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Fw: no-more-war.com

il testo in tedesco invita a firmare la petizione all'url
www.no-more-war.com  in cui e' possibile leggere:
One person alone can achieve few against the weapon industry, radical
politicians and religious fanatics. However together we can cause a
reorientation. Help together - vote against the war.

Statement of the day 2001-11-24
I demand that the Christian advent season is used to think and discuss about
world peace.
All people should think at the "contemplative" advent season about what they
do personally to conserve freedom. Suggestions and personal opinions are

To have enough time for this, this petition will stay online till New Year
and after that it will be sent to all political organizations.

This petition is sent together with all support assertions tonight to the
governments of England, America, Japan, Italy, Germany etc.. Also some large
press agencies receive the petition.

If you would like to experience more about the initiator and the intentions
of this site, then click here.

List of supporters:
Herbert S., 2361 Austria
Alois K., 1140 Austria
 The Advent is the best season !
Margret P., 1140 Austria
 Man sollte die Menschen lehren, nicht von Gerechtigkeit zu s... read
Martin K., 1180 Austria
Silvia H., 1040 Austria
Zowie K., 84795 Israel
Masanori S., 698-0 Japan

----- Original Message -----
From: Alois Kozar
To: Alois Kozar
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 9:07 PM
Subject: no-more-war.com

Hallo - dies ist ein Massenmail von mir, Alois Kozar :-)
Ich möchte Euch bitten in den nächsten Tagen auf meiner Site
www.no-more-war.com vorbeizusehen. Die aktuelle Petition steht noch bis
Neujahr im Netz und dann möchte ich mehrere Petitionen gleichzeitig zum
Voten freigeben.
Allen die glauben, daß derartige Aktionen sowieso nichts bringen, möchte ich
zu bedenken geben, daß sie zumindest nicht schaden können ( ähnlich wie
Homöopathie :-)
Frohe Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2002