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Kindness Day/MICA

"Kindness arouses Peace"

Be kind !

October, 1st  - Kindness Day

MICA - Movimento Infanto-Juvenil Crescendo com Arte

(Youth-Infantile Movement: Growing up with Arts)

Invites every child and youngsters, from 3 to 18 years old to take part of
the "Kindness Day"

"Surprise people with kind actions.

Kindness is contagious and rewarding.

Spread kindness throughout your country, throughout the planet."

Thinking this way, psychologist Silvia Regina Guilhem has created and make
official the "Kindness Day",                                      in 1999,
in the city of Passa Quatro, Minas Gerais state, Brazil.

Peace depends on all the planet's inhabitants attitudes.

          By interacting with each other gently, starting from a simple
"Good morning" to action that might lead to a Nobel Prize,
mankind will be able to live in harmony.

On October, 1st, wake up very early, feeling like behaving courteously

( As on April, 1st Fool's Day you feel like playing jokes.)

Say good morning to people who live with you, kiss them, give a tight hug
ask if they had a good nights sleep.

Fix you breakfast carefully, call everybody, enjoy it respectfully.

When you leave, greet people you run into on the streets.

Arrive at school or at work with a smile, say hello to your coworkers,
teachers, directors, bosses.

Forget the complaints and stand everybody's qualities out.

   Praise everyone who develop positions so that life may exist and go on.

Spend all day behaving Kindly.

And, by the end of the day, you'll be a happier person for sure.

According to Professor Jack Hart dean / founder of University of Peace and
Comprehension from California / USA, there are four kinds of kindness.

"Kindness with yourself, Kindness with the other, Kindness with everything
that we do and Kindness with the world and nature.
When we can live all of them, we develop effects that make us peaceful
beings. "

According to the examples, MICA suggests:

Schools, companies, condominiums, clubs, churches, community centers,
unions or any other place/institution where people gather to work,
study, pray or search a better quality of life, schedule for October, 1st.,
activities that might lead to kindness.

The election of the kindest worker, teacher, coworker

A compliment-box, instead of a complaint-box.

Help those who are in need of food, job, a nice word Š

Have a very special day with activities that lead to your institution's
good atmosphere.

Spread this idea !

Find your own way of being kind !

The planet, smiling, is grateful !

Send your Drawings to "Kindness Day Show "

Plan and have activities in advance to be shown at "Kindness Day Party"

Small compositions, sentences, thoughts, poems, letters, drawings.

Select 30 drawings, that best transmit the "Kindness Day" message and send
to MICA.

Spread the non-sent drawings/ words on the walls, doors, windows boards of
your school, institution, house, Š.

Those who want to send individually the drawing will also he taken.

The "Kindness Day Show " will take place in "Arquivo do Estado de S-o
Paulo", in October.

Kids, youngsters: MICA expects your messages, suggestions and attitudes for
"Kindness Day".

 The Rules:

Only one drawing or picture a person, ages ranging from 3 to 18 years old;
Free technique;

Must be done on A4 paper (about 21 x 30 cm) and glued on a colored card
board (30 X 40 cm);

The back of the card board, in block letter, should contain: draw  title,
author's full name, age, address of the author or institution;

Each institution may send up to 30 draws. There will be no selection. All
the participants will have a certificate.

Deadline to receive the drawings or picture: September 15th, 2002.

Drawings should be sent to the following address:

MICA - A/C Maria JosŽ Soares

Rua Aus™nia, 466 ap. 102

Tucuruvi - S-o Paulo - CEP: 02308-050


E-mail: <mailto:art.mica@ig.com.br>art.mica@ig.com.br