PTT on Press TV, Freedom Flotilla, Important Action Alerts, UK and US theft and Doubletalk regarding human rights

A few brand new things on PTT from our writers, contributors and guest writers. A video, some action alerts and stunning art. Feel free to share, reprint, link, etc.

If it is not obvious to Britain and the US, it is clear to the millions of inhabitants of the Middle East, that you are the main thieves and robbers of our times. You are the biggest obstacle on the way of a safe and prosperous Middle East; a Middle East where people determine their future and destiny untainted by your political and economic bullying or outright military occupations. Masquerading as peace-loving, human-rights-caring societies fools no one.
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Kawther Salam shares with us the appeal to help the family of Tony Nassar, about to join millions of other Palestinians who are being ethnically cleansed by Israelis.
The message which Dr. Awad sent me yesterday about the family of Tony Nassar in Bethlehem tells the story of every Palestinian living in his own home and land in Palestine, the story of everybody living in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Beit Sahour, Beit Jala, the villages south of Hebron, north, south, east and west of Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus, and in all Palestinian villages and towns in the occupied territories. It is a story of life under the rule of the military zionist Israeli occupation for more than 62 years. It suffices to be a Palestinian to live your days and nights accused and persecuted of all offenses, under unjust charges brought by the zionists of so called “Israel”.

A gorgeous drawing depicting Gaza amid the Freedom Flotilla by the Lebanese artist Lena Merhej

Action alert for all to contact their national leaders to press Israel to STOP any aggressive actions against the people bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza by sea.

Yousef Munayyer asks why Israel is afraid of a few boats. Outstanding article!

Mary Rizzo of PTT was interviewed on Press TV's "Remember Palestine". You can watch it here.