Bani WAlid, Tragedia Humanitaria

----Messaggio originale----

Data: 21-nov-2012 14.28

Ogg: Bani WAlid, Tragedia Humanitaria

Documento recibido directamente desde la resistencia Libia

An appeal for all people who have conscience and interested organizations in relief, peace and human rights.


BaniWalid, HumanitarianTragedy

Genocide and ethnic cleansing



1 -After the elimination of the Libyan state and its institutions and  leaders by armed forces with huge size of  international support, including a number of major countries argued that the alternative come after the events of February 17 .2011would  respect the  right of citizens and human rights so that the words of their contents - change - democracy - human rights. However, what happened in Libya since that date are another serious and regrettable things ended   the country to be  handed over to militias consist of  hateful extremist who get protect and support  from some regional countries and international organizations and considerthe Libyan people as hostages under their control.


2 - Wrflla is a large tribe native to Bani Walid, like other Libyan tribes, is  including pro-and anti- new authority and  agreeing  on selecting a Social Council  elected democratically from the region to manage the affairs of the locals and  announced that the tribeisunder the roof of  the state whenestablishing  a legitimate authority in the countryaccordance with the law and citizenship. However,for oldandracist  tribal  reasons and arrogance based on ignorance,  public opinion has been fuelled against this Arabhonourable tribe to be delt with as a loyal to the former regime and refuse to accept the new authority. But the troth is that the tribe participated in the elections of General National Congress and has two representatives in it and get a visit fromits leaderand many other visits from several delegations of civil  society and tribal leaders who reached a peaceful solution between Baniwalid and the city of Musrata.

Also had a visit from  the representative of the Secretary-General of the United NationsMr Ian Martin  who witnessed the normal life in it, but unfortunately, things were arranged in advance with the aim to eliminate the power and prestige of this tribe and evidences of that are:

• Giving the National Congress - not the government- the right to issuethe Resolution No. 7 of 2012, and it is well known in Libya that  the militias are influential within this congress.

• Conference rejected the results of the visits of its President and popular delegations.

• Congress Insisted  on the implementation of the resolution by military force under the pretext of extradition, forgetting that thousands of abducted and imprisoned people  in Musrata and other cities and failing to even discuss their statue .

• BaniWalid attacked and bombed indiscriminately and  all types of weapons, including  rockets and gases.


3 - What happened toBaniWalid was a real disaster , it had been  sieged for three weeks to shorten them from food, medicine and fuel  then raided  by all types of weapons for a week continuously  killing children, women and elderlies forcing thousands  of people to leave in all directions that had not been organized or arranged in advance.

 After the end of fighting,Chief of Staff announced that  the militias  had erected gates  and forcedpeople not to be returned to their homes , by the way,two battalions from Misrata moved to Alorban to prevent families  from returning to BaniWalid and  to arrest young people, as stated by some channels.


4 - Armed militias arrested  many of the social simples including some members of theSocial Council of BeniWalid, such as:

Mr Mohammed Barghouti……..head of the Council

Mr AliZarkon…………………member

Mr Mohammed Shandolee..……member

MrFaraj Gomidz……………….…member


This requires the intervention of all institutions, including the National Conference, which had met these people and come to an agreement with them , as well as many of the delegations, including the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Libya , Mr Ian Martin.


5 - The militias, which claim to be part of the National Army are accused of stealing , looting , burning some private houses of social leaders and demolishing others  by bulldozers ,Almrdom, an agricultural part of BaniWalid , is a good example of that.Armed groups  rejected the return of citizens because they will find their houses in ruins , destroyed ,  stolen or looted andthis is must be a programmer with the authorities who had preparedcampuses outside these areas for displaced families and pushing them to the non-return.


6 - The authorities were watching  people suffering  displacement and staying in the open areas where no ways of life , without taking any action to enable them to return to their homes  before being robbery, looted and vandalised.

All the above leaded to;

• 11,000 families in the road between BaniWalid and Tarhunah in the area of Umm Rishrash 95 kilometersaway from BaniWalid.

• 200 families in the region of Alorban , about80 kilometers in thenorthwest of BaniWalid .

• 300 family in WadiAlmrdo, about 15 kilometersfrom  BaniWalid.

• 500 families in the valley  SoofALjeenabout 40 miles in the southwest.

• 200 families in Chmikh in southwest of  BaniWalid, about 35 Kilometers away.

• 500 family in the Tininai and about 80 kilometers south of BaniWalid.

• 200 families in  RoyceAltabel about 100 kilometers in South of BaniWalid .

• 150 families in the area ofNesma , about ​​140 miles in the west of BaniWalid .

• 2000 family in Tripoli and its suburbs and away from BaniWalid about 180 miles and thus bringing the number of displaced families as a result of these criminal acts to about 16850 family.


7 –Unfortunately, that disaster of BaniWalid involving genocide racism and ethnic cleansing and its causes are well  known to Libyans and are relevant to what happened in 1920 during the Italian invasion of Libya when Ramadan Swehli,leader of Musrata, tried to invadeBaniWalid .That can be seen clearly after the new fighting and was confirmed by the writing slogansfound in BaniWalidand the picture of  Ramadan Swehlion its walls.


         Today, the scene is disastrous , sad and painful requires everyone inside and outside Libya to move quickly to do something as said and confirmed  by a member of the National Congress General . Mr NizarKawan in a meeting with one of the channels ,he asked for announcing BaniWalid as a disasterarea and asking for allowing human rights associations and humanitarian access to it.


From all of us, The Situation is required;


First: To condemn this barbaric attack against civilians by armed  militias and contributed by the country's authorities who issued the Resolution No. 7 and by the declaration of Chief of Staff that he has been leading the attack and that the militias are strategic support for the army .The United Nations and the international community are asked too to condemn the violation of international laws.


Second: To move the mechanisms for fact-finding and investigation at various levels to prove this barbaric crime before the loss of evidence and concealment.


Third: Speed ​​Sending  relief and humanitarian assistance to citizens who sleep on the ground and under the open sky, including thousands of women and children.


Fourth: To take all measures to enable people of BaniWalid to return to their homes urgently before exposure them to be demolished after stealing and looting .Reminding  that this right is protected by law and international conventions and treaties and all international and humanitarian organizations are being asked toclaim  for it and for applying  the provisions of resolution 1973 which was issued by the Security Council on Libya to protect civilians.



The press conference, which was held by defence minister few days ago can be referred to. He emphasized that BaniWalidhad been attacked by  armed groups and not by the army and  talked about his dispute with the National Congressthat it has noright to issue Resolution No. 7. He also challenged all to announce who had issued the command military to attackBaniWalid, saying that he himself was prevented from entering the military field by these militias.


It between your hands and requires taking all necessary to achieve

Security and peace in BaniWalid




Displaced Libyans outside Libya

After the NATO aggression

 27. 10 . 2012