaluate humanitarian conditions in Iraq
and disseminate their findings worldwide

7. Prepare to send human shields to Iraq

8. Introduce the boycott of U.S. and Israeli commodities
in solidarity campaigns in support of Iraq and Palestine,
with emphasis on the right of return for Palestinians

9. Elect a Steering Committee to follow up on the
implementation of the Cairo Declaration, and coordination
among organizations which commit to its principles, and
enhance awareness through appropriate actions ranging from
the preparation of posters to organizing marches and
demonstrations in solidarity with Iraq and Palestine


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Dichiarazione del Cairo - 19 dicembre 2002

Contro l'egemonia statunitense e la guerra all'Iraq, ed in Solidarietà con
la Palestina

Noi, i partecipanti riaffermiamo il nostro impegno di solidarietà con i
popoli dell'Iraq e della Palestina, riconoscendo che la guerra e
l'aggressione contro di loro non sono che una parte di un progetto
statunitense di dominazione globale e di soggiogazione. La solidarietà con
l'Iraq e la Palestina è parte integrale della lotta
internazionalista contro la globalizzazione neo-liberale.
Il Meeting del Cairo non è un evento isolato, ma piuttosto un'estensione di
una lotta internazionale protratta contro l'imperialismo, da Seattle e
Genova a Lisbona e Firenze, da Cordoba al Cairo.

Gli Stati Uniti forniscono sostegno illimitato, ed anche giustificazioni, a
quelli che perpetrano i crimini sionisti di genocidio contro il popolo
palestinese. Le sofferenze del popolo iracheno sotto un regime di sanzioni
che dura ormai oltre un decennio, e che costituisce un atto di genocidio, e
il militarismo aggressivo che questo
popolo deve affrontare oggi, sono solo la conclusione logica delle
asimmetriche strutture di potere dell'esistente ordine mondiale:

*Gli Stati Uniti hanno il monopolio del potere politico, economico e
militare dentro la struttura della globalizzazione capitalista, a detrimento
della vita della maggioranza delle persone al mondo;
*Gli Stati Uniti impongono il controllo attraverso la sfacciata aggressione
e la globalizzazione militarizzata nel perseguimento degli interessi dei
suoi governanti, al tempo stesso ristabilendo la caratteristica occupazione
diretta del colonialismo classico;
*La strategia globale degli Stati Uniti, che è stata formulata ben prima
dell'11 settembre, 2001, mira a mantenere l'esistente ordine globale
unipolare, e di prevenire l'emergersi di forze che potrebbero cambiare la
bilancia di potere verso la multipolarità. L'amministrazione statunitense ha
approfittato dei tragici
eventi della 11 settembre, sempre sotto il pretesto della lotta contro il
terrorismo, per mettere in atto una strategia preesistente.

Se prestiamo attenzione a questo contesto globale, possiamo capire gli
sviluppi recenti nel mondo:

Globalizzazione capitalista ed egemonia statunitense

*dare la priorità agli interessi dei circoli monopolistici e capitalistici
sopra quelli delle persone, compresi gli stessi cittadini europei e
*integrare le economie di diverse nazioni in un singolo sistema economico
globale e capitalista, soggetto a condizioni che scalzano lo sviluppo
sociale e potranno avere un effetto avverso sulla condizione delle donne, la
salute dell'infanzia, l'istruzione e i servizi sociali per gli anziani. Gli
effetti sono l'aumento della povertà e della disoccupazione.
*generalizzare la cultura del consumismo e dell'individualismo, a detrimento
del senso di responsabilità collettiva, sia verso le migliaia di morti
infantili in Iraq che sono il risultato dell'inquinamento dell'acqua, della
malnutrizione e della mancanza di rifornimenti medici e sanitari, che verso
le vittime dell'AIDS, della malnutrizione e
delle carestie in ogni parte del pianeta. Per milioni di persone, gli
standard di vita sono deteriorati, mentre la disoccupazione e la povertà si
sono in aumento e largamente diffuse. La globalizzazione ha avuto come
risultato l'emarginazione di popoli interi che non possono più acquisire le
necessità più basilari per sostenere
la vita.

Nell'assenza di democrazia, e con la corruzione ed oppressione dilagante che
formano i più significativi ostacoli lunga la via dei popoli arabi nel loro
movimento verso il progresso economico, sociale ed intellettuale, le
conseguenze avverse sono aggravate ulteriormente dentro il modello
dell'esistente ordine mondiale della
globalizzazione neoliberale.

*Il riconoscimento delle restrizioni che esistono allo sviluppo democratico
in Iraq non costituisce in alcun modo un riconoscimento delle
giustificazioni statunitensi per il proseguimento delle sanzioni, ed ora,
per le preparativi per la guerra.
Senza minimizzare le durature restrizioni sullo sviluppo democratico nella
società irachena - com'è il caso in tutte le società arabe - è evidente che
le sanzioni imposte dagli Stati Uniti hanno avuto un effetto devastante
sullo sviluppo iracheno.
L'Iraq in passato ha potuto godere di un profilo relativamente positivo
secondo vari indicatori di sviluppo umano, mentre oggi il suo popolo soffre
immensamente come
risultato della regime delle sanzioni. L'Iraq ha visto un aumento
significativo della mortalità infantile, la diffusione di diverse malattie,
la diminuzione d'opportunità
educative e un deterioramento marcato nello standard della vita. Con
l'incremento della sofferenza umana, si è generato un senso di sconfitta.
* Il popolo palestinese soffre come diretto risultato della perdita della
sua terra e la continua aggressione sionista, che è continuamente sostenuto
con il sostegno
militare, economico e politico degli Stati Uniti, cosa che fanno degli Stati
Uniti un complice de facto nei crimini commessi contro il popolo
palestinese. Gli
Stati Uniti proteggono Israele dalla condanna nei forum internazionali sotto
il pretesto della lotta contro il terrorismo, e fanno affermazioni false,
mettendo ad esempio
sullo stesso piano la legittima lotta del popolo palestinese per resistere
all'occupazione, liberare la propria terra e tornare alle sua case, e il
terrorismo che tutti
noi aborriamo.
*La politica dell'Aggiustamento strutturale che è associato con la
globalizzazione neoliberale ha causato la precipitazione di crisi globali
che si manifestano nella più
grande lacuna della ricchezza, l'aumento della povertà e della
disoccupazione, ed il deterioramento generalizzato degli standard della
*La presenza militare statunitense nella regione araba, e i diktat rivolti
ai governi di nazioni sovrane in questa regione hanno moltiplicato le
sofferenze dei popoli arabi.
L'interferenza con gli affari interni di queste nazioni ora si estende a
richieste di riforme nel campo dell'istruzione e a un'insistente richiesta
di "democratizzazione".
Ironicamente, questo succede in un momento in cui le libertà civili negli
Stati Uniti sono chiaramente sotto assedio, specialmente per quanto riguarda
gli americani di
origini arabe o musulmane, insieme ad altri gruppi di minoranze.
L'amministrazione statunitense ha inoltre violato le leggi internazionali
nella maniera in cui tratta i prigionieri di guerra in Guantanamo. Evidente
poi è il divario di ricchezza all'interno
degli Stati Uniti, il più grande divario tra tutti i Paesi industrializzati
del mondo.
*Gli Stati Uniti non nascondono la loro intenzione di spartire gli Stati
arabi in entità più piccole sulle basi di divisioni etniche o religiose.
Questo potrebbe permettere
Israele di diventare il potere dominante nella regione dentro la struttura
del Progetto per il Medio Oriente (Middle East Project), a discapito del
progetto arabo di
sviluppo equo e di unità regionale.
*Le sofferenze del popolo arabo ed il sostegno incondizionato offerto al
sistema di apartheid imposto al popolo palestinese, senza dubbio darebbero
combustibile al conflitto e porterebbero all'escalation della violenza in
una delle zone più calde del mondo. Questo pericolo potrebbe facilmente
estendersi alla vicina Europa,
Asia ed Africa. I continui preparativi di guerra contro l'Iraq, nonostante
questo paese abbia accettato la risoluzione dell'ONU che impone l'ispezione
aggressiva dei suoi armamenti come delle sue industrie civili, segnala un
intento predeterminato di controllare la regione araba, il suo petrolio, e
nei fatti, tutti i rifornimenti mondiali di petrolio.

Per tutti questi motivi, dichiariamo la nostro totale opposizione alla
guerra contro l'Iraq e la nostra determinazione di continuare la lotta
contro la politica statunitense di dominio globale. Crediamo fortemente
nella urgenza di mobilitarsi contro questa politica. Tutte le forze
democratiche nel mondo che credono alla Pace e alla
Giustizia autentica dovranno unirsi insieme in un progetto di campagna
internazionale contro la globalizzazione neoliberale centrata sugli Stati
Uniti, e promuovere un globalismo alternativo basato sui principi di Equità
e di Giustizia.
Questo progetto mirerebbe alla migliore utilizzazione delle risorse mondiali
e conservazione dell'ambiente. Insieme, i popoli del mondo sono più che
capaci di combattere l'aggressione e tutte le forme di ingiustizia,
pregiudizio e razzismo, e rendere possibile un mondo migliore.

La Conferenza del Cairo contro la guerra all'Iraq e in solidarietà con il
popolo palestinese rappresenta il lancio di un movimento internazionale
popolare volto a creare meccanismi efficaci per affrontare le politiche
dell'aggressione. La partecipazione di attivisti internazionali noti per le
lotte che conducono a favore della
Dignità Umana, dei Diritti e della Giustizia, insieme ad intellettuali,
scrittori, sindacalisti, operatori per i diritti umani, giornalisti ed
artisti - dall'Egitto e dal resto del mondo arabo, africano, asiatico,
latino-americano, europeo e statunitense - sapranno senza dubbio accelerare
questo tentativo nobile, nonostante i numerosi
ostacoli che dovremo affrontare.

E' importante che questa iniziativa di carattere internazionale e popolare
di solidarietà con l'Iraq e la Palestina proceda secondo un Piano d'Azione
che comprenda priorità chiaramente definite:

1. Condanna della presenza militare statunitense sulla terra araba,
accompagnata da una pressione su quei governi arabi che permettono basi
militari sul loro territorio affinché le chiudano e neghino lo spazio aereo,
navale o di terra.
2.Sviluppo della cooperazione con altri organizzazioni popolari del Sud del
mondo per rinforzare la solidarietà nel contrastare la politica e le
pratiche della globalizzazione neoliberale e l'egemonia statunitense.
3.Lavorare verso la cooperazione con il movimento internazionale contro la
globalizzazione del Nord e del Sud del mondo, partecipando alle attività e
agli incontri organizzati da questo movimento.
4.Promuovere l'unità delle forze democratiche e le organizzazioni popolari
in diverse parti del mondo, per formare comitati di solidarietà che si
oppongano alla
guerra contro l'Iraq, i crimini di genocidio subiti dai palestinesi,
sostenendo il loro diritto alla resistenza e la lotta per la liberazione.
5. Sotto la bandiera Insieme contro la globalizzazione e l'egemonia
statunitense aggiungere l'Iraq e la Palestina alle agende dei meeting
internazionali delle forze progressiste, particolarmente il prossimo Social
Forum a Porte Alegre.
6.Invitare organizzazioni di diritti umani arabi ed internazionali a
valutare le condizioni umanitarie in Iraq ed a diffondere le loro ricerche
al livello mondiale.
7. Preparare l'invio di scudi umani in Iraq.
8.Introdurre il boicottaggio di prodotti statunitensi e israeliani in
campagne di solidarietà a sostegno dell'Iraq e della Palestina,
sottolineando il Diritto di Ritorno per i palestinesi.
9.Eleggere un Comitato che segua l'implementazione della Dichiarazione del
Cairo, e il coordinamento tra le organizzazioni che sostengono i suoi
principi, aumentando la conoscenza attraverso azioni appropriate che vanno
dalla preparazioni di manifesti all'organizzazione di dimostrazioni e
manifestazioni di
solidarietà con l'Iraq e la Palestina.

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