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Fw: On the brink of mass war. Time to look critically at 9-11, and how it occurred


"It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something
that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter.
[A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News
Service.  Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first
time in U.S. history]

Is it possible that the right-wing blitzkrieg of legislation America
and the world has been hit with, was only devised since 9-11?  It
stretches the imagination to believe so.  Military experts say it
would take many months to put together the kind of military action
the US is now involved in.

Within little over one month the United States has massively
increased defense spending, stifled social spending, given massive
tax breaks to the largest corporations, severely limited civil
liberties, and expanded govt.s ability to spy on its own people,
unilaterally abrogated arms control treaties, and launched efforts to
cut back on environmental legislation.  It has been given carte
blanche for covert operations, and is now preparing its people for
wars on several fronts, including possibly Iraq, Somalia, North
Korea, and others.  All at a time when the opposition party
announced "There is no opposition party in America, today," and the
US media is little more than a parrot repeating scripts the military
and administration give it.  Any dissent is quickly repressed through
a combination of editorial limits, advertiser's threats, or
hatemongering by "individuals."

It is time to critically look at some very disturbing reports on 9-11
that have come up in European media, and are actively suppressed in
US media circles.  Please read the following, and then consider how
you can help spread the word on the International Movement DEMANDING
Inquiry into 9-11 and possible US Govt. / CIA Involvement.  PLEASE,
read this in totality.

I know the following is not an easy thing to consider, but please
read through the 9 Disturbing Reports below (all sourced from
mainstream European media, because US media is bizarely ignoring
it).  The question arises, was their CIA and US Govt. involvement in
9-11, at least on the level of "allowing it to happen?  After reading
these reports, you will be forced to conclude that at the "very
least" a full inquiry is absolutely called for.

Ask yourself this.  I'm sure you remember how US media nearly
orgasmed over the illegal "insider trading profits" by someone who
had foreknowledge of 9-11.  Until they realized it didn't lead to the
Arab terrorists, but to AB Brown Trust / Deutsch Bank.  Then after 2
solid days of US media frenzy over the story . . . it died.  They
never ever mentioned to anyone that it lead to AB Brown Trust,
chaired until `98 by AB Krongard, now #3 man in the CIA.  They never
mentioned that this institution was connected with shady
drug/money/gun international dealings and investigated this year by
the Senate Committee led by Senator Levin.  Plus they dropped the
story in the face of the bizarre fact that $2.5 million of
the "winnings" still are "unclaimed."

[If nothing else, the fact that $2.5 million is still unclaimed,
should ring alarm bells.  Talk about unusual behavior by investment
bankers and their clients!!!!  Kim.]

Okay, the above warrants a full inquiry, I'm sure you'd agree, given
the gravity of 9-11.  But, that is only the beginning.  Why have FBI
agents complained about the Bush Administration telling them to "back
off" of the Bin Laden investigation before 9-11?

Why did the CIA meet with Bin Laden in Dubai 7 weeks before 9-11,
when he was supposedly on their most wanted list (La Figeroa in
France reported this, a very conservative paper I'd add)?

Why, when there is an official plan for intercept jets and
helicopters to scramble if a plane gets within 15 miles of the WTC
and is off their logged course, did no plane scramble before Tower #1
got hit?

Furthermore, and even more bizarre, how could another jet 15 minutes
later fly in without being shot down?  The rule is if a plane gets
within 3 miles of WTC and is off its course it is to be shot down.

Rumors are that the Air Force was put "on alert" when the first jet
approached WTC.  This makes perfect sense, since this is what they
are trained to do.  However, according to anonymous reports, they
were give a "stand down" order.

[This point not in the original posting:  Why, after more than one
hour after the WTC being hit, and after a second plane had hit the
other tower, with an airliner that had basically reversed its flight
path and, if I remember correctly, turned off its transponder to keep
from identifying itself, and heading for the nation's capital, were
no military aircraft launched to protect Washington, DC as a whole,
or the White House and/or Pentagon specifically????  It seems like
there would be no higher-protected targets in the entire country than
the White House and Pentagon.  Kim]

The UK Independent is asking how Bush was the only man on the planet
to see the "1st" jet hit the WTC on 9-11, before he read to the
children at the school.  No TV stations (that we know of) had that
footage to air.

And not lastly, but importantly, Operation Northwood is an official
US govt. plan created over 30 years ago to actually commit domestic
terror on innocent Americans to win Americans over to support a
foreign invasion.

Then when 9-11 occurred a massive rush of conservative, bordering on
fascist, legislation to curb civil liberties, and a host of
conservative agendas, including an expanded war effort that will
entail years and numerous invasions was rammed through Congress.

Of course congress was effectively shut down with Anthrax mailings.
Anthrax we now know is an identical DNA match to US military strains.

Is it really possible ALL this was thought up just since 9-11.  Or is
it more plausible to think these long range and far reaching plans
had been constructed over a long period of time?

Are you familiar with the burning of the Riechstag in pre-war
Germany.  Hitler had the Reichstag (the German Congress) burned, and
then blamed it on Jews and foreigners.  This did several things.  It
shut down Congress, rallied the media behind him, and caused any
dissenter in the country to become, not a Hitler critic, but
overnight an "enemy of the state."

Ashcroft testified to the Senate a few days ago, that "those who are
challenging Bush's policies are giving aid and comfort to the
enemy."  Sound familiar?  Chillingly so.  According to experts on
Nightline News Bush is now preparing America for invasions of
Somalia, Iraq, North Korea and a dozen countries.  Things could spin
down very fast, civil liberties could dissolve quickly.  The US
Congress in the words of the Democrats "has no opposition party,
since 9-11.".

I pray you will join with the International Movement DEMANDING
Inquiry into 9-11.  Consider this.  If the US Congress and media
spent a full year looking down Clinton's pants -- it would be an act
of insane denial to look at these issues and tell ourselves they
should not be looked into more deeply.  Findtruth39@hotmail.com
w/  "Send Kit" will enable anyone to become involved and get a free
activist kit.

[See the 9 Disturbing Reports below w/ sources.]

- The Bush Administration forced the FBI to back off of the Bin Laden
investigation months before 9-11. [BBC transcript BUSH - BIN LADEN

"I Don't Buy It"     " I was one of the first tenants in the World
Trade Center (WTC) back in 1979.  Back then----over 20 years ago----
it was known to all the tenants of the WTC that the WTC was a "no
fly" zone.  If you came within 12 miles of the WTC, flying outside of
a pattern where you were supposed to be, you were warned to back
off.  If you came within five miles, they would threaten to shoot you
down.  If you came within three miles, they could shoot you down.  If
I remember correctly, on the roof of tower No. 2 they had surface to
air missiles for that purpose, plus also the Spatz helicopters for
that purpose.       "I had a friend who was flying a small plane who
got warned away and they almost blew him out of the sky 20 years ago
because he was showing somebody a close view of the towers.      "I
can see the first tower getting hit by surprise, but 15 minutes later
the second tower also gets hit?  I don't buy it."
Walter Burien,  Radio Free America, Nov 11, 2001

- The CIA station chief in Dubai met with Bin Laden 7 weeks before
9-11, and at a time when Bin Laden was supposedly "wanted" by the
http://www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/story/0,1361,584444,00.html (UK
·(German Trans.) http://www.orf.at/orfon/011031-44569/index.html
(US Wash Times Artcl: www.washtimes.com Report: bin Laden treated at
US hospital
Elizabeth Bryant UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Published 10/31/2001

- INSIDER TRADING PROFITS off of 9-11 were frenzied over by the US
media when they thought it was Arab terrorists . . . but then the
story mysteriously died.  Until, the UK Independent reveals that it
leads to a firm chaired by the 3rd highest man in the CIA (and
stranger still is that $2.5 million of the "winnings" are still
unclaimed (see below for URL to entire story).
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP110A.html . Info confirmed by
Independent Newspaper in UK: http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?

- ABC News.com's May/2001 story resurfaces about how the US Joint
Chiefs of Staff have in the past ACTUALLY DESIGNED a plan to committ
domestic terror on Americans to whip them into a war hysteria, to
support war efforts by the govt.

[The National Security Archive has a PDF version of the Operation
Northwoods plan, which author James Bamford says "may be the most
corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government." It can be found at
the following URL:]

- Strangely Anthrax is sent to (not the President, or Republicans)
but to the top Democrat and to the media.  A foreign terrorist would
probably want to "divide" the country, not unite the opposition and
the media in the war effort.
- New Science Journal says Anthrax sent to Daschle is NOT Russian or
Iraqi, but likely US military strain.

- San Francisco Chronicle reports, the anthrax strain produced in US
University is destroyed on ok of FBI (they had studied this for
years, some at university question the timing of the destruction of
those anthrax spores . . . right now of all times (?))

Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S.
The powder used in the anthrax attacks is virtually
indistinguishable from that produced by the United States
military, according to federal scientists.

- Bush Admin. declares they will "seal the records of presidents
beginning with Father Bush/Reagan's (an act never before done in US
presidential history)."  AND What bizarre timing.  In the midst of a
war and an economic disaster --  they find the time and "the desire"
to seal the records of the Reagan/Bush admin, just as info is
surfacing about Bush/Bin Laden connections from years back. (Details
in Scripps-Howard News Service, appearing in Chico, CA paper on

"It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something
that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter.
[A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News
Service.  Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first
time in U.S. history]

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the
leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a
simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or
a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship
...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding
of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they
are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger."
                       --Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the
                        Nuremberg Trials after World War II

[Can anyone find the specific location of this quote:  source, page
number, etc.  I would like details on this--Kim.]

findtruth39@hotmail.com w/ "Send Kit" gets a free Activist Kit sent
to you immediately, so you can join the Int'l Movement DEMANDING
Inquiry into 9-11.

From: "wtcqd2000" <findtruth38@hotmail.com>