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Fw: Contact us

finalmente, tra tante difficolta' l'associazioni di donne di Gaza GUPW ha
attivato un numero di conto corrente per ottenere fondi per il progetto
seguente:                        Developing the Computer Center of the GUPW
Address:          Gaza -El Remal Al Shohada Street  Telephone No :     07-
2825595 / 07- 2820123 Fax:                  2825595 / 2820123 E-mail:

vi invito a raccogliere e inviare fondi

----- Original Message -----
From: "GUPW1GAZA GAZA" <gupwgaza1@hotmail.com>
To: <animarg@tin.it>
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: Contact us

 Dear Mr. Nello,

       I am always glad to be in contact with you even in this severe
 situation inside Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  But this terrible situation
 will not stop our efforts to have better future for all Palestinian people.
 Therefore, I would like to give you our number account for the project
 " Developing the Computer Center of the GUPW in Gaza Strip".

 The account No: 9600-100491/3-511
 The Name of the Bank :  Arab Bank
 The Name of Branch :  El-Remal Branch
 Palestine/Gaza Strip .
 Note : This account number is not a private one , it is related directly to
 the General Union of Palestinian Women - Project Committee.

 We are looking forward for your support especially at present days.

 Many Thanks for your constant Co-operation with us.

 With Best Regards.

 General Director of social Relations and Projects in the GUPW

Mariam Al Atrash