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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 8:25 PM

> International A.N.S.W.E.R.
> Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
> http://www.internationalanswer.org
> April 20 in Washington DC
> Members of the Muslim Community, Antiwar Activists, Latin 
> American Solidarity Groups and People From All Over the 
> United States Unite to Say: ?We Are All Palestinians!?
> Today over 100,000 people marched in Washington DC in the 
> largest pro-Palestinian rally in U.S. history. (Police 
> estimated the figure at 75,000, cited in Washington Post, 
> April 21.) Another 35,000 marched in San Francisco.
> Demanding an end to the U.S.-backed onslaught by the 
> Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and calling 
> for an immediate end to the Israeli occupation of the 
> Palestinian homeland, protesters turned Pennsylvania 
> Avenue into a sea of kaffiyas, the traditional Palestinian 
> scarf worn by demonstrators in a show of solidarity. 
> ?Free, free Palestine!? echoed from the White House to the 
> Department of Justice to the U.S. Capitol.  Over 60,000 
> people demonstrated at the White House, where bus after 
> bus from Mosques and Islamic Centers all over the eastern 
> seaboard dropped off a stream of protesters that continued 
> to pour into the rally from the opening speaker until the 
> beginning of the march on Pennsylvania Avenue.  
> Once the various rallies merged, tens of thousands filed 
> past the Department of Justice demanding the repeal of the 
> USA Patriot Act, and an immediate end to the Ashcroft 
> raids on the Muslim and Arab community.
> ?Yesterday the U.S. threatened to veto a UN Security 
> Council resolution calling for an investigation into the 
> Jenin massacre,? said Larry Holmes, co-director of the 
> International Action Center, part of A.N.S.W.E.R. ?The 
> U.S. finally forced the removal of the word 
> ?investigation? from the resolution language.  This is one 
> more example of how Sharon?s war against Palestinian 
> people is backed and protected by the George W. Bush.?
> ?The U.S. is afraid the truth will come out,? said Carl 
> Messineo, co-founder of the Partnership for Civil Justice 
> LDEF, also with A.N.S.W.E.R.  ?And they?re afraid of the 
> kind of multinational solidarity shown for the Palestinian 
> people by the people of the United States today in massive 
> numbers.  It has become impossible for the Bush 
> administration to claim he speaks in the name of the 
> United States when he bombs Afghanistan, pays for the 
> slaughter of Palestinians and threatens Iraq. The people 
> in this country want money for jobs and human needs, not 
> war against the people of Palestine.?
> -30-
> For more information and to get involved, see:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org
> Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
> ------------------
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