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Re: [noocse-bo] Susan George (Attac) a favore dei bombardamenti sull'Afghanistan. la smentita

ho già visto circolare questa notizia, ma mi risulta che susan george
l'abbia smentita.

Von: "Matthias Reichl" < mareichl@ping.at >
Betreff: [StopWTORound] Dirty tricks to discredit ATTAC
Datum: Freitag, 01. Februar 2002


Our opponents must be getting scared.  They are now putting out blatant
lies to try to discredit ATTAC, one of the main organisations in the
anti-globalisation movement.  Let's make sure this despicable behaviour
backfires on them.  Please do all you can to let everyone, especially
those working in the media, know the depths to which the supporters of
globalisation will stoop.

Chris Keene

The reports with have been circulating about Susan George's alleged
  approval of the American bombings of Afghanistan are a slanderous
  fabrication.  The article below tells the full story.

  Please forward this message to any mailing lists on which this slander has

  Translated from:

  'The vice-president of ATTAC at the centre of a controversy about the
  American intervention in Afghanistan'
  Le Monde
  23 January 2002

  Did Susan George, vice-president of ATTAC, state in December that she
  approved of the American bombings in Afghanistan, and that she had been
  wrong to condemn them, thanking in passing George W. Bush for his actions?
  For the past two days, this issue has been spreading like a trail of
  gunpowder, on Internet mailing lists where debates traditionally occur
  among activists in the anti-globalisation movement.

  The founding members of ATTAC, members of trade unions and associations,
  called for an explanation.  And ATTAC's offices, which, Tuesday afternoon,
  had planned to be busy with the meeting at the Zenith [in Paris] and with
  the final preparations for Porto Alegre, had to put the issue on their


  It all started with an item published in the latest issue of the weekly
  magazine _Courrier International_, which quoted excerpts from an article
  in the Swedish daily newspaper _Svenska Dagbladet_.  According to this
  article, Susan George said, during the programme 'Echot' on the national
  radio channel P1: 'I was wrong to criticise the bombing of Afghanistan
  (...)  It was worth doing it to get rid of the Taliban.  I want to thank
  George Bush.  He showed that it was possible to get to the terrorists and
  their supplies.'

  Many copies of this excerpt were circulated, provoking a flood of
  indignant emails, from across Europe, denouncing 'ATTAC's opportunism'.
  Interviewed by _Le Monde_, Tuesday afternoon, Ms George flatly denied
  having made the statements reported by the Swedish newspaper.  'I will
  never do another interview in Sweden; since Göteborg, the atmosphere there
  is such that people are systematically trying to tarnish our reputation.
  This is a malevolent act,' she said.  'Even though I believe that it's a
  good thing for the world to be rid of the Taliban, I never approved of the
  bombing campaign, which has had about as many civilian victims as the the
  attacks on the World Trade Center.  Neither, obviously, did I thank George
  Bush.  I simply said, ironically, that one could thank the president of
  the United States for showing that, when there is a political will, it is
  possible to crack down on tax havens,' the vice-president of ATTAC stated.
  Referring to an interview that appeared at about the same time, on 19
  December 2001, in _Le Nouvel Observateur_, she added: 'My position on the
  subject is clearly stated there.  I said that we must be non-aligned:
  neither on the side of the United States, nor on the side of Bin Laden,
  and that it's useless to add massacres to massacres.'

  ATTAC stated Tuesday evening that 'it has complete confidence in Susan
  George and in her position on the intervention in Afghanistan.'  The
  association 'has participated in demonstrations against the war.  There
  can be no ambiguity about its opposition to the strengthening of American
  hegemony,' said representatives at its headquarters, adding that Ms George
  would send a message explaining the matter to the Internet mailing list
  used by its activists.

il testo dell'articolo originale:

. LE MONDE | 23.01.02 | 13h00

Susan George, vice-présidente d'Attac, a-t-elle, courant décembre, approuvé
les bombardements américains en Afghanistan et déclaré s'être trompée dans
sa condamnation initiale, en remerciant au passage George W. Bush pour son
action ? Depuis deux jours, l'affaire se répand comme une trainée de poudre
sur les listes de diffusion Internet où débattent traditionnellement les
militants du mouvement antimondialisation.

Les membres fondateurs d'Attac, syndicalistes, associatifs, ont réclamé des
explications. Et le bureau de l'association qui devait, mardi après-midi,
être consacré au bilan de la réunion du Zénith et aux ultimes préparatifs de
Porto Alegre a dû mettre ce point à l'ordre du jour.


Tout est parti d'un écho paru dans le dernier numéro de l'hebdomadaire
Courrier international et reproduisant des extraits d'un article du
quotidien suédois Svenska Dagbladet. Selon cet article, Mme George aurait
déclaré lors de l'émission "Echot" de la radio nationale P1 : "Je me suis
trompée quand j'ai critiqué les bombardements sur l'Afghanistan (...). Cela
valait la peine de le faire pour se débarrasser des talibans. Je tiens à
remercier George Bush. Il a montré qu'il était possible d'atteindre les
terroristes et leurs ressources."

Maintes fois recopié, cet extrait a provoqué une déferlante de courriers
électroniques d'indignation, venus d'un peu partout en Europe, dénonçant
"l'opportunisme d'Attac". Interrogée par Le Monde, mardi après midi, Mme
George a démenti catégoriquement avoir tenu les propos rapportés par le
quotidien suédois. "Je ne ferai plus d'interview en Suède, l'atmosphère y
est telle depuis Göteborg qu'on essaie désormais systématiquement de nous
salir, cela relève de l'acte de malveillance", affirme-t-elle. "Si j'estime
que c'est une bonne chose pour le monde d'être débarrassé des talibans, je
n'ai jamais ni approuvé la campagne de bombardements qui ont fait à peu près
autant de victimes civiles que les attentats au World Trade Center, ni
évidemment remercié George Bush. J'ai simplement dit ironiquement qu'on
pouvait remercier le président des Etats-Unis de nous montrer que lorsque la
volonté politique existe on peut s'attaquer aux paradis fiscaux", indique la
vice-présidente d'Attac, qui renvoie à un entretien paru, à la même époque,
soit le 19 décembre 2001, dans le Nouvel Observateur. "Mes positions sur le
sujet y sont claires. Je dis qu'il faut être non aligné : ni les Etats-Unis,
ni Ben Laden et qu'il ne sert à rien d'ajouter des massacres aux massacres",

De son côté, Attac affirmait mardi soir "apporter sa confiance totale à
Susan sur ses positions sur l'intervention en Afghanistan". L'association a
"participé aux manifestations contre la guerre. Il ne saurait y avoir
d'ambigüité sur son opposition au renforcement de l'hégémonie américaine",
indiquait-on au siège, en précisant que Mme George enverrait un message
d'explication sur la liste Internet destinée aux militants.

Caroline Monnot

----- Original Message -----
From: "glr" <glr.y@iol.it>
To: "ATP F21r" <glr.y@iol.it>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: [noocse-bo] Susan George (Attac) a favore dei bombardamenti

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Willi Langthaler"
> To: "Assemblea"
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:43 PM
> Subject: Susan George (Attac) a favore dei bombardamenti
> Susan George, vice-president of ATTAC-France, declares on Swedish radio:
>  "I was mistaken when I criticized the American bombings of Afghanistan.
>  (...) This was worth doing in order to get rid of the Taliban... I wish
>  thank George Bush.
>  He has shown that it was possible to reach the terrorists and their
>  supplies."
>  "Svenska Dagbladet", Stockholm, quoted in "Courrier international"
> (n° 585, 17-23 janvier 2002).

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