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Fw: [IAC] JAN. 18-19 MASS ACTIONS in DC: No War in Iraq!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Action Center" <ActionCenter.actgen@action-mail.org>
To: <ActionCenter.actgen@action-mail.org>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 2:51 AM
Subject: [IAC] JAN. 18-19 MASS ACTIONS in DC: No War in Iraq!

> Tens of thousands will converge in Washington DC
> January 18-19, 2003
> and the Convening of the GRASSROOTS PEACE CONGRESS
> We wanted to let everyone know that momentum is growing
> for the January 18 Mass March and the January 19
> Grassroots Peace Congress to say "No War in Iraq."  Buses,
> vans and car caravans are being organized from
> communities, high schools and campuses all over the East
> Coast, South and Midwest.  More than 150 cities organized
> transportation to be at the protest of 200,000 in DC on
> October 26 -- and those organizers left the protest
> pledging to continue to mobilize for an even larger
> turnout on January 18-19.
> Millions of people outside of DC watched the rally on
> C-Span or listened to it on Pacifica Radio's live
> coverage.  Many more found out about it through other
> media coverage -- including a major article that appeared
> in the October 30 edition of the New York Times (a much
> better article than the biased article that appeared on
> October 27 after the Times received thousands of angry
> phone calls and emails) -- and are now beginning to
> organize.  50,000 people have registered on the
> VoteNoWar.org website.  This is in addition to the tens of
> thousands who have filled out paper ballots/petitions on
> October 26 and in the days since. A.N.S.W.E.R. offices
> around the country are daily being contacted by organizers
> and volunteers whose commitment to mobilize makes us
> confident that January 18-19 will be a massive outpouring
> of opposition to war in Iraq.
> To ENDORSE the January 18-19 Mass Actions in DC, fill out
> the easy-to-use form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#endo
> If you plan to ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION from your area to
> be in DC January 18-19, fill out the form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#transp
> When Congress rejects the will of the people, the people
> must act themselves.  Congress has rubber-stamped Bush's
> criminal war that seeks to conquer the oil, land and
> resources of the Middle East. Bush and Congress have shown
> that they represent the interests of Corporate America
> rather than the people of the United States.
> A people's movement is growing to stop them.  On January
> 18 and 19 tens of thousands of people will participate in
> mass protest activities on the Martin Luther King Jr.
> anniversary weekend.
> Dr. King publicly condemned the U.S. war in Vietnam,
> providing a powerful connection between the civil rights
> movement and the anti-war movement. In his "Beyond
> Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in 1967, he stated,
> "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is]
> my own government. . . [F]or the sake of the hundreds of
> thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be
> silent."
> Dr. King believed that it was impossible to successfully
> wage a war on poverty at home while waging a war of
> aggression in Vietnam. The same can be said today about
> George W. Bush's global war drive. Social programs and
> services are being looted as Bush and Congress provide
> record-breaking sums for weapons of mass destruction and
> war. Bush has signed into law Congress's new defense
> budget that transfers a billion dollars a day from the
> people into the hands of the military-industrial complex.
> The thousands who are coming to Washington, D.C., honor
> Dr. King and his legacy by opposing a criminal war in Iraq
> -- this time not in Vietnam, but in the Middle East -- and
> by demanding instead that these hundreds of billions of
> dollars earmarked for war instead be spent on jobs,
> education, housing, health care and to meet human needs.
> The grassroots Peace Congress will be comprised of
> delegations from all communities who are coming together
> in the streets and in a People's Congress to forge the
> opposition necessary to stop the Bush Administration's war
> drive: labor, students and youth, fighters for civil
> rights and women's rights, the LGBT community and people
> of faith.
> Join with others around the country by bringing a diverse
> delegation from your community to participate in the
> January 18 mass march and the January 19th People's
> Congress.
> To ENDORSE the January 18-19 Mass Actions in DC, fill out
> the easy-to-use form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#endo
> If you plan to ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION from your area to
> be in DC January 18-19, fill out the easy-to-use form at:
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#transp
> *** Register your opposition to the war at
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org ***
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org
> Email: dc@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-332-5757
> Chicago 773-878-0166
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> ------------------
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