NO SCUOLA DI ASSASSINI! FORT BENNING, GEORGIA ( USA ) video  manifestazione di fronte a Fort Benning, Georgia ( USA ) per chiedere la chiusura La Scuola delle Americhe, scuola di assassini.
----Messaggio originale----
Data: 18-nov-2012 11.09
Ogg: Text @SOAWatch to 23559 Join the SOA Watch Mobile Action Network

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SOA Watch <info at>
Date: 2012/11/18
Subject: Text @SOAWatch to 23559


Text @SOA Watch to 23559
Join the SOA Watch Mobile Action Network

Stay connected! SOA Watch is expanding its communications toolbox. Now you can receive urgent action alerts instantly via text message! Currently text messaging through the SOA Watch Mobile Action Network works only in the United States. Joining doesn't cost you anything. But standard text messaging and data rates from your phone carrier may apply.

The Mobile Phone Action Network was first announced earlier today from the stage at the gates of Fort Benning and broadcasted via livestream. It works with any mobile phone or device.

Join now by texting @SOAWatch to 23559.

P.S. Live Streaming of the November Vigil by Mobile Broadcast News will resume tomorrow morning, when thousands of human rights activists, torture survivors, anti-war veterans, students, families, union workers, nuns, artists, and others will process to the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia to transform the barb-wired fence into a memorial for those who have died at the hands of SOA graduates. The live video feed is embedded on the frontpage of Tune in!

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