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Invitation to participate in the 3rd International Conference ofthe Chief Justices of the World (6-8 December 2002)

Dear Friend,

As an eminent supporter of world unity and world peace, we invite you to
participate in the 3rd International Conference of Chief Justices of the
World on Article 51c of the Constitution of India.  The Conference is being
held at Lucknow from 6th to 8th December 2002.  There is no registration or
participation fee and all participants will be provided complimentary
boarding, lodging and local transport at our International Guest House, for
the duration of the Conference.  If you are interested in participating,
you are requested to contact us for individual invitations for visa

The Conference is being organized with the objective of safeguarding the
future of the world's children, born and yet-to-be born by calling for
establishment of ÔEnforceable International Law'.  In a landmark judgement
the Supreme Court of Philippines recognized that even generations yet
unborn, have a right to a safe and healthy ecology.  The same judgement
further says that it is the inter-generational responsibility of every
generation to ensure that future generations receive a balanced and healthy
ecology. Moreover, only ÔEnforceable International Law' can bind the entire
humanity in one thread.  Hence the need to propagate Article 51c of the
Constitution of India which says that the State shall Ôfoster respect for
International Law'.

 For more details on the Conference, please visit :

 We look forward to receiving your consent to participate in the above

 Thanking you

 Yours sincerely

Jagdish Gandhi
City Montessori School,
Head Office: 12 Station Road, Lucknow - 226001
Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0091-522-638738, 638483, 638606
Fax Number: 0091-522-638008
E-mail: <mailto:jgandhi@cmseducation.org>jgandhi@cmseducation.org
Website: <http://www.cmseducation.org/>http://www.cmseducation.org
IPB Member

You will be pleased to know that the following dignitaries have already
sent their consent to participate in the Conference:

1   H.E. Mr Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda

2   H.E. Sir Daniel Williams, the Governor-General of Grenada

3   Mr Justice A. O. Conteh, the Chief Justice of Belize

4   Mr Justice B. Odoki, the Chief Justice of Uganda

5   Mr Justice Ganpat Chimedlkham, the Chief Justice of Mongolia

6   Mr Justice Guva Chidyausiku, the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe

7   Mr Justice Adrien Nyankiye, the Chief Justice of Burundi

8   Mr Justice Oscar Alfaro Alvarez, the Chief Justice of Peru

9   Madam Justice Leposava Karamakovic, the President of the Supreme Court
of Serbia

10 Mr Justice Simeon Gevelski, the Chief Justice of Macedonia

11 Mr Justice V. Alleear, the Chief Justice of Seychelles

12 Mr Justice S. W. B. Wadugodapitiya representing the Chief Justice of Sri

13 Madam Justice Janina Stripeikiene representing the Chief Justice of

14 Madam Justice S. Peeroo, representing the Chief Justice of Mauritius

15 Mr S. Amos Wako, the Attorney General of Kenya