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No War On Irak!

Dear Peace Activist!
I am writing you on behalf of the ongoing anti-war
movement. I am a volunteer at Global Exchange, a
non-profit, research, education and action center
dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around
the world.
Currently, our most urgent action is to stop the war
against Irak before it starts. Hundreds of communities
in the United States and throughout the world will be
organizing "No War On Irak" protests on the weekend of
October 5.& 6. 2002. We strongly encourage you to
organize a protest in your city or town or best in
front of the U.S. embassy in your country to show the
U.S. government that opposition is international. To
find out more about protests, campaigns and peace
events check www.globalexchange.org and its topical
anti-war homepage www.unitedforpeace.org, a
collaboration of national and international peace and
social justice organizations.
If you plan a protest in your country please inform us
about so we know what is all going on and we can add
your event on our homepage. Write to
peace@globalexchange.org. If you know other peace
groups in your country we may not reach we would
appreciate if you could forward this message.
Thank you very much!
Global Exchange


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