Fwd: Re: [ECCP] urgent letter on Gaza

CAre e cari,
molti di voi l'inglese lo sanno. Vi giro quindi questi due testi inviati da una compagna tedesca sulla lista del coordinamento europeo. Il secondo è una petizione da firmare, chi vuole. A me sembra buona.....Facciamo qualcosa..CAri saluti

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Re: [ECCP] urgent letter on Gaza
Data: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 12:01:09 +0100
Mittente: Doris Ghannam <dorisghannam at web.de>
Rispondi-a: dorisghannam at web.de
A: eccp-coordination at googlegroups.com

Dear Kasia and all,

Thanks a lot for taking the action.

Just in case you might have missed the following call
Gaza Under Attack: International eyewitnesses call for action

and the following petition that started alredy by the end of October
PETITION: Stop the Israel/Gaza violence!
To: Israeli government, Hamas and Palestinian leaders, USA government, European leaders
We, Israeli civilians living along the border with Gaza, civilians in Gaza and citizens from all around the world call to end the violence!

Every few weeks violence across the Gaza/Israel border surges. Israel air raids in Gaza, kill and injure innocent civilians, and rockets fired from Gaza into civilian populations in Israel, cause trauma, chaos and physical harm.

We have lived through this long enough, and will no longer sit by quietly.

We are people on both sides of the border who deserve the right to live normal lives. That’s it!

We call upon the Israeli and Hamas governments to end this violence once and for all. Find the ways to sit down and talk, end the attacks and the siege on Gaza, and stop playing with our lives.

Warm regards


Am 15.11.2012 09:24, schrieb ~ Aurora ~:
Great -and urgent - initiative!!
I think it is extremely important to also specifically the timeline (see video interview with Ali Abunimah for details - click towards the end of the article in the link below) as much of the western media, once again, is reporting that Israel is 'merely' retaliating due to rocket fire from Gaza!!
So it must be made clear that this is absolutely not the case!
(Please note that I will be going to Amsterdam later today for our NPK meeting, and won't be back home until Friday evening. So I won't have much, if any, opportunity to be online during that period. But I assume that Wim and Sonja will be able to give you any feedback from NPK.)
Thanks for suggesting to take this quick action!!
Warm regards,

> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 09:04:13 +0100
> From: coordination at eccpalestine.org
> To: eccp-coordination at googlegroups.com
> Subject: [ECCP] urgent letter on Gaza
> Hi all,
> I'll draft a letter to Ashton today re. the operation of Israel in
> Gaza.
> We should send it asap - tomorrow morning the latest.
> What do you think?
> Best,
> Katarzyna