action alert for Vittorio Arrigoni and more

WRITE TO ITALIAN FOREIGN OFFICE TO CLOSE KAPLAN SITE! SCRIVETE ALLA FARNESINA !! HELP close down the site that instigated to his assassination and the assassination of others. We denounced this back in 2009 and this site eliminated the direct call on its cachet (and changed its URL, but PTT luckily archived the screenshots in our original appeal to stop Lee Kaplan, and have all the evidence needed. Now, we need your help to get our foreign ministry to finally take action).
this was a false alarm from the major Italian site following the events, yet it states that Kaplan is being investigated by Interpol. See this link to find the archive to the original report we published demanding the closing of the site as it endangered the lives of our friends and fellow activists, by naming them specifically, it is proof that there has been incitement and instigation by the site financed by David Horowitz. (follow the links)
Goodbye, Vik (Luca Galassi for PeaceReporter) English translation of the Italian first report with dynamics of the event that are quite clear. Interesting details that absolutely should be taken into consideration for the investigations.
Ricordando Vik – da Jeff Halper (in italian, translated by Vik’s English language translator, Daniela Filippin)