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Invitation to the 3rd International Conference of Chief Justicesof the World

Sub: 3rd International Conference of Chief Justices of the World on Article
51 of the Constitution of India

Theme: Enforceable International Law is the Need of the Hour

*Article 51 of Constitution of India
The State shall endeavour to:-
(a) promote international peace and security;
(b) maintain just and honourable relations between nations;
(c) foster respect for international law and
(d) encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration.

Dear Friend,

As an eminent supporter of world unity and world peace, I invite you to
participate in the 3rd International Conference of Chief Justices of the
World on Article 51c of the Constitution of India being held at Lucknow
(India) from 6th to 8th December 2002, with the objective of safeguarding
the future of the world's children, born and yet-to-be born by calling for
establishment of ÔEnforceable International Law'.  It may be pertinent to
point out that a recent study by the Washington-based Population Reference
Bureau states that more than THREE MILLION children under the age of five
are dying every year due to pollution.  The ever-worsening environment and
ecology pose the most serious threat to the very survival of life on our

We would also like to recall that in a landmark judgement the Supreme Court
of Philippines recognized that even generations yet unborn have a right to
a safe and healthy ecology (please see attached file).  The same judgement
further says that it is the intergenerational responsibility of every
generation to ensure that future generations receive a balanced and healthy
ecology.  Since ecology and environment all over the globe cannot be
separated by national boundaries, we need to have ÔEnforceable
International Law' that is applicable and binding on all the countries and
peoples of the world in order to ensure that coming generations inherit a
safe and healthy ecology.  Without doubt children are the most powerful
common denominator for all nations to come together to the PEACE TABLE in
the right frame of mind for hammering out the necessary agreements for
ensuring a peaceful world. Moreover, only ÔEnforceable International Law'
can bind the entire humanity in one thread.  Hence the need to propagate
Article 51c of the Constitution of India which says that the State shall
Ôfoster respect for International Law'.

Also, you will be pleased to know that the following dignitaries have
already sent their consent to participate in the Conference:
1   H.E. Mr Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda
2   H.E. Sir Daniel Williams, the Governor-General of Grenada
3   Mr Justice A. O. Conteh, the Chief Justice of Belize
4   Mr Justice B. J. Odoki, the Chief Justice of Uganda
5   Mr Justice Ganpat Chimedlkham, the Chief Justice of Mongolia
6   Mr Justice Guva Chidyausiku, the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe
7   Mr Justice Adrien Nyankiye, the Chief Justice of Burundi
8   Mr Justice Oscar Alfaro Alvarez, the Chief Justice of Peru
9   Madam Justice Leposava Karamakovic, President, Supreme Court of Serbia
10 Mr Justice Simeon Gevelski, the Chief Justice of Macedonia
11 Dame Joan A. Sawyer, DBE, President, Court of Appeal, The Bahamas
12 Mr Justice N. S. Juddoo, representing the Chief Justice of Seychelles
13 Mr Justice S. W. B. Wadugodapitiya representing the Chief Justice of Sri
14 Madam Justice Janina Stripeikiene representing the Chief Justice of
15 Madam Justice S. Peeroo, representing the Chief Justice of Mauritius
16 Mr S. Amos Wako, the Attorney General of Kenya
17 Honourable Mr Henry Duncan Phoya, Minister for Justice and Attorney
General, Republic of Malawi

We are expecting more consents in the coming weeks, including that of His
Lordship Mr Justice Hilario G. Davide, the Chief Justice of Philippines,
who delivered the above mentioned epochal judgement that first recognised
the rights of the children yet unborn.  Besides, H.E. Yosef Hassan Al-Sai,
Ambassador of Qatar in India telephoned to say that the His Royal Highness
Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Amir of Qatar will be participating.  Mr
Banai Anaei of the Embassy of Iran telephoned to say that Ayatollah Mahmoud
Hashemi Shahroudi, Head of the Judiciary of Iran will be participating. Mr
Sergey Savelyev, Counsellor at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in New Delhi has
informed that Mr I. Tasmagambetov, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan may
also be participating. Moreover, the Chief Justice of Tajikistan is also
likely to participate as also the Minister for Law and Justice of
Bangladesh. Their letters of consent are shortly expected.

I also take this opportunity to say few words about our school, the City
Montessori School, Lucknow (CMS) which was established 43 years ago with
only 5 students, with the aim of imparting value based quality education
that inculcates universal values, global understanding and the spirit of
service to the world in children. Over the years CMS has grown to be the
world's largest city school with over 26,000 students as recognized by the
Guinness Book of World Records and this year CMS has been awarded the
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2002 in recognition of its' efforts to
promote the universal values of education for peace and tolerance and
secularism. CMS organizes 15 international events for children every year
to promote world unity, world peace and global understanding amongst the
future generation. During such interaction with children, I found many
children are concerned and fearful of their future on account of
international conflicts, nuclear stockpile by many countries and threat to
the natural resources and global warming.

We therefore wrote an appeal to H.E. Dr Kofi A. Annan, Secretary General
United Nations on behalf of the 26,000 children of CMS, who collected
100,000 signatures on it on 1st September 1999, requesting him to initiate
efforts to form a World Government, which could prevent global disaster and
make the future of world's two billion children safe and secure. In our
appeal we drew attention of Dr Kofi Annan to the provisions of Article 51
(c) of the Constitution of India on International Peace and Security that
could be made applicable for all the countries of the world.

H.E. Dr Kofi Annan in his reply dated 11th October 1999 expressed his
inability to do any thing in this regard and suggested that world leaders
should take initiative to act together for the common good. And accordingly
we wrote to all the world leaders who were to attend Millennium Summit from
6th to 8th September 2000.

The undersigned was invited to take part in UN's Millennium Forum of NGO's
and Civil Societies held at the UN Headquarters from 22nd to 26th May 2000
on Strengthening and democratizing the UN and I am happy to inform that I
was successful in getting the clause for the establishment of a 'New
International Economic and Political Order' included in its Declaration
which later became one of the Agenda of the U.N. Millennium Summit held
from 6th to 8th September, 2002. However at the UN's Millennium Summit no
decision was taken on the formation of a 'New International Economic and
Political Order'.

When the appeal of two billion children of the world to safeguard their
future failed, we decided to approach the World Judiciary who through its
wisdom could motivate the countries and their Governments to come to this
'PEACE TABLE' to consult on ways and means Ôto safeguard the rights of
children of the world for a safe future.' Also it is the
ÔInter-Generational Responsibility' of our generation to safeguard the
future of the world's children born and also of those yet-to-be-born.

With this background CMS successfully organized a series of judicial
discussions on Article 51c of the Constitution of India through a
roundtable conference, a seminar and two international conferences of
Judges and Chief Justices of the world in the year 2001 to discuss the need
for framing 'Enforceable International Law', a World Parliament and a World
Government for ensuring world unity and world peace in the larger interest
of humanity and specially the world's children, born and yet to be born.

We eagerly look forward to seeing you at the Conference.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Jagdish Gandhi
City Montessori School,
Head Office: 12 Station Road, Lucknow - 226001
Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0091-522-638738, 638483, 638606
Fax Number: 0091-522-638008
E-mail: <mailto:jgandhi@cmseducation.org>jgandhi@cmseducation.org
Website: <http://www.cmseducation.org/>http://www.cmseducation.org