petition, mossad agent captured, Hamas/Shalit, Palestinian Left

In case you haven't signed the petition, read the text, sign and circulate to promote a global campaign of unity of intent for the liberation of Palestinians.

Kawther Salam reports on the capture in Lebanon of a mossad agent.

There are so many misconceptions about Palestinian politics. That is because of the insistence of being told by Westerners and Israelis who represents the Palestinians and what resistance movements and parties are the "real ones". To dispel this intense ignorance that only serves Israel, we present a very good summary of the most recent panel discussion in London with top exponents of the Palestinian Left. Intro by Mary Rizzo.

Khalid Amayreh asks Hamas to remain steadfast in their policy on Shalit.

and more...
All blogs, sites, activists interested in joining the Detainees Awareness Week activities, please contact Mary or Haitham on Facebook, PTT, SR or this address. thx.