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Fw: [ANSWER]: I will help defend civil rights!

From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 2:51 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: I will help defend civil rights!

 Dear Friend,
 More than 600 organizers and activists participated in 
 A.N.S.W.E.R.'s Emergency National conference held on June 
 1 in New York City. The conference adopted a "Defend Civil 
 Rights Campaign" that begin with the June 29th 
 demonstration at the FBI and Justice Department 
 headquarters in Washington DC. Buses and car caravans are 
 coming from all over the East Coast to Washington DC on 
 June 29th. Other cities -- those that can't make it to DC 
 -- are organizing local rallies June 28th and 29th at 
 Federal buildings in their cities and towns. 
 We are launching this campaign in defense of civil rights 
 because Bush and Ashcroft are trying to silence critics of 
 their foreign and domestic policies. They want to stifle 
 dissent by combining the tactics of J. Edgar Hoover's 
 vicious reign at the FBI with a new kind of McCarthyism -- 
 a witchhunt against people who are targeted for their 
 political and religious convictions.
 We are optimistic that we can turn this tide by organizing 
 a massive campaign in defense of civil rights. It is 
 important that people not be intimidated, scared and timid 
 in response to this assault on free speech. 
 People around the country are responding to our work. For 
 example, our web site received more than 1 million "hits" 
 and tens of thousands of people downloaded our leaflets, 
 fact sheets and press releases in just the few days just 
 before and after the historic 100,000-strong demonstration 
 on April 20th. 
 We urge you to become a supporter of this effort by making 
as generous a contribution as possible. We are filling 
 buses, sending out mass mailings, reaching out to 
 educational and religious institutions, holding 
 educational seminars, sponsoring press conferences in many 
 cities, speaking on TV and radio, and organizing all the 
 other tasks to make this a new national "Free Speech" 
 movement .
 Please make a contribution to this effort. If you can't go 
 to Washington DC make a donation so that we can subsidize 
 buses for young people and those on a fixed income. To 
 make a contribution online go to 
 http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html . Checks 
 and money orders can be mailed to 39 W. 14th St., Room 
 206, NY NY 10011 (checks of $50 or more are tax-deductible 
 and can be made out to ?Peoples Rights Fund/No War?; 
 checks under $50 can be made out to ?A.N.S.W.E.R.?). 
 We are also providing a special complimentary gift to all 
 those who are able to make a donation of $100 or more. We 
 will ship to you an important (and particularly relevant) 
 newly released hardcover book from St. Martin Press 
 entitled:  The Einstein File -- J. Edgar's Secret War 
 Against the World's Most Famous Scientist.
 "The Einstein File," by Fred Jerome, is a 358-page 
 recounting of J. Edgar Hoover's targeting  of the beloved 
 and revered scientist. Einstein, we learn from this book, 
 was subjected to FBI abuse, not because of suspected 
 criminal activity, but because he was a "committed social 
 activist, anti-racist, anti-war critic of capitalism, 
 whose daring extended beyond mathematics," writes NAACP 
 Chairman Julian Bond in praise for this new book. 
 This powerful eye-opening book, which is priced at $27.95, 
 is based on Jerome's painstaking research using material 
 newly obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. 
 Everyone who makes a contribution to A.N.S.W.E.R.?s 
 ?Defend Civil Rights Campaign? of $100 or more by June 29 
 will receive a complimentary copy of this book. 
 Contributions can be made online at 
 http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html (please 
 indicate in ?shipping information? where you would like 
 the book sent).
 Thank you for your support for A.N.S.W.E.R.'s work in 
 building a mass movement to oppose war and racism and in 
 defense of free speech at home. Go to 
 http://www.internationalanswer.org for the June 29 Call to 
 Action, endorsers list, endorsement form, downloadable 
 flyers, transportation to DC and more! We hope to see you 
 on June 29th.
 In solidarity,
 *Ramsey Clark
 *Elias Rashmawi, Free Palestine Alliance ? USA
 *Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Partnership for Civil 
 *Lucius Walker, IFCO/Pastors for Peace
 *Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Aux. Bishop, Catholic 
 Archdiocese of Detroit
 *Larry Holmes, International Action Center
 *Barbara Lubin, Middle East Children?s Alliance
 *Chuck Kaufman, National Nicaragua Network
 *Yoomi Jeong, Korea Truth Commission
 *Brian Becker, International Action Center
 *Joe Navidad, Bayan International USA
 *Tom Hansen, Mexico Solidarity Network
 Send replies to answer@action-mail.org