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[IPBmemgps] Iraq: War resistance mounting - many useful articles

-----Original Message-----
From: TFF Sweden [mailto:TFF@transnational.org]
Sent: 22 October 2002 10:28
To: TFF PeaceBrowser
Subject: PeaceBrowser Oct 22, 2002 War resistance mounting

Take a look here! Mainstream as well as alternative press is
increasingly critical to the Bush regime's war plan against Iraq.
Perhaps war is not unavoidable, after all?
- and then you can also enjoy broader analyses and views by the
increasing number of TFF Associates around the world.


I N   E N G L I S H


(Nyheter på nordiska språk efter engelska)

Patti Marxsen & Nur Yalman, TFF Associate, October 19, 2002
Thinking Across Cultures
"An interview with Professor Yalman at the time of the first
anniversary of September 11th."

David Krieger, TFF Associate, October 19, 2002
A Bleak Day for America
"Congress has joined the President in assuming an imperial mantle,
granting powers above and beyond our obligations under international
and domestic law."

Feature - UK Labour Party, October 19, 2002
Labour Against the War
"The Labour Party and trade union campaign for an end to western
military action in response to the events of 11th September 2001."

Feature - Shlomo Shamir, Ha'aretz, October 19, 2002
Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions
"Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council
resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University
political science professor Steven Zunes."

Feature - P. Beaumont & N.P. Walsh, Guardian, Oct 19, 2002
Revealed: Iraq's quest to build a nuclear bomb
"New evidence proves that Saddam Hussein has continued his efforts to
assemble an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction."

Feature - Rep. Ron Paul , Antiwar.com, October 19, 2002
Opposing the Use of Military Force Against Iraq
A Republican representative from Texas speaks out.

Feature - MoveOn.org, October 19, 2002
"No War on Iraq"
Petition to US and world leaders. Please sign.

Feature - E. Vulliamy, P. Webster, & N.P. Walsh, Guardian,
October 19, 2002
Scramble to carve up Iraqi oil reserves lies behind US diplomacy
"Manoeuvres shaped by horsetrading between America, Russia and France
over control of untapped oilfields."

Feature - Robert Fisk, Independent, October 19, 2002
What the US President wants us to forget
A critique of George Bush's latest speech.

Feature - Mohammed Aldouri, IHT, October 19, 2002
'No nuclear or biological or chemical weapons'
Iraq states its case.

Feature - Salon.com, October 19, 2002
*I'm not sure which planet they live on*
Interview with Gen. Anthony Zinni, Bush's Middle East envoy.

Feature - Leela Jacinto, ABC News, October 19, 2002
Just Say No
"Iraqis in Exile Unite in Mock Protest Vote, But Are Divided on Future."

Feature - Diana Abu-Jaber, IHT, October 19, 2002
Give Arab-Americans a fair hearing
"I have absolutely come to believe that you won't find a more
generous, compassionate or hospitable people than the Arabs..."

Feature - Iraqis against War and Dictatorship, Oct 19, 2002
No to war on Iraq... No to dictatorship
Petition to governments and the UN. Please sign.

Feature - UN News Centre, October 19, 2002
UN Arms Inspections in Iraq
Disarming Iraq of weapons of mass destruction

Feature - Traprock Peace Center, October 19, 2002
Together We Must Stop this 11.year War
Peace center in Massachusetts, USA, calls for protest against a war with

Feature - A. Simpson & Dr G. Rangwala, TPC, Oct 19, 2002
The dishonest case for war on Iraq
"This pamphlet separates the evidence for what we know about Iraq
from the wild suppositions used as the pretext for a war."

Jonathan Power, TFF Associate, October 18, 2002
Is that a miracle we see with the Russian economy?
There used to be a joke told in Moscow: There are two ways out of the
Russian economic crisis: the natural and the miraculous. The natural
way is that the Archangel Michael and his cohorts of angels descend
to earth and work 24 hours a day to save the Russian economy. The
miraculous way is that the Russians do it themselves.

TFF PressInfo # 163, October 15, 2002
US military dictatorship in Iraq? Regime change in Washington?
U.S. foreign policy seems to be moving beyond the realm of political
science textbooks. Washington today means ever more bellicose
groupthink. It's the theatre of the absurd. Statements without shared
meanings are uttered from a moral void. We are living in increasingly
dangerous times...

President Jimmy Carter wins 2002 Nobel Peace Prize
TFF featured him on September 6, 2002
The troubling new face of America
This former US president voices his concerns over the lack of
existing debate in the US, the lack of a comprehensible Middle East
policy, and the "belligerent and divisive voices" that "now seem to
be dominant in Washington".

TFF proudly presents a new TFF Associate: Hans von Sponeck, former UN
Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator
for Iraq.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, Not in Our Names, October 10, 2002
Not in Our Names - No more economic sanctions
This website is part of an international campaign for the lifting of
economic sanctions on Iraq, led by two former UN Humanitarian
Coordinators for Iraq: Hans von Sponeck and Denis J. Halliday.

Hans von Sponeck, Danish Broadcasting, "Orientering",
October 10, 2002
About the United States and Iraq
Listen to von Sponeck himself. This is an interview with Danish
translation and comments.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, Inst of Public Accuracy, October 10, 2002
Weapons sites defunct and destroyed
"Evidence of al-Qaida/lraq collaboration does not exist.... Six years
of revisions to sanctions policy on Baghdad have repeatedly promised
'mitigation' of civilian suffering. Yet, in 1999, UNICEF confirmed an
estimated 5,000 excess child deaths every month above the 1989
pre-sanctions rate. Four months ago, [March 2002] UNICEF reported
that more than 22 per cent of the country's young children remain
chronically malnourished."

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, The Guardian, October 10, 2002
Go on, call Bush's bluff

If Iraq lets the arms inspectors back in, America's case for war will
be exposed as fiction. The former UN humanitarian aid coordinator for
Iraq from 1998-2000 has just returned from a two-week stay in Iraq
and says that UIraq is not a threat to anyone.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, & Denis Halliday, Counterpunch,
October 10, 2002
Iraq: the Hostage Nation
The UK and the US, as permanent members of the council, are fully
aware that the UN embargo operates in breach of the UN covenants on
human rights, the Geneva and Hague conventions and other
international laws. It is neither anti-UK nor anti-US to point out
that Washington and London, more than anywhere else, have in the past
decade helped to write the Iraq chapter in the history of avoidable

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, The Guardian, October 10, 2002
Open Letter to Britain's minister responsible for Iraq
"The public does not know that you do this [bomb in the no-fly zones]
without a mandate by the UN security council. It is in your hands to
stop endangering your pilots by withdrawing them from Iraqi skies. It
angered your office that I introduced air-strike reporting for 1999
while serving in Iraq."

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, Traprock Peace Center, October 10, 2002
Iraq: four questions, four answ
von Sponeck appeared before the 9 nation European Colloquium on
September 25, 2002 and presented his argument against war and in
favor of lifting economic sanctions once the UN arms inspectors
programme is underway with the full cooperation of the Government of

Hans von Sponeck, TFF Associate, EastWest Record, Oct 10, 2002
Another America yearns to be heard
During frequent and extensive travels across the United States, I
discovered 'another America'. What I found is an America that is
concerned, well informed, human rights-minded as well as
compassionate toward the plight of others.

Hans von Sponeck, ZNet, October 10, 2002
An interview about the sanctions on Iraq
"I resigned because I increasingly became aware that I was associated
with a policy of implementing an oil-for-food program that couldn't
possibly meet the needs of the Iraqi people, and I felt that I was
being misused for a United Nations policy that was punitive.."
Nordiska texter av von Sponeck nedan.


Stephen Zunes, FPIF, October 11, 2002
United Nations Security Council Resolutions Currently Being Violated
by Countries Other than Iraq
The cases are listed in order of resolution number, followed by the
year in which the resolution was passed, the country or countries in
violation, and a brief description of the resolution.

Ann Scott Tyson, CSM, October 11, 2002
Two big challenges complicate Iraq attack
US military gears up to disarm weapons of mass destruction &endash;
and sow disloyalty in Iraqi ranks.

Robert Frisk, CDNC, October 11, 2002
The Dishonesty of this So-Called Dossier
"Tony Blair's "dossier" on Iraq is a shocking document. Reading it
can only fill a decent human being with shame and outrage."

Jerusalem Post Staff, October 11, 2002
Report: IDF in Iraq
"Israeli special forces are operating inside western Iraq to locate
missile launchers that could be used against Israel, according to a
report in the recent issue of Jane's Foreign Report. Israeli
officials refused to comment on the report."

Peter Ford, CSM, October 11, 2002
Is America the 'good guy'? Many now say, 'No.'
"In what it has cast as a battle between good and evil, the US
toppled the Taliban and is now threatening 'regime change' in Iraq.
But Americans see their global role differently from the way others
see it."

William Pfaff, IHT, October 11, 2002
Geopolitics have changed for the worse
"The attacks of last Sept. 11 broke the international geopolitical
mold of the previous decade, which was set by the collapse of the
Soviet system."

Francis Boyle, GNN, October 11, 2002
Is Bush's War Illegal?
."..it would be important for one lawyer to get up there in front of
a national audience and argue against a war and for the application
of domestic and international law enforcement, international
procedures, and constitutional protections, which I did."

Andreas Griewank, TFF Friend, October 11, 2002
Votes and Voices on the Iraq War: An East-West German Perspective
"Since NATO redefined its mission in April 1999 and the Western
powers started projecting their military superiority on a global
scale, most European countries must have had at least one
parliamentary election. To me it was agonizing to watch that these
dramatic and dangerous developments seemed barely an issue in the
electoral campaigns."

Francis A. Boyle, TFF Associate, October 11, 2002
The Rogue Elephant
"Upon his installation, Bush Jr.'s "compassionate conservatism"
quickly revealed itself to be nothing more than reactionary
Machiavellianism--as if there had been any real doubt about this
during the presidential election campaign. Fascism with a friendly


P Å   N O R D I S K A   S P R Å K


Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, Helsingborgs Dagblad,
19 oktober 2002, på dansk
Kik! På TV i Baghdad (Irak 2)

Jan Öberg, TFF direktör, Helsingborgs Dagblad,
19 oktober 2002, på svenska
Titta! På TV i Baghdad (Irak 2)

PressInfo # 163, 19 oktober 2002, på dansk
Amerikansk militærdiktatur i Irak? Regimeforandring i Washington?
USAs udenrigspolitik synes at bevæge sig uden for statskundskabens
lærebøgers rammer. Washington dyrker stadig mere krigerisk
"groupthink". Det er absurd teater. Udtalelser uden fælles betydning
ytres ud fra et moralsk tomrum.

PressInfo # 160, October 19, 2002, på dansk
Der er noget råddent i Kongeriget Danmark, men der er udveje
På grund af den indflydelse det amerikanske paradigme og en føjelig
forskningstradition har haft, har der været en underprioritering af
vigtige forskningsemner i Danmark og i resten af Skandinavien igennem
de sidste få tiår...

Feature - Bitte Hammargren, SvD, 19 oktober. 2002
Iraks grannar tvingas välja mellan Saddam och Bush
"Valet står, grovt sett, mellan att vårda relationerna med den
amerikanska supermakten eller med de egna USA- och Israelkritiska

Feature - Miael Löfgren, DN, 19 oktober, 2002
Vapen kontra diplomati
"Robert Kagans essä "Power and Weakness" har i vissa kretsar hälsats
som ett sesam till den nya världsordningen."

Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, Helsingborgs Dagblad,
11 oktober 2002, på dansk
Rejs till Irak! (Irak 1)

Jan Öberg, TFF direktör, Helsingborgs Dagblad,
11 oktober 2002, på svenska
Res till Irak! (Irak 1)
Jan Öberg berätter om sin resa till Irak. Om han kan så kan andra!
Om du vill hjälpa oss med vår website..


TFF præsenterer hermed en ny TFF Associeret: Hans von Sponeck,
tidligere vice-generalsekretær i FN og koordinator af FN's humanitære
program i Irak.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF associeret, Lad Iraks Folk Leve, Oktober 10, 2002
Hvad jeg ville sige til den amerikanske præsident hvis jeg var hans
udenrigspolitiske rådgiver
"Kære hr. præsident: Som Deres udenrigspolitiske rådgiver anser jeg
det for min pligt at føje et andet perspektiv til...."

Anita Lilburn, SIES, 3 september 2002
Upprop för fred och ekonomisk utveckling i Irak
Sedan tolv år stöder och deltar de nordiska länderna i ekonomiska
sanktioner mot Irak. Sanktionspolitiken har betecknats som "ett
pågående folkmord" av flera höga FN-tjänstemän &endash; inklusive
Denis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck och Jutta Burghart - och av
representanter för ett stort antal FN-organ och hjälporganisationer.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF associerad, Aftonbladet, October 10, 2002
Den sanna bilden av Irak - och av USA
Vad jag har funnit är ett Amerika som är engagerat, välinformerat,
intresserat av mänskliga rättigheter &endash; och som känner
medlidande med andra människor. Det finns ett Amerika som vill göra
sin röst hörd.

Hans von Sponeck, TFF associeret, Stop Terrorkrigen, Oktober 10, 2002
Slut med de økonomiske sanktioner. Det irakiske folk har lidt nok!
Appel & underskrifter

Hans von Sponeck, TFF associeret, Berlingske Tidende, Oktober 10, 2002
Intet belæg for Irak-krig
Nu to år efter har han stadig viet sit otium til at kæmpe for den
irakiske befolkning, og for at afsløre det han betegner som »massiv

Hans von Sponeck, TFF associeret, Politiken, Oktober 10, 2002
Intet retsgrundlag for angreb på Irak
"Hvis europæerne ikke taler med fælles stemme, har vi ikke noget at
skulle have sagt."

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