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Uranio impoverito sull'Afghanistan

From: "giuseppe scano" <giuseppe_scano@hotmail.com>

Quantità molto superiori a quelle sganciate sull'Iraq. Danni per migliaia 
di anni.

Afghan Diseases Attributed To American Uranium Bombs
Nov 24, 2002
Source: Islam News

As a result of large number of chemical weapons used by the Americans in 
their campaign in Afghanistan, hundreds of Afghans near the Safayed Koh 
(White Mountain) area in southern Nangahar and villages around Tora Bora 
have been severely hit with diseases of the skin, respiratory system and 
lungs as well as stomach diseases and coughs.

According to news from the area, last year during November and December, 
the Americans bombarded the renowned Jihad centre of Tora Bora with a huge 
number of bombs, cruise missiles and chemical weapons which have casued the 
diseases the residents of the area are now experiencing. In Jalalabad, a 
doctor working for World Health Organization said after examining some of 
these patients that in the coming two to three months, deaths are expected 
to rise as a result of chemicals and uranium used in bombs which hit the area.

While protesting against these diseases, locals have started to think about 
migrating away from the area however patients in the Shami area, Paktia 
province have been found to have the same diseases. America used hundreds 
of bombs in Shah-i-Kot and Paktia last year that contained uranium that 
contained four hundred times more Uranium than the bombs used in Iraq 
during the Gulf war. Medical experts predict that these affects would be 
felt for a long time.

  il coraggio di dire ......
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Alessandro Marescotti
PEACELINK - telematica per la pace - http://www.peacelink.it

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