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Fw: New Revelations on 9-11

> From: Michel Chossudovsky
> To: Recipient list suppressed
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 9:50 PM
> Subject: New Revelations on 9-11
> Centre for Research on Globalisation
> http://globalresearch.ca
> Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said that "he warned the United States of
> an attack 12 days before the September 11 atrocity".
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Bush Administration knew that a terrorist attack was imminent. Twelve
> days before the 9-11 attacks,  President Hosni Mubarak, had warned the US.
> Below is the text of the Associated Press report. Deafening Silence of the
> US Media. The story has been barely mentioned by major US newspapers. The
> Atlanta Journal and Constitution (8 December ) devotes two sentences to
> If the US government knew and failed to act, this raises serious issues.
> also bears on our understanding and interpretation of the 9-11 events.
> Was it negligence or some form of "complicity" on the part of US
> Was there a cover-up? If it was negligence, who then is responsible?
> Did George W. Bush know? George W. and President Mubarak are said to be
> friends. George W. talks regularly to President Mubarak. On the 6th of
> December, Mubarak received a telephone call from George W. Mubarak's
> revelations concerning 9-11 were published by a Lebanese newspaper on the
> 7th.
> Why did the Bush Administration fail to take precautionary measures?  The
> least we could expect is an inquiry.
> Michel Chossudovsky, CRG, 8 December 2001
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Egypt Leader Says He Warned America
> Associated Press, 7 December 2001
> Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),  globalresearch.ca,  8
> 2001
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Egypt Leader Says He Warned America BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Egyptian
> President Hosni Mubarak says he warned the United States that "something
> would happen" 12 days before the Sept. 11 terror attacks on New York and
> Washington.
> In an interview published Friday by the left-wing Lebanese newspaper
> As-Safir, Mubarak also said it would be a grave mistake if Israeli forces
> were to kill Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
> Mubarak did not reveal how he learned in late August of a possible terror
> attack on the United States. He said he was taken aback by the scale of
> Sept. 11 attacks, when hijackers seized four U.S. airliners and crashed
> into New York's World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. The fourth
> plane crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside during an apparent
> in the cockpit.
> "We expected that something was going to happen and informed the
> We told them," Mubarak said. He did not mention a U.S. response.
> "But nobody expected the event would be of such enormity. We did not know
> that they would hit this target or that, and we were all surprised when
> planes with passengers on board hit the twin towers," Mubarak said.
> Washington has said that in the weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks, the CIA
> issued a warning that bin Laden was pressing for terrorist action against
> Americans. The warning was based on new intelligence but did not have
> specific information on the type of attack, a date or a location.
> Mubarak also commented on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recent Israeli
> airstrikes have hit targets within 100 yards of Arafat's offices.
> Mubarak said that if Israel were to kill Arafat, it would create a vacuum
> in the Palestinian leadership that none of the "six to eight contenders"
> would be able to fill.
> "Leaderships would emerge that would vie for popularity and compete in
> staging violent operations, internally and externally, against Israel,
> plunging (the region) into chaos. They (Israel) should understand this and
> know that it is dangerous," Mubarak said.
> "And what would happen after Arafat? Who would Israel hold responsible for
> (acts of violence) - the leaders of Hamas or the Popular Front for the
> Liberation of Palestine?" Mubarak said, referring to two militant
> Palestinian factions.
> Hamas has claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings that killed 25
> people and wounded scores in Jerusalem and Haifa last weekend. The PFLP
> claimed responsibility for the assassination of the Israeli tourism
> minister in October.
> Copyright AP 2001
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Crisis at a Glance: Latest developments at home and abroad
> Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 8 December  2001
> ....WHAT DID HE KNOW? Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a Lebanese
> newspaper that he warned the United States 12 days before the Sept. 11
> attacks that "something would happen." He said the "enormity" of the
> was a surprise.....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The URL of this article is:
> http://globalresearch.ca/articles/LEB112A.html
> The Revolution will not be televised: News at 11...
> grok
> Independent canadian marxist
> The U.S. ruling class: A godzilla monster
> that stalks the world, devouring everything.
> (apologies to Godzilla and friends)