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Esercito USA conferma la produzione di antrrace

Published on Thursday, December 13, 2001 in the Baltimore Sun
US Army Confirms Making Anthrax in Recent Years
by Scott Shane

The U.S. Army's Dugway Proving Ground confirmed last night that it has
produced dry anthrax powder in recent years but said the anthrax has been
"well-protected" and is all accounted for.
The Dugway statement was issued in response to an article in The Sun
yesterday revealing that the Army facility in the Utah desert has produced
weapons-grade anthrax identical in important respects to the anthrax used in
the postal attacks.
The statement is the first admission that any U.S. government program has
produced the lethal dry powder since the offensive biological weapons
program was closed in 1969.
"This is very significant," said Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a molecular
biologist who heads a working group on biological weapons at the Federation
of American Scientists. "There's never been an acknowledgment that any U.S.
facility had weaponized anthrax."
Rosenberg, who has theorized that the anthrax in the letters might have come
from a U.S. government program or contractor, said Dugway's assurances about
security do not necessarily rule out leakage of the tiny amounts used in the
bioterrorist attacks.
"The question is, could someone have gotten hold of a very small amount and
used it in the letters?" said Rosenberg, of the State University of New
5 deaths since October
The term "weapons-grade" means that the anthrax particles are tiny enough -
1 to 5 microns - to be readily inhaled and deposited in the lungs.
A sufficient dose produces inhalation anthrax, which is blamed for killing
five people since October.
Some of the anthrax produced by Dugway has matched the fine particle size
and extraordinary concentration of the powder mailed to Senate Majority
Leader Tom Daschle, estimated at close to 1 trillion spores per gram,
according to a government scientist.
In addition, the mailed anthrax is genetically indistinguishable from the
Ames strain used by the Army, the most sophisticated test methods show.
Neither the physical nor the genetic match proves that the terrorist used
anthrax from Dugway.
Ames-strain anthrax has been used in numerous laboratories, and a person
with microbiology training and access to the right equipment might have been
able to concoct the deadly powder.
But many experts think it more likely that the attacks are linked to a
government program, either in the United States or another country.
Staff questioned by FBI
The FBI appears to be taking seriously the possibility of a link to Dugway.
Personnel working with anthrax, all of whom have been vaccinated against the
bacteria, have been questioned at length by investigators.
A government official familiar with the Dugway program said about a
half-dozen scientists there have the expertise to make dry anthrax. No one
with such expertise has left the program in recent years, the official said.
The unsigned, two-page Dugway statement e-mailed to reporters last night
says scientists there "routinely" make anthrax to test decontamination
methods and equipment designed to detect biological agents. It confirms The
Sun's report that most experiments use simulants or anthrax spores
inactivated by radiation, but certain tests "must be performed with live
It gives no details about the strain, production methods or physical
qualities of the anthrax made at Dugway for aerosol testing.
'Rigorous tracking'
The statement confirms that anthrax in the form of a paste has been shipped
for irradiation to the Army's biodefense center at Fort Detrick in
Frederick. It says the shipments followed "stringent federal regulations"
and never involved dry anthrax powder.
"All anthrax used at Dugway has been accounted for," the statement says.
"There is a rigorous tracking and inventory program to follow the
production, receipt and destruction of all select agents. The facility is
well-protected with robust physical and personnel security systems."
The statement says the Army is cooperating with the FBI and "will not
comment further on any aspect of its bio testing program" until the
investigation concludes.
The Environmental Impact Statement prepared in 1992 for the Life Sciences
Test Facility at Dugway, where much of the work is done, lists some of the
biological agents to be used there. They include not only anthrax but also
the bacteria that cause the diseases tularemia and Q fever, as well as the
virus that causes Venezuelan equine encephalitis.
3 ounces at a time
For bacteria such as anthrax, the facility is limited to growing 100
milliliters, or 3 fluid ounces, at a time. The maximum concentration of
spores would be 10 billion per milliliter, according to the Environmental
Impact Statement.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed 18
cases of anthrax since October, including 11 inhalation and seven cutaneous,
or skin, cases. No new case has been reported since that of 94-year-old
Ottilie Lundgren, a Connecticut woman who died Nov. 21.


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