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Fwd: bando per borsa di ricerca pace-disarmo

>X-Sender: pianta@linux.isrds.rm.cnr.it
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version
>Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:20:52 +0100
>To: uallai@hotmail.com
>From: Mario Pianta <pianta@isrds.rm.cnr.it>
>Subject: bando per borsa di ricerca
>Vi segnalo questo bando per una
>di 5000 dollari per studi su
>pace, disarmo e democrazia economica
>presso l'Institute for Policy Studies di Washington.
>Fate circolare e incoraggiate a fare domanda, è un bando davvero aperto
>Chi è interessato può chiedermi informazioni ulteriori
>2002 Melman Fellowship
>Call for Proposals
>For Workplace Democracy …
>         Against Militarism
>We invite interested students, activists and other researchers to apply 
>for this fellowship to underwrite research and writing in the fields of 
>demilitarization and workplace democracy.
>The Institute for Policy Studies is pleased to sponsor the Seymour Melman 
>Fellowship Program.  This year we will be selecting one Fellow to receive 
>a stipend of $5,000.  Over the course of the year, this Melman Fellow will 
>be invited to spend some time at IPS and, when appropriate, will be 
>mentored by an IPS Fellow/project directors in completing her/his project.
>Applicants are invited to submit a 2-3 page proposal outlining a research 
>and writing project that relates to some aspect of either or both of these 
>issues.  This should be accompanied by a resume and two references with 
>phone numbers.
>Application deadline: March 15, 2002.
>Direct inquiries and send proposals to:
>Miriam Pemberton, IPS
>733 15th Street NW
>Suite 1020
>Washington, DC 20005
>(202) 234-9382 ext. 214
>Seymour Melman is Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at Columbia 
>University.  He has written extensively on demilitarization, the 
>conversion of military resources for civilian use, and the development of 
>workplace democracy.  His most recent book is After Capitalism: From 
>Managerialism to Workplace Democracy, Alfred A. Knopf, 2001.  In it he 
>defines workplace democracy as “…Joining producing with decision-making; 
>organizing decision-making on a non-hierarchical, democratic basis; 
>sharing the social product without inequality; achieving human solidarity 
>in place of alienation.”
>IPS is a multi-issue progressive think tank based in Washington, D.C. that 
>strives to offer resources for progressive social change locally, 
>nationally, and globally through books, articles, films, conferences, and 
>activist education.  Read more about IPS at www.ips-dc.org.  IPS is an 
>equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and encourages 
>applications from people of color, women, and other groups that have 
>historically been subject to discrimination.
>Mario Pianta
>Universita' di Urbino e
>ISRDS-CNR, Via De Lollis 12, 00185 Roma, Italy
>tel. (39) 06 44879207, fax 06 4463836, e-mail pianta@isrds.rm.cnr.it