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Fw: 11- 01 Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3 Simple Ways You Can

From: "Women Leaders Online" <womenleaders@YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: 11- 01 Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3 Simple Ways
You Can

 Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3
 Simple Ways You Can  Help.

 While we as nation have grieved and given to the victims of the horrific
 terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we hope thatAmericans will also
remember the women and children of Afghanistan, in particular, who have been
victims of over two decades of drought, human rights abuses, war and now
gender apartheid under the brutal Taliban regime.  Under the Taliban,
virtually no women or girls are allowed access to healthcare or the
 opportunity to work or be educated. Long before the current US military
action in Afghanistan against the Taliban and the terrorists, many US-based
groups had been working in country and in neighboring refugee camps to
 the suffering of the Afghan people. Other groups have worked here in the
U.S. to educate Americans on the plight of Afghan women and girls.
Afghans make up the world's largest refugee population. Conditions in the
camps are extremely dire and in need of immediate funding. Conditions for
women and girls in country and in the camps are even worse.
  The humanitarian groups we are highlighting here have been working on
behalf of the people of Afghanistan for some time.
 They are thoughtful and legitimate groups and we are offering 3 simple ways
to contribute to the very important humanitarian work they are  undertaking.

 We hope you will contribute what you can to their  efforts. These agencies
have been carefully researched. You can contact Women  Leaders Online
directly at wlo@wlo.org with any specific  questions/concerns. Please
remember that just $1 American dollar goes such a long way. In some cases it
can mean the difference between life and death.  Please forward this
 email to your family and friends.

 1. Afghan Woman's Mission, and RAWA http://www.afghanwomensmission.org
The Afghan Women's Mission funds projects which  address the desperate
healthcare, education and empowerment needs of Afghan
 refugees-primarily  women and children. Contributors can chose how their
 money is to be spent. Afghan Women's Mission and RAWA have been
 recently highlighted on CNN and on the Oprah Winfrey show. Contribute
 at  http://www.afghanwomensmission.org/help_us/donate.php
 or send a check to:
 Afghan Woman's Mission 260 S. Lake Avenue, PMB 165
 Pasadena, California
 91101 USA

 2. The Feminist Majority http://www.feminist.org   This  group has worked
for many years now on behalf of
 Afghanistani women and girls and against the harsh gender apartheid that
 exists since the Taliban took hold. One can donate directly online OR
purchase gifts and
 handicrafts made by Afghanistan women in refugee camp with the proceeds
going directly to those groups of women. Contribute or purchase online
 at: http://www.helpafghanwomen.com or send a check to:
 The Feminist  Majority Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid 1600 Wilson
 Boulevard, Suite
 801 Arlington, VA 22209

 3. InterAction Members http://www.interaction.org
 InterAction is the US's largest coalition of  organizations working
overseas in refugee and disaster assistance,
 sustainable development, and humanitarian aid. Several InterAction members
 currently working to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in and around
 Afghanistan. InterAction members certify to strict operating standards and
include groups such as Mercy Corps, Save the Children, and CARE. Visit
http://www.interaction.org/afghanistan to contribute  to the agency of your

 We hope this helps to simplify the giving process and  target the main
victims--the many women and children of this region
 who seem to suffer most