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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 6:05 AM


Please post to the web page.  This is great (see below).  We should issue a call
for US professors to do the same.  As an associate professor at Yale University,
I can get this rolling :-)

On another matter, we need some volunteers to answer emails and requests for
information.  Elias and I can field some inquiries to you and for most cases you
would need to refer them to the FAQ section in our web page or to other sections
in the web page.

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Press Release - dateline Saturday 6th April:


MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 5 April 2002:

As of noon on Friday, more than 120 university academics and researchers from
across Europe had signed during the course of three days, an open letter,
presented for publication in The Guardian, calling for a moratorium on all
future cultural and research links with Israel at European or national level
until such time as the Israeli government abide by UNresolutions and open
serious peace negotiations with the Palestinians
along the lines of the recent Saudi peace plan.

The signatories include more than 90 from the UK, amongst them 43 university
professors including some of the country's leading natural and social
scientists. The list includes one signatory from within Israel
itself. Other signatories ar! e from Eire, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Iceland,Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The full text of
the letter and list of signatories follows:


Despite widespread international condemnation for its policy of violent
repression against the Palestinian people in the Occupied Territories, the
Israeli government appears impervious to moral appeals from world leaders. The
major potential source of effective criticism, the United States, seems
reluctant to act. However there are ways of exerting pressure from within
Europe. Odd though it may appear, many national and European cultural and
research institutions, including especially those funded from the EU and the
European Science Foundation, regard Israel as a European state for the purposes
of awarding grants and contracts. (No other Middle Eastern state is so
regarded). Would it not therefore be timely if at both national and European
level a! moratorium was called upon any further such support unless and until
Israel abide by UN resolutions and open serious peace negotiations with the
Palestinians, along the lines proposed in many peace plans including most
recently that sponsored by the Saudis and the Arab League.

Signatories (alphabetically by country as of 16.00 5th April) [Note - all
signatories are signing in a personal capacity; institutional affiliations are
given only for identification purposes]


Ainley, Dr Patrick, ,University of Greenwich
Aleksander, Professor Igor, Imperial College London
Banks, Dr Sarah, University of Durham
*Bateson, Professor Patrick FRS, Provost Kings College Cambridge
Beckford, Dr Jim, University of Warwick
Bendelow, Dr Gill, University of Warwick
Bennett, Professor Tony, Open University
Birke, Dr Lynda, University of Lancaster
*Blakemore, Professor Colin FRS, Oxford University
Blankenburg, Dr Stephanie, SOAS, ! London
Breugel, Professor Irene, Middlesex University
Brunner, Dr Eric, University College London
Burton, Professor Emerita Leone, Birmingham University
Caddel, Dr Richard, Durham University
Cockburn, Cynthia, City University
*Cohen, Professor Robin, Warwick, currently University of Cape Town
Crompton, Professor Rosemary, City University, London
David, Professor Miriam, Keele University
*Dawkins, Professor Richard FRS, Oxford University
Dore, Dr Elizabeth, University of Southampton
Duckett, Professor Jeff, Queen Mary University of London
Ellison, Dr Nick, University of Durham
Edmondson, Linda, Birmingham University
Edmondson, William, Birmingham University
Ettore, Professor Elizabeth, Plymouth University
Fine, Dr Robert Warwick university
Fletcher, Dr John, Warwick University
Fonagy, Professor Peter, University College London
Fox, Edward London (writer)
Ginn, Dr Jay Surrey University
Glendinning, Victoria London ! (writer)
Gregory, Professor Richard FRS, Bristol University
Hakimian, Dr Hassan, SOAS, London
Healey, Dr Peter SPSG London
Himmelweit, Dr Sue, Open University
Hobson, Professor Marian, London University
Honderich, Emeritus Professor Ted, University College London
Humphrey, Professor Nicholas, London School of Economics
Hunter, Professor Lynette, Leeds University
Kamminga, Dr Harmke, Cambridge University
*Karmiloff-Smith, Professor Annette, Institute of Child Health, London
Kuper, Richard, Hatfield University
Laven, Dr David, University of Reading
Lawler, Dr Stephanie, University of Durham
Law, Professor John, Lancaster University
*Lister, Professor Ruth, Loughborough University
Macpherson, Rev. Duncan, St Mary's University College,University of Surrey
*McRobbie, Professor Angela, Goldsmith's College London
Merck, Professor Mandy, Royal Holloway and Bedford College
Messkoub, Dr Mahmood, University of Leeds
*Midgley, ! Dr. Mary, retired Newcastle University (philosopher)
Mileusnic, Dr Radmila, Open University
Moon, Dr Claire, University of Kent
Moore, Professor Robert, Liverpool University
Murcott, Professor Anne, Nottingham University
Murphy, Professor Sean, Nottingham University
Orun, Dr Ahmed, Birmingham University
Osborne, Professor Peter, Middlesex University
Phillips, Dr. Sarah, University of Durham
Press, Dr Ron (engineer, retired)
Preston, Dr Rosemary, University of Warwick
Rangwala, Dr Glen, Trinity College, Cambridge
Rivera, Consuela, University of Lancaster
Rose, Professor Hilary, City University London
Rose, Professor Nikolas, Goldsmith's College London
Rose, Professor Steven, Open University
Rosen, Michael, London (writer and broadcaster)
Rowley, Professor Gwyn (retired)
Russell, Professor Willie, FRSE, University of St Adrews
Ryan, Dr Mark, Birmingham University
Salter, Professor Brian, University of East Anglia
S! amuels, Professor Andrew, Essex University
Sassoon, Professor Anne Showstack, Kingston University
*Savage, Dr Wendy, London Hospital (retired)
Scott, Professor Sue, Durham University
Segal, Professor Graeme, All Souls, Oxford
*Segal, Professor Lynne, Birkbeck College, London
Shakespeare, Dr Tom, Life Centre, Newcastle
Shackle, Dr Emma, Plater College Oxford
Shire, Dr George, Open University
Shuker, Professor David, Open University
Sinha, Professor Martin, Southampton University
Sloman, Professor Aaron, Birmingham
Smith, Dr Paul, University of Keele
Solomon, Professor Joan, Open University
Taylor, Dr Paul, Warburg Institute, London
Tozer, David, Peterborough, Cambridge University
Treacher, Dr Amal, Birkbeck College, London
Tudge, Dr Colin, London (writer and broadcaster)
Ward, Dr Helen, Imperial College London
Yao, Professor Xin, Birmingham University
Yuval-Davis, Professor Nira, University of Greenwich

Eire*Lynch, Dr Marina, Trinity College Dublin
Regan, Professor Ciaran, University College Dublin

Sinha, Dr Chris, Technical University, Copenhagen

Hearn. Professor Jeff, School of Economics, Helsinki

*Levy-Leblond, Professor Jean-Marc, Nice University
Cobb, Dr Matthew, Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Paris
Ohlsson-Malek, Dr Fairouz, CNRS, Paris

Reymann, Professor Klaus, Magdeburg
*Frey, Professor Julietta, Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg

*Vilhjalmsson, Professor Thorsteinn, University of Iceland
Sigurdsson, Dr Skuli, University of Iceland

*Frontali, Professor Nora, ISS, Rome
Mengheri, Elena, INRAN, Rome
Minicozzi, Dr Velia, University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Murgia, Dr Chiara, INRAN, Rome
Ranaldi, Dr Giulia, INRAN, Rome
Turrini, Dr Aida, INRAN, Rome
Vladikas, Dr Anastassios, INFN, Rome

**Jablonka, Professor Eva, Tel-Aviv Universi! ty

**Andersen Professor Per, Oslo University
Fjelland, Professor Ragnar, Bergen University
Waerness, Professor Kari, Bergen University

*Matos, Dr Augusta, Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Lisbon
Queiroz, Professor Clara, ( retired)University of Lisbon

*Ferrus, Professor Alberto, Cajal Institute, Madrid

Elzinger, Professor Aant, University of Goteborg
Esseveld, Professor Johanna, University of Lund
Holmquist, Associate Professor, Ingrid, University of Goteborg
Karfve, Professor Eva, University of Malmo
Nilsson, Professor Arne, University of Goteborg
*Therborn, Professor Goran, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the
Social Sciences, Uppsala
Wellin, Professor Stellan, University of Goteborg

*Lipp, Professor Hans-Peter, Zurich University
Maranta, Dr Alessandro, ETH, Zurich

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