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Fw: 11- 01 Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3 Simple Ways You Can

----- Original Message -----
From: "Women Leaders Online" <womenleaders@YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: 11- 01 Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3 Simple Ways
You Can

> Afghanistan: Women & Children in Special Need--3
> Simple Ways You Can
> Help.
> While we as nation have grieved and given to the
> victims of the horrific
> terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we hope that
> Americans will also
> remember the women and children of Afghanistan, in
> particular, who have
> been victims of over two decades of drought, human
> rights abuses, war and
> now gender apartheid under the brutal Taliban regime.
> Under the Taliban,
> virtually no women or girls are allowed access to
> healthcare or the
> opportunity to work or be educated.
> Long before the current US military action in
> Afghanistan against the
> Taliban and the terrorists, many US-based groups had
> been working in
> country and in neighboring refugee camps to alleviate
> the suffering of the
> Afghan people. Other groups have worked here in the
> U.S. to educate
> Americans on the plight of Afghan women and girls.
> Afghans make up the
> world's largest refugee population. Conditions in the
> camps are extremely
> dire and in need of immediate funding. Conditions for
> women and girls in
> country and in the camps are even worse.
> The humanitarian groups we are highlighting here have
> been working on
> behalf of the people of Afghanistan for some time.
> They are thoughtful
> and legitimate groups and we are offering 3 simple
> ways to contribute to
> the very important humanitarian work they are
> undertaking.
> We hope you will contribute what you can to their
> efforts. These agencies
> have been carefully researched. You can contact Women
> Leaders Online
> directly at wlo@wlo.org with any specific
> questions/concerns. Please
> remember that just $1 American dollar goes such a long
> way. In some cases
> it can mean the difference between life and death.
> Please forward this
> email to your family and friends.
> 1. Afghan Woman's Mission, and RAWA
> http://www.afghanwomensmission.org
> The Afghan Women's Mission funds projects which
> address the desperate
> healthcare, education and empowerment needs of Afghan
> refugees-primarily
> women and children. Contributors can chose how their
> money is to be
> spent. Afghan Women's Mission and RAWA have been
> recently highlighted on
> CNN and on the Oprah Winfrey show. Contribute online
> at
> http://www.afghanwomensmission.org/help_us/donate.php
> or send a check to:
> Afghan Woman's Mission 260 S. Lake Avenue, PMB 165
> Pasadena, California
> 91101 USA
> 2. The Feminist Majority http://www.feminist.org
> This group has worked for many years now on behalf of
> Afghanistani women
> and girls and against the harsh gender apartheid that
> exists since the
> Taliban took hold. One can donate directly online OR
> purchase gifts and
> handicrafts made by Afghanistan women in refugee camps
> with the proceeds
> going directly to those groups of women. Contribute or
> purchase online
> at: http://www.helpafghanwomen.com or send a check to:
> The Feminist
> Majority Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid 1600 Wilson
> Boulevard, Suite
> 801 Arlington, VA 22209
> 3. InterAction Members http://www.interaction.org
> InterAction is the US's largest coalition of
> organizations working
> overseas in refugee and disaster assistance,
> sustainable development, and
> humanitarian aid. Several InterAction members are
> currently working to
> alleviate the humanitarian crisis in and around
> Afghanistan. InterAction
> members certify to strict operating standards and
> include groups such as
> Mercy Corps, Save the Children, and CARE. Visit
> http://www.interaction.org/afghanistan to contribute
> to the agency of your
> choice.
> We hope this helps to simplify the giving process and
> target the main
> victims--the many women and children of this region
> who seem to suffer
> most
> __________________________________________________
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> So please send your contribution today to: Women Leaders Online, P.O. Box
> 11019, Washington, DC 20008, with your e-mail address on your check. You
> can also contribute securely by credit card by visiting
> http://wlo.org/join.html and clicking on the credit card icon.
> Jeanne Clark, Executive Director
> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
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> Women Leaders Online/Women Organizing for Change
> PO Box 11019, Washington DC 20008
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