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Film Palestinese rifiutato dall'Accademia degli Oscar

L'Accademia degli Oscar ha rifiutato di far concorrere all'Oscar per il
miglior film straniero "Divine Intervention" del palestinese Elia
Suleiman, già premiato al Festival di Cannes. La motivazione del rifiuto
è che l'Accademia non riconosce la Palestina come stato.
Il film è molto bello, intelligente, graffiante, fantasioso. Da non

Qui di seguito riporto la notizia apparsa su Mitfah con l'articolo di
Phil Ed per Au-Cinema

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Refuses Palestinian Film
to Enter the Oscar Race 
By Al-Awda 
December 07, 2002 
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has refused to allow any
Palestinian-made films to enter into the Oscars foreign film race
because it does not accept Palestine as a "nation". The Palestinian
Authority tried to submit Elia Solaiman's film, "Divine Intervention",
but was refused, even though the film was highly awarded at the Cannes
Film Festival this year. 
Below is a response from a Hollywood Producer on this news lightly
mentioned in the film industry trade magazine, Variety. 
You may write/contact the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Academy Foundation 
8949 Wilshire Blvd. 
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 
Phone: 310-247-3000 
Fax: 310-859-9351 
Email: ampas@oscars.org 

The Academy Goes to War with the Bush Administration in the Oscar Race 
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has decided to refuse
the Palestinian entry, "Divine Intervention", for the nomination of Best
Foreign Film, while accepting submissions from countries like
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Chad. 
This decision has been expedited under the false pretext that the
Academy doesn't recognize Palestine as a nation. It would be interesting
to read the definition of "nation" as seen by the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences. 
What the Academy knows and therefore reminds everybody, is that the
government of each nation is allowed to submit one film to represent its
country. This more or less defines the right for a film to be presented.
Therefore, as long as the Palestinian government had agreed to submit
"Divine Intervention" by Elie Souleimane, the Academy had no right to
refuse to include it in the selection, unless the Academy, sitting atop
its unchallenged power and authority doesn't recognize the Palestinian
government. That would be unfortunate. 
Even the Bush administration, although they would prefer that such
government doesn't exist, was able to communicate and negotiate with
Palestine, thus recognizing its existence. If Palestine doesn't exist in
the movie world, why then was the same "Divine Intervention" selected as
a Palestinian entry at the Cannes Film Festival this year? I'm sure that
by now, Palestinian filmmakers - and there are a few, very talented
people - wonder what nationality they are. Israeli? How ironic! 
As we very well know, the Israeli government would never choose to send
to Hollywood, a Palestinian film to represent its country. So for the
Academy, it's probable that Palestinian films simply cannot be
submitted, denying in a way, their right to exist. 
Sounds familiar? Isn't it in the Constitution of the Academy, or at
least in its principles, to promote art without any distinction of race,
religion or politics? Well, sometimes, the Bush administration would use
the phrase "in times of war." 
Now that art has to be put to the service of politics, it seems to me
that the Academy and the entire Hollywood film industry has lost yet
another piece of its credibility. 
By Phil Ed for Au-Cinema.com 