...un importante seminario per scongiurare una guerra contro la Siria: http://inter.ip.org.tr/lib/pages/detay.asp?goster=haberdetay&idhaber=3494 . ..."

Un'importante seminario per scongiurare la guerra in Siria si è tenuto il 19-20 novembre 2012 in Iran.
Vi hanno partecipato tutti i religiosi e gruppi etnici della Siria, delegazioni del Tajikistan, Libano, Egitto, America Latina, Iraq e Russia.
Ecco cosa ha scritto nel suo sito il partito dei lavoratori ( turchia ) invitato per il suo grande impegno  per scongiurare la guerra contro la Siria. 

Workers’ Party (Turkey) Deputy Chairman Bülent Esinoğlu participated in the “Syria National Dialogue” meeting on the 19-20 November 2012 in Tahran.

Besides Workers’ Party (Turkey) Deputy Chairman Bülent Esinoğlu, SP (Saadet Partisi – Felicity Party) Chairman Mustafa Kamalak, CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi – Republican People’s Party) MP Akay Erdemir and former ministers Abdüllatif Şener and Namık Kemal Zeybek participated in the meeting organized for the security and peace of Syria and the region, as well.

In the meeting, all religious and ethnic groups of Syria, delegations of Tajikistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Latin America, Iraq and Russia were represented. The Forreign Ministers of Russia and China conveyed messages, as well.

The meeting chaired by the Foreign Minister of Iran –Ali Ekber Salihi- lasted two days.

The representatives of Syria and Arabic countries, stressed that Turkey should not be part of the commissions resolving on Syria’s future and the peace going to be established in Syria. Some representatives mentioned that the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a soldier of the West and that he should not be taking part in the peace negotiations.

An important article among the meeting resolutions has been stated as not to interfere in the internal affairs of Syria and to stop the violence.

Workers’ Party (Turkey) Deputy Chairman Bülent Esinoğlu evaluated this meeting as the countries of the region taking the initiative.

While the support of the AKP government to the western supported terrorists met with reaction, the anti-imperialistic policies of the Workers’ Party (Turkey) were appreciated by the representatives of Syria and the other Arab countries.

Esinoğlu -drawing the interest of Iranian TV’s and Radio’s- participated in several TV and Radio programs where he explained the Middle East and Syria policies of the Workers’ Party (Turkey).