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Fw: [ANSWER]: 1,500+ Endorse Jan. 18-19 Actions in DC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 1:39 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: 1,500+ Endorse Jan. 18-19 Actions in DC

> Tens of thousands will converge in Washington DC
> January 18-19, 2003
> and the Convening of the GRASSROOTS PEACE CONGRESS
> As momentum builds for the upcoming January 18-19 mass 
> demonstration and People's Peace Congress to oppose a new 
> U.S. war on Iraq, the urgency to take massive action has 
> never been greater.  Today (Nov. 21), the Financial Times 
> quoted former Secretary of State George Shultz as saying 
> "there will be military action. I would be surprised if we 
> have not acted by the end of January." Yesterday (Nov. 
> 20), top Bush security advisor Richard Perle told a 
> meeting of Labour Party MPs in England that the 
> administration was determined to go to war.  MP Peter 
> Kilfoyle, based on Perle's comments, reported: "President 
> Bush intends to go to war even if inspectors find nothing" 
> (Mirror/UK, 11/21).
> We do not accept the logic of these war-mongerers that a 
> war against Iraq must happen. In fact, the people of the 
> world oppose this war.  Each and every person must take 
> action now to prevent this catastrophe.  We will not be 
> passive observers while the Bush administration attempts 
> to carry out a war for Big Oil and the domination over the 
> people, land and resources of the Middle East.
> Join the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Ramsey Clark, Cynthia 
> McKinney, New York City Labor Against the War, Dr. Hans 
> Christof von Sponeck, Rev. Graylan Hagler, the Muslim 
> American Society Freedom Foundation, Bishop Thomas 
> Gumbleton, Rev. Herbert Daughtry, Global Exchange, Rev. 
> John Dear, Patti Smith, Charles Barron, and almost 1,500 
> more who have endorsed the January 18-19 Call to Action. 
>  There are now buses being organized from 100+ cities to 
> be in Washington DC or San Francisco on those days. 
>  Please read the following email to find out how you can 
> get involved!
> ***************
> To ENDORSE the January 18-19 Mass Actions in DC, fill out 
> the easy-to-use form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#endo
> (if this link does not take you directly to the form, 
> please scroll down)
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18contacts.html
> If you plan to ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION from your area to 
> be in DC January 18-19, fill out the form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#transp
> (if this link does not take you directly to the form, 
> please scroll down)
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/resources/
> 18-19 ACTIONS NOW INCLUDES (updated 11/21/02):
> - A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
> - Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
> - Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Dem. Georgia
> - New York City Labor Against the War
> - Dr. Hans Christof von Sponeck, former director of the UN 
> Oil for Food Program
> - Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth 
> Congregational Church
> - Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
> - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Auxillary Bishop, Catholic 
> Archdiocese of Detroit
> - Rev. Herbert Daughtry, National Pastor, House of the 
> Lord Pentecostal Church
> - Global Exchange
> - Rev. John Dear
> - Patti Smith
> - National Lawyers Guild
> - Brenda Stokely, President, District Council 1707 AFSCME; 
> Co-Convener, New York City Labor Against the War
> - Charles Barron, NYC City Councilmember
> - IFCO/Pastors for Peace
> - Free Palestine Alliance
> - Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
> - Nicaragua Network
> - Muslim Student Association of the US/Canada
> - Korea Truth Commission
> - International Action Center
> - Kensington Welfare Rights Union
> - Middle East Children's Alliance
> - Bayan USA-International 
> - Mexico Solidarity Network
> - Howard Zinn, Peoples' Historian
> - Michael Letwin, Co-Convener, New York City Labor Against 
> the War
> - Michael Tarif Warren, attorney
> - Chuck Turner, City Councilor, Boston, MA
> - Ron Kovic, author (including "Born on the 4th of July")
> - Michel Chossudovsky, Professor
> - National Alliance Against Racism and Political 
> Repression
> - Dr. James Tate, Executive Director, National Alliance 
> Against Racism and Political Repression
> - Cleveland Peace Action
> - Committee in Support of the Iraqi People
> - Strategic Pastoral Action Network (SPAN)
> - Green Party USA
> - SALAAM - South Asian League of Artists in America
> - The Vanguard Coalition, Pace University
> - Texas A&M University Campus Greens
> - Coalition for Peace and Justice, Charlotte, NC
> - Students Taking Opposition Peacefully
> - Sag Harbor Coalition Against the War
> - High Country Citizens for Peace and Justice
> - College Voice, College of Staten Island - City 
> University of New York (CSI/CUNY)
> - Terre Haute Stop War on Iraq
> - Student Voices for Peace, New Mexico State University
> - Alaska Action Center
> - Brown County Women's International League for Peace and 
> Freedom
> - Yullah.com - National Arab American Event Directory
> - Southwest Washington Institute for Peace and Social 
> Justice
> - Central Vermont Coalition for PEACE
> - Vietnam Veterans Against The War Anti-Imperialist
> - Citizens for a Peaceful Response (CPR) Detroit
> - Student Coalition for Peace and Equality, University of 
> Maryland at Baltimore School of Social Work
> - St. Stephen Catholic Student Center, University of 
> Northern Iowa
> - Metro DC Committee of Correspondence
> - Women in Black - Salem, Oregon
> - Women in Black - Gulfcoast, Florida
> - Office of the Americas
> - No Blood For Oil
> - Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
> - United Church Of Christ/National Office
> - Centre for Research on Globalisation
> - Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists' Social 
> Justice Committee
> - CLASP (Caribbean & Latin America Support Project)
> - Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement
> - International Association of Democratic Lawyers, India
> - Islamic Society at TCNJ
> - Al-Qalam, Institute of Islamic Scienses
> - Modesto (Ca) Committee for Peace in the Middle East
> - CGIL University and Research Trade Union (Florence)
> - West Virginia Peace
> - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Mary 
> Wood branch, Springfield IL
> - Campaign Against War at the University of Iowa
> - North Texas Coalition for a Just Peace
> - West Virginia University Students for Economic Justice
> - West Virginia Antiwar Coalition
> - Ohio Fair Trade Campaign Network
> - Conscience International
> - Students' Administrative Council - University of Toronto 
> - Radical Student Union of UMass Amherst
> - Filipino Workers Action Center, Seattle
> - Northeast Wisconsin Peace Network
> - Coalition Against War & Racism (Toronto)
> - Anti-War Committee
> - Students for Peace & Humanity - SUNY at Stony Brook
> - Stony Brook Coalition Against War - SUNY at Stony Brook
> - Women Against War
> - NO WAR South Australia - Network Opposing War and Racism
> - Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois/Fellowship of 
> Reconciliation
> - Kansas City Iraq Task Force
> - Global Coalition for Peace
> - Committee for Peace and Human Rights - Boston, MA
> - Bay Area Iranians for Peace & Social Justice
> - Hoboken Food Not Bombs
> - Coalition for Peace and Justice
> - South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice
> - Justice for Palestinians
> - Reno Anti-War Coalition
> & many more!
> *** Register your opposition to the war at 
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org ***
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org
> Email: dc@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-332-5757
> Chicago 773-878-0166
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> ------------------
> Send replies to answer@action-mail.org
> This is the ANSWER activist announcement
> list. Anyone can subscribe by sending 
> any message to <answer.general-subscribe@action-mail.org>
> To unsubscribe <answer.general-off@action-mail.org>