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Peace Conference


"As human beings, we have a duty of concern not merely for our own
nation but for all mankind, even as far afield s the inaccessible
mountains of Afghanistan"  Prime Minister W E Gladstone, 1897,
Midlothian Campaign Speech, Edinburgh.

What is the aim of the meeting?  Why is it important?  The events of
September 11th, with massive loss of life caused by terrorist attacks on
New York and Washington DC have raised the temperature of the global
conversation on terrorism and religious fundamentalism to near boiling
point.  Continuing anthrax attacks add to the crisis.  Military actions
by NATO countries (with the support of a global coalition against the
suspected originators of these attacks) are underway, as is a long term
campaign to end terrorist violence in the world community.  How can men
and women of faith and people involved in education (at all levels)
contribute to the search for peace and justice?  How can numerous
interfaith and educational organisations work better together?
Essential discussions will take place as to where the roots of
terrorism, violence, racism and religious fundamentalism lie, and how to
deal with them.  The gender implications of this situation are also
important to consider:  the Taliban regime is among the most draconian
in its treatment of women that has been known in history: why?  What
signal was sent to the global interfaith community by the deliberate
destruction of the priceless Buddhist statues at Bamyan in Afghanistan
erlier this year?  How can the interlinked Israeli/Palestinian dispute
be solved?  How can interfaith liberal pluralism challenge the roots of
fundamentalist terrorism? Where is the voice of compassionate and
liberal Islam?  What are the teachings on war and peace in different
faith traditions?  Is bombing the wisest solution or can we not perhaps
work towards solving the problems through mediation, evidence and legal
process?  Shouldn't the USA for instance endorse the new International
Criminal Court, established Treaty 1998, and which has been designed for
exactly such offences as those of September 11, as the U.K. has?  These
are some of the vital questions we shall be discussing from different
perspectives.  The purpose of the conference is to create the
possibility of an intelligent space for review of all the complex issues
and options facing the British and internationals response to September

Who is organising it?  The event is a collaborative venture organised by
several key organisations working in peace education and interfaith
spirituality including:  The International Institute of Peace Studies
and Global Philosophy, Children of the World 2000, The Seed of Life
Peace Foundation, and The Multifaith and Multicultural Education and
Mediation Service (MMEMS).

Where and when is it happening?  At St Deiniol@s Gladstone Memorial
Library, Hawarden Flintshire, Wales (Chester), on Saturday December 1st,
2001, from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.  This is very accessible to the M6
motorway and by train to Hawarden.

How much will it cost?  £22 will secure a ticket for the event,
including lunch and refreshments.  Overnight accommodation is available
on Friday and Saturday nights (£20 per person per night) and must be
booked separately.

Who can come?  The invitation is extended to citizens of all ages,
especially, youths and children interested in a responsible, fair,
comprehensive and measured discussion of the implications of the tragic
events of September 11 to the UK and international community.  We
welcome particularly people from all the interfaith, religious,
cultural, ethnic and spiritual traditions.  We also welcome those
involved in education, schools, and Universities, and research in
conflict resolution, peace education, religious studies, anti terrorism
and strategic studies, international law, mediation, philosophy,
economics, multiculturalism, psychology etc.

Who will be speaking?  What structure will the event take?  Our
colloquiem will allow all participants a chance to speak and exchange
opinions, both in plenary and small  group discussions.  Those with
special comments and experience will be given keynote speaker status,
but rather than being 'talked at' this is a participatory event which we
'think through together' the agonizing and difficult choices facing the
world.  We anticipate a variety of representatives of the religious
faith traditions, plus key scholars, educators, students,
representatives from peace groups and others working in related fields.
The meeting will be chaired by Thomas C. Daffern, Director of IIPSGP.
We expect to be joined by key interfaith leaders from India and
Washington DC and from the Islamic community, including Afghan
intellectuals living in exile. Lembit Opik MP will also be addressing
the meeting.

What do I do if I want to come?  Please send a cheque for £22 to book
your place for the event payable to "IIPSGP" to: the International
Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy, Camlad House, Forden,
Montgomeryshire, Powys, Wales, SY218NZ, UK  Tel: 44 + (0) 1614 452945
Email: iipsgp@clara.net.  Accommodation as above.

Are there follow up or additional meetings planned?  Yes, this event is
taking place parallel to the launch meeting of the All Party Group for
Peace and Conflict Resolution which will be meeting in Parliament on
November 20, to discuss the need for conflict resolution in today's
world, at the invitation of Lembit Opik MP, Liberal Democratic Leader
for Wales and Northern Ireland Spokesperson for the Lib Dems.  The
International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy is
serving as the Secretariat of this new All Party Group, having already
helped organise over 30 meetings in Parliament exploring peace issues
with the help of the late Lord David Ennals and Lord McNair from
1993-2000.  Space is limited at the meeting in Parliament however, and
will last only 2 hours.  (Those wishing to come the Parliamentary
meeting on 20th November, or on future occasions, please write to All
Party Peace and Conflict Resolution Secretariat IIPSGP, Camlad House,
Forden, Montgomery, Powys, Wales, SY21 8NZ UK with and S.A.E. for an
official invitation letter from Lembit Opik MP - (without such a letter
admission is not possible for security reasons)  Please Not:  People
will not be admitted to either event, in Parliament (November 20) or at
St Deiniol's Gladstone Memorial Library (December 1st) unless they have
registered in advance.

Diana Rhodes Executive Director, The Seed of Life Peace Foundation

Diana Rhodes Executive Director, The Seed of Life Peace Foundation